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Sea of Stars’ unique RPG combat has already won me over

When I first started up the new demo for Sea of Stars, the upcoming indie RPG that draws inspiration from classics like Chrono Trigger, I wasn’t hooked after my first battle. Its combat system confused me at first, with shifting type weaknesses and a mana pool that somehow felt like it was only an inch deep. Only after I read about the combat in-depth did I learn to appreciate its quirks, like its signature “lock” system. If only it teased a more emotionally gripping story, I’d be convinced it’s worth playing from the start to end.

Sabotage Studio’s latest project serves as a prequel to its other game, The Messenger. Our heroes, Zale and Valere, are the only ones capable of using Eclipse Magic, a special power capable of defeating the Fleshmancer’s monsters. It’s up to the two protagonists to stop their foe with their combined powers — something that Sabotage takes care to highlight in the demo with the aforementioned combat.

C-combo breaker!

Sea of Stars blends just the right amount of traditional and modern gameplay in its battles. Players can directly choose if a character attacks, casts a spell, or uses an item during their turn. Each character has a mana bar that refills whenever they use their normal attacks, as well as skills that they can cast when they have enough MP. Ideally, the player should take advantage of type weaknesses. Attacks charge a combo meter that lets characters use dual attacks, which sometimes hit more weaknesses than the characters can on their own.

That’s where Sea of Stars‘ “lock” feature comes in. Locks are the rows of blocks that sometimes appear above an enemy before it unleashes a special attack. The blocks have symbols for the four types of attacks, including Sun and Moon magic. If you hit the enemy with the types of attacks as listed, then it will weaken its attack or, if you break all the locks, cancel the attack altogether. It’s much easier to break the locks with skills and combo attacks. Still, breaking locks is meant to be a bonus and is not necessary to complete the game.

Boss fight in Sea of Stars demo
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Some attacks, like Valere’s Moonerang, also need timed button presses to increase damage. These prompts makes the player an active participant in the fight with the real-time button presses, even after they select which move to use. It’s a bit of a chore to figure out how to break locks from context clues, so I’d advise that you read the “how to play section” from the Sea of Stars title screen if you plan on playing the demo. For those who want to focus on the story, there’s also an accessibility option that boosts HP and regenerates health after battles.

The combat and puzzle-solving portions of the demo hint at a game with a solid mechanical skeleton. I can’t help but feel it’s lacking personality based on what I’ve played, though.

Looking for more

Demos aren’t fully indicative of a final game. They just give players a taste of what to expect in 30 minutes to 60 minutes. Sea of Stars focuses on gameplay in its demo but doesn’t offer as much insight into its story or characters. Zale and Valere don’t seem to have much difference between their personalities, to the point where I wouldn’t be able to distinguish their dialogue from each other if they weren’t labeled. Meanwhile, their friend Garl clearly comes off as the happy-go-lucky type, but without much to differentiate him from similar archetypes.

Of course, the game has some clear personality in the form of humor. You can see it in some of the NPC lines, including the poor fellow at the bar who needed a large coffee for their finals. I didn’t feel emotionally attached to anything happening because there weren’t any stakes to get attached to right away, though. The gameplay is clean, but a little too sterile without the juicier parts of the story.

Two guards blocking path in Sea of Stars
Image used with permission by copyright holder

If you’re an RPG aficionado, it’s worth poking into the Nintendo Switch demo to see for yourself how it all plays out. It should take about an hour of your time, even with some light wandering — maybe longer if you want to talk to every single NPC and wipe out a couple of times. If you do pop in, don’t miss the Coral Cascades region outside of town. It lets you listen to Chrono Trigger composer Yasunori Mitsuda’s first guest track in the game.

Sea of Stars will launch for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch on August 29, 2023. The demo is only available for Nintendo Switch right now, but Sabotage confirmed it would be coming to Steam at a later date.

Jess Reyes
Jessica Reyes is a freelance writer who specializes in anime-centric and trending topics. Her work can be found in Looper…
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These characters will be paid DLC, with Jenny being available now. The new trailer shows Jenny facing off against other characters in the game like Reptar, Nigel Thornberry, Garfield, and Danny Phantom.

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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga isn’t just for kids
Promotional art of Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.

