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The best Resident Evil 4 mods

The replay quotient of the Resident Evil 4 remake is already incredibly high. Aside from attempting the game on higher difficulties, odds are you will miss at least some of the collectibles or guns during your first run. Still, many people will want more, and the included extras like costumes and special weapons can only extend a single-player game’s life so much. This is where mods come in. From new models and outfits to reworked mechanics, mods can breathe new life into this survival horror masterpiece.

How to install Resident Evil 4 remake mods

Modding for the Resident Evil 4 remake is only really available for the PC version, and is most easily done through the popular Nexus Mod Manager. This safe, reliable tool allows you to browse, download, and apply mods with ease. After you download the manager, you simply need to save the mod of your choice, run the installer, go through the installation, and run the game with the mod. For a more detailed tutorial on how to do this, see the Nexus Mods tutorial or watch the video below.

how to download mods from Nexusmods (EASY) 2021 ??


Hunk loading a pistol.
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Again, there are so many Leon replacement mods that this list could be filled with those alone. For our pick, we went with the old favorite HUNK Mod. As you can see, this replaces Leon with the mysterious Umbrella operative, complete with his own sounds (excluding dialogue of course). Playing as this masked soldier gives the game a very different feel. Just make sure you don’t have any accessory equipped or the head won’t work properly.

Merchant Now trade Small Key

A merchant shop selling small keys.
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One of the many collectibles in the Resident Evil 4 remake that can easily be missed are the Small Keys. These unique keys are used to unlock all the locked drawers you will no doubt encounter in the first several chapters of the game. Normally, you would need to track down and find each key, then backtrack to the drawers to loot their treasures. With the Merchant Now trade Small Key mod, you can load up on an infinite number of them for the low, low price of free.

No Ugly Yellow Paint Everywhere

Leon looking at a barrel with no paint on it.

For all you purists out there who think that the Resident Evil 4 remake is being to “gamey” by showing you which boxes and barrels you can break by splattering yellow paint on them, the No Ugly Yellow Paint Everywhere mod was made for you. And that’s it! This mod is just about making the game more immersive and more in line with how the original looked.

Classic RE4 Leon

Leon wearing his classic outfit.
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We’re cutting ourselves a little slack on this one and considering this an outfit change for Leon. This is another one for all you lovers of the original Resident Evil 4 who want to see Leon back in his old uniform one more time. Sure, the Classic RE4 Leon outfit isn’t a major difference, but it is a nice way to inject a little nostalgia into your playthrough.

Health Bars

Leon aiming at enemies with health bars.
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We are in complete agreement with the Health Bars mod creator in that this isn’t a mod you should use on your first run through the Resident Evil 4 remake. Like its name states, it shows you a health bar for all the enemies in the game. This could be fun for experimenting with weapons and combos in later playthroughs, but it would severely hinder the tension and immersion if you were playing for the first time. Considering how arcade-like the game can get in later playthroughs, it’s almost surprising this wasn’t an option in the game by default.

Church Bell No More (Infinite Timer)

Leon S. Kennedy shoots villagers in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

The opening village fight is one of the most iconic encounters not only in the Resident Evil franchise, but gaming as a whole. People love it so much that they often start up a new game just to play this one part. While Mercenaries Mode does offer this map to play in more, it always has a time limit. If you wanted to see just how long you could survive this brutal assault, the Church Bell No More (Infinite Timer) mod makes that opening battle go on as long as you can survive. You can even add in tweaks, such as turning on Mad Chainsaw mode, infinite knife durability, and infinite ammo.

Kick Open Doors — Melee Anytime

Leon kicking open a door.
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For all the great additions the Resident Evil 4 remake made to the original, the option to boot open doors with a powerful kick is sorely missed. Loading up Kick Open Doors — Melee Anytime brings back the option to double-tap the interact button on a door to make Leon blast it open with a powerful kick, which will still knock down and injure any enemies hit by the door. It also comes with an option to simply make Leon kick whenever you like, without needing to stagger an enemy first.

