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Cornell University

University Policy 6.6.13
Flexibility in the Workplace

Policy Introduction

Cornell University provides flexible work arrangements, at the discretion of department heads or their designee, to enable staff and management to effectively serve customers, meet university goals, and help employees balance personal and professional responsibilities.

To Whom This Policy Applies

  • Cornell University
  • Cornell Tech

1.0 Policy Principles

Flexible work arrangements are an important tool to further the university’s priority of attracting and retaining a high-performing, diverse workforce. The following are Cornell’s core principles governing the use of flexible work at Cornell:

1.1 Flexible work arrangements will be approved only if they advance the university’s mission and priorities without compromising student, customer, coworker, and other constituent experience as determined in the university’s sole discretion. 

Flexible work arrangements under this policy are not a guaranteed universal employee benefit, and it is not possible to offer flexible work arrangements to all employees. Flexible work arrangements are not suitable for every position. For example, many positions require an on-campus presence to serve students or other clients and customers, require the ability to work with others on campus at specific times and shifts, and/or involve tools, equipment or other apparatus that need to remain on campus, and therefore, may not be appropriate for flexible work. 

Flexible work arrangements are voluntary in nature unless the university notifies the employee in writing that the employee’s job position requires such an arrangement. 

1.2  College and administrative unit leadership will make flexible work decisions appropriate for positions in their unit and will optimize onsite space utilization based on these decisions, using approved university-wide guidelines. Leaders will factor any resulting financial impacts of these decisions into their college or unit approved budget. 

Although Cornell has many positions which are similar in their basic responsibilities, there can be great variance in priorities, services, customers, and environments across the institution. Given these variations, Cornell reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, the degree of flexibility available, if any, for a particular job. 

1.3  Applicable compliance requirements and related considerations should be factored into all flexible work arrangement decisions.

For flexible work arrangements to be approved, many relevant requirements must be considered, including but not limited to applicable tax, immigration, benefits, insurance, payroll, and legal requirements. College and administrative unit HR leads will work with university expert(s) to understand these requirements and share them with their leadership to determine the outcome of a flexible work request. Refer to the Flexibility in the Workplace Program and Procedures regarding out-of-state-remote work requests.

1.4  Flexible work arrangements, including requests, and reasons for approval, denial or modification, must be documented in writing. 

Refer to the Flexibility in the Workplace Procedures for further guidance on documenting arrangements.

1.5 Flexible work arrangements must be regularly assessed and should be changed or discontinued when no longer appropriate for the college or unit as determined in the university’s sole discretion. 

Flexible work arrangements are entered into because they meet both employee and organizational needs when proposed. The university reserves the right to review all current flexible work arrangements at any time and update or discontinue such arrangements as needed to ensure they continue meeting both business and employee needs, as determined by the university. It is a best practice to provide at least one month’s notice if either a department/unit or the employee decides to discontinue a flexible work arrangement; however, such notice is not required or guaranteed, and the arrangement may be discontinued or modified at any time, with or without advance notice, for any reason or no reason. 

Flexible work arrangements do not alter the at-will employment relationship between the university and its employees. Employees are expected to fulfill their job duties and responsibilities, uphold the university's standards of ethical conduct, and comply with all university and applicable unit-specific policies, whether on or off-site. 

Caution: Human Resources may approve flexible work arrangements due to the need for a leave of absence or as a reasonable accommodation in accordance with applicable law. Such requests are governed by the applicable leave of absence or accommodation policy not this policy or the Flexibility in the Workplace Program or Procedures. Employees who seek such leaves must contact Medical Leaves Administration and employees seeking accommodations must contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX.

Generally, the university tries to consistently apply its policies with all employees, including those represented by a bargaining representative or union. An employee represented by a union who is interested in exploring the Flexibility in the Workplace Policy, Program, and Procedures should consult with their union, their local HR representative, and Staff and Labor Relations.

The university complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. It will provide greater or different benefits than those indicated in this policy and the Flexibility in the Workplace Program and Procedures where required by law to employees working in a jurisdiction with such legal requirements.

This policy and the Flexibility in the Workplace Program and Procedures supersede all previously issued versions of the Flexibility in the Workplace policy and procedures. The university reserves the right to modify, amend, delete, or add to the provisions of this policy and the Flexibility in the Workplace Program and Procedures at any time without prior notice. All such revisions, deletions and additions must be in writing. This policy and the Flexibility in the Workplace Program and Procedures do not constitute an express or implied contract, and nothing in them alters the at-will nature of employment with the university as set forth in the Employment At-Will policy. 

2.0 Responsibilities

2.1 Responsible Office

Department of Human Resources Employee Experience

2.2 University Management

University Management (this includes staff and faculty supervisors, etc.): Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

3.0 How to Report a Concern

The Cornell Ethics and Compliance Hotline is the primary mechanism to confidentially or anonymously report ethics, integrity, or compliance concerns to the university.

Other reporting options are also available.

4.0 Record Retention

Records associated with this policy shall be maintained by the individual or Unit engaging in the activity. Records shall be retained or disposed of in accordance with University Policy 4.7, Retention of University Records.

5.0 Compliance

University Compliance, University Audit, and others may audit or investigate to assess compliance with this policy. Non-compliance with university policies is addressed in accordance with applicable policies and procedures, and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

6.0 Related Resources

University Forms and Systems

7.0 Definitions

Alternative Arrival/DeparturePlease see the Forms of Flexibility section of the Flexibility in the Workplace Program for this definition. 
Business TravelAn employee temporarily travels away from their customary work location for legitimate business reasons and returns to their work location after travel concludes.
Compressed SchedulePlease see the Forms of Flexibility section of the Flexibility in the Workplace Program for this definition. 
Flexible Work ArrangementAn arrangement established between an employee and supervisor wherein the time or location of work performed is different than the customary schedule or work location. Also referred to as a flexible work agreement.
Job Share ArrangementPlease see the Forms of Flexibility section of the Flexibility in the Workplace Program for this definition.
Fully Remote – Cornell’s Request (Remote Work)Cornell requires an employee to live and work remotely in a specific region in the U.S. (e.g., AAD West Coast). The definition of remote work does not include Cornell employees who are on approved business travel.
Fully Remote – Employee’s Request (Remote Work)Work performed at home or another offsite location, within the U.S. but excluding U.S. territories, as requested by the employee and with prior approval from the university. This may or may not be for a specified timeframe and duration. The definition of remote work does not include Cornell employees who are on approved business travel.
HybridA flexible work arrangement that combines remote and on-site responsibilities.
Fully On-siteJobs that require full-time on-site presence of the employee.
Primarily On-siteJobs that require a regular on-site presence. For example, some positions may allow for seasonal flexibility when students/customers are not on campus or if coverage levels can support flexibility.
Local Human Resource Representative The individual(s) in your college or unit with the responsibility to handle human resource matters. Find your HR rep.
Occasional Use AgreementPlease see the Forms of Flexibility section of the Flexibility in the Workplace Program for this definition.
Regular EmployeeAn employee with an appointment of at least 20 hours per week who is not a temporary employee.
SupervisorThe individual in a department, unit, office, or section with primary responsibility for the regular and customary supervision of individual positions. The supervisory duties generally include, but are not limited to, hiring, salary adjustments, approving time worked and time off, performance management, and work assignment decisions.

8.0 Responsible Office and Policy Administration

Policy Clarification and InterpretