South Korea's two major display manufacturers are optimistic about evolving market demands and are targeting the on-device AI OLED market. The next-generation "tandem OLED" technology boasts superior performance compared to previous OLEDs, drawing attention to its future development.
Samsung Display (SDC) is experiencing rapid revenue growth due to Apple's introduction of the first iPad products equipped with OLED panels. SDC president Joo-Sun Choi anticipates a recovery in the OLED industry starting in the second half of 2024, and there is growing interest in whether SDC will accelerate its investments in IT OLED panels.
South Korea's Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) Nano-Lithography Research Center, in collaboration with research-oriented company Meta2People, has successfully developed the world's first nano transparent screen exceeding 100 inches. This innovative screen can adjust its transparency based on surrounding light and image information, and boasts lower production costs compared to existing transparent OLED screens, making it a promising candidate for widespread application.
E Ink's recent operations have shown strong performance after overcoming challenging times, with their full-color e-paper billboards being adopted by major brands. In addition to Sharp and Philips, Samsung Electronics has also decided to introduce e-paper billboards after showcasing them for the first time. The product is expected to launch in 2025. This adoption by major brands will further enhance the visibility of e-paper technology.
While China has made progress in some mature processes, it still has a long way to go before reaching IC self-sufficiency, according to industry sources.
Micro LED TVs are considered an important next-gen technology, but their high prices have prevented them from becoming more widespread. Samsung Electronics has made plans to reduce the price of Micro LED TVs, intending to reduce production costs to one-tenth of the current value within the next 2-3 years.
Samsung is initiating a price reduction strategy for microLED TVs, which has inspired its sole microLED chip supplier, PlayNitride, to feel optimistic about the potential for reducing production costs across the supply chain and increasing shipment growth.
AMOLED has overtaken LCD as the mainstream screen technology for mobile phones, heaping pressure on Taiwanese panel makers who specialize in the latter, according to industry sources.
Apple sent shock waves across the industry in March by canceling its microLED project and ending collaboration with Ams OSRAM.
US-based Rain Technology has accumulated more than two decades of experience in consumer display technologies, with ventures into LCD, OLED, e-privacy, and automotive fields. The company's latest addition to its portfolio, the Anamorphic-XR (AR/VR), is promoting wider adoption of AR/VR by addressing some of the most notable issues in contemporary devices, such as their display brightness, field of view, and color fidelity.
Although the two major panel manufacturers saw slight declines in revenue in June 2024, the second quarter was overall quite fruitful due to rising panel prices.