Before Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, I had fallen out of love with TT Games and WB Games' Lego titles. The Lego Star Wars, Batman, and Indiana Jones series helped make me passionate about video games as a kid as I spent endless fun (and sometimes frustrating) hours playing them with my brother.
Over time though, I aged out of the series and grew more disappointed with the basic open-world formula the series settled on after great games like Lego City Undercover. I was no longer smitten with one of the series that helped cement my love of video games. That’s why The Skywalker Saga’s bold new direction excites me.
It not only revisits the films behind some of my favorite Lego games, but builds on top of them with more expansive hub worlds, mission variety, and deeper gameplay than previous Lego action games. While The Skywalker Saga’s multiple delays and development issues concerned me, my hands-on with an early build of the game managed to engross me just like the original Lego Star Wars did 17 years ago.
A New Hope for the series
My demo took me through the first 90 minutes of A New Hope, one of the nine Star Wars films represented within The Skywalker Saga. Like every Lego game before it, this segment of the game followed the events of the film it was based on. It features full voice acting (from soundalikes, not the film cast), though I appreciated the inclusion of a “mumble mode” that makes the characters grunt and pantomime as they did in early Lego games.
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga - Gameplay Overview
TT Games also experiments with the iconic opening of A New Hope. Many jokes are present to keep kids entertained, but it also intertwines with the end of Rogue One. The first character I played as was actually Princess Leia, who has the Death Star plans and is trying to escape Darth Vader as he boards the Tantive IV. Somehow, this Lego game made this oft-adapted and parodied plot beat feel fresh.
This mission also served as a tutorial and a demonstration of how The Skywalker Saga differs from previous Lego games. Yes, there are still combat, exploration, and puzzles, but those are deeper than before. A cover-based system has been implemented to make shootouts more involving. Meanwhile, players can now string together melee combos with different moves and counter enemies' attacks, making melee battles more enjoyable than before. Character classes and abilities also ensure fights in this game are more than simple button-mashing affairs.
Missions often give players multiple options to complete objectives, whether that’s because of a specific Lego build players can create or the abilities of their playable character. It’s no Devil May Cry, but these deeper gameplay systems made sure my eyes didn’t gloss over out of boredom within the first hour, something I can’t say for the last couple of Lego games I played.
The Skywalker Saga made a strong first impression on me and excited me to see how the rest of A New Hope would unfold. I was able to play as Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi, recruit Han and Chewbacca, and explore the Death Star before my demo ended. While this is the second time TT Games is adapting this material, it feels completely new because of the revamped approach to storytelling, level design, and gameplay design.
All grown up
During my demo, I only scratched the surface of what the game had to offer. The Skywalker Saga seems to be the most densely packed Lego game yet, as all nine mainline Star Wars films have been recreated here. Not only are there linear levels based on the main plot points and set pieces of each film, but there are large hubs on planets and areas in space that players can explore and complete side missions within.
As players complete the stories of more films and gain access to more characters, ships, and planets, the amount of options players will have at their disposal will only continue to grow. The Skywalker Saga also has a progression system to back that amount of content up ,as missions reward players with Kyber Bricks that players use to unlock and enhance abilities on skill trees.

Yes, this game has skill trees to complement the aforementioned classes -- which include Jedi, Smugglers, and Protocol Droids -- and their abilities, which is useful during and outside of combat. Systems like this bring TT Games’ Lego series more up to par with its action game peers and make it feel like the franchise has finally grown up. As The Skywalker Saga will be the first Lego game in years to appeal to those with nostalgia for the series' earliest game, it's a relief to see that it won't disappoint. 
Of course, The Skywalker Saga still will be approachable enough for kids thanks to its visuals, humor, and approachable gameplay basics, but it finally doesn’t seem like that’s coming at the sacrifice of engaging gameplay for older players. While I thought I had aged out of ever liking a Lego game again, this demo of The Skywalker Saga revealed that I could still love these games -- they just had to catch up to me first.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be released for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch on April 5, 2022.

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Sea of Stars uses RPG simplicity as a secret weapon
The Solstice Warriors stand under a full moon in Sea of Stars' key art.

The Messenger, an intricately designed 2D platformer inspired by the likes of the Ninja Gaiden sreies, is one of the best indie games of the last decade. That’s why it was surprising when developer Sabotage revealed that its next project was Sea of Stars, a radically different turn-based RPG inspired by games like Chrono Trigger.

While it might seem like a wildly different direction for Sabotage to go in, it’s actually part of a broader world that Thierry Boulanger, studio president and creative director has crafted since he was in elementary school. I got an early, hands-off look at Sea of Stars, and it’s clear that Boulanger is expanding the world he has inside his head with a game that takes all of the correct lessons from classic RPGs.

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