Dead Space Remake Engineering Suit

Leon wearing Isaac's dead space suit.
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Look, Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space were already compared to one another before either of the remakes landed within months of each other. Now that the two are going head-to-head for the title of best survival horror game of the year, and possibly best game of the year, why not bring the two together with the Dead Space Remake Engineering Suit? It’s the best of both worlds!

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
The best Fallout New Vegas mods
A soldier with a sniper in New Vegas.

The debate around which Fallout game is best typically comes down to either Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Whichever side you land on, there's no denying that New Vegas made the most out of what it had to work with. This game was originally made by Obsidian, not Bethesda, and it had a very short development time that resulted in a game in which the technical performance couldn't quite match its narrative and mechanical ambitions. While the core was still great, it has also been over a decade since the game came out, which makes those blemishes even more evident. Because fans took so well to what this entry was trying to do, mods have kept New Vegas alive and well to this day. From basic visual enhancements to new quests and locations, here are the best mods you can get for New Vegas.
NMCS Texture Pack

Honestly, New Vegas was never a looker. Even upon release, it was a bit behind the times in terms of graphical fidelity, and two generations later, it isn't aging all that well. The NMCS Texture Pack doesn't bring every aspect of the world up to a modern standard, but what it does upgrade is incredibly impressive. This mod completely retextures roads, environments, plants, vehicles, buildings, and more. What it won't change is how the sky, water, clothing, NPCs, weapons, and a handful of other things appear. It also does not work with any DLC. Still, the majority of things you will be seeing get a great visual buff here to help breathe new life into the wasteland.
EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements

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The best Power Armor in Fallout 4 and where to find each set
Fallout 4 key art featuring the power armor suit hung up in an armory.

From the very first Fallout game, the Power Armor has been every wastelander's dream to pilot. This hulking suit of armor can make your normally squishy Vault Dweller nigh unkillable in Fallout 4. But there's more than just one type of Power Armor, and each one has different stats and requirements to wear. Not only that, but some you might find one piece at a time and need to build yourself, while others can be found as a complete set. If you want to make even a Deathclaw think twice about attacking you, only the best Power Armor will do. Here are the best suits in Fallout 4 and where to find them.
Raider Power Armor

This is the only Power Armor in Fallout 4 that even a base-level player can wear right off the bat. While that's great, it does mean it's the weakest option out there. The best stats you can get with it are 500 damage resistance, 250 energy resistance, and 1,050 radiation resistance for a total rating of 1,800. It's great for the early game if you can snag one, but is quickly outclassed by everything else on this list. A guaranteed spawn for this armor is in the cave right beside Skylanes Flight 1665 on your map.
T-45 Power Armor

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The best Fallout 3 mods
An alpha deathclaw enforcer attacking in Fallout 3.

Right alongside Skyrim, Fallout 3 is one of the most modded games of all time. Bethesda took this series and transformed it into an open-world adventure that had never really been seen up to that point. As much as there was to do in that base experience, there was a limit to what could be done. However, dedicated fans didn't let that end their fun and began modding the game with new features, quality of life improvements, and new content to extend the life of Fallout 3 to the point where you can still play it today and have an amazing time. Now that modders have had well over a decade to work with the game, there are potentially thousands of mods you can try out, but these are the best ones we've found.
FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition

Let's kick things off with a bang and talk about the FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition mod. Calling this a single mod is kind of a misnomer since it actually integrates over 50 other mods into one massive package. The purpose is to rework the balance and depth of the game to be more fair and give players more opportunities to role-play. This mod does make the game intentionally harder than the base version. Combat is faster and more determined by player skilll. Also, which perks and skills you have make a bigger difference. Injuries need to be treated more carefully, over 40 new weapons and pieces of armor have been added, AI has been enhanced, and dozens of other changes were implemented to make the game more immersive. It's the simplest way to give another playthrough some spice.

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