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Ford to expand autonomous-car research in race to launch robo-taxi service

Ford has already set out its ambitious plan to launch taxi and delivery services using autonomous vehicles by 2021, and is working steadily in a bid to achieve its goal.

Already testing its autonomous technology in Detroit, Miami, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D.C., the car giant is now preparing to extend its operations to Austin, Texas, TechCrunch reported this week, citing sources familiar with the matter.

In a statement to the news outlet, Ford declined to confirm that it’s planning to test its driverless cars in Austin, though it didn’t deny it, either.

“We are on track to announce the next deployment city in which we plan to expand our self-driving technology and business testing efforts by the end of this year,” the company said, adding that it would offer further details “at the appropriate time.”

The recent discovery of an online Ford job listing for an “autonomous vehicles market specialist” based in Austin appears to offer further evidence of the automaker’s plans for the city. The ad describes autonomous vehicles as “an important part of Ford’s future” and asks for the “best and brightest” to join its team. It says the role requires “critical thinking, problem solving capabilities, and a ‘get it done’ attitude to help make strategic decisions that will enable Ford to be a leader in autonomy, connectivity, mobility, analytics, and customer experience.”

Ford is planning to invest $4 billion by 2023 in its recently created autonomous driving subsidiary, Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC., with a further $1 billion going to autonomous-vehicle software company Argo A.I. to help it develop its technology.

Ford has also partnered with Chinese tech titan Baidu for driverless-car trials there, and hooked up with outfits such as Domino’s Pizza,  Walmart, and Postmates for trial services in the U.S. using autonomous cars to deliver goods to customers.

These growing efforts have helped to place Ford alongside Waymo and GM Cruise as the main three players in the race to create large-scale commercial services using autonomous vehicles, according to a recent study by Navigant Research. The study arrived at its rankings after examining 10 criteria that included technical capability and business-plan viability.

But as the Detroit News pointed out in a report this week, rising research and development costs coupled with regulatory hurdles mean the road to large-scale commercial services using self-driving vehicles is likely to be a bumpy one.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
Robotaxi firm Cruise ordered to halve fleet following incidents
A Cruise autonomous car.

Autonomous car company Cruise has been told by regulators to halve its robotaxi fleet in San Francisco following a crash with a fire truck on Thursday in which the driverless car's passenger suffered minor injuries.

The regulator -- the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) -- said that it’s looking into “recent concerning incidents” involving self-driving Cruise cars operating on the city’s public roads.

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An autonomous car in San Francisco got stuck in wet concrete
A Cruise autonomous car.

A self-driving car operated by General Motors-backed Cruise got stuck on Tuesday when it drove into a patch of wet concrete.

The incident happened in San Francisco and occurred just days after California's Public Utilities Commission made a landmark decision when it voted to allow autonomous-car companies Cruise and Waymo to expand their paid ridesharing services in the city to all hours of the day instead of just quieter periods.

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Waymo taps the brakes on its autonomous-trucking project
A Waymo autonomous trick undergoing testing on a highway.

Six years after launching its autonomous-truck program, Waymo has said it’s decided to focus more on developing its ridesharing ambitions using its self-driving cars and minivans.

The California-based, Alphabet-owned company said its decision to effectively put autonomous trucking on the back burner is down to the “tremendous momentum and substantial commercial opportunity” that it’s seeing with the pilot ridesharing service it launched in Arizona in 2018 before taking it to several other states. Customers involved in the program can use an app to call a Waymo driverless car in the same way they would book an Uber.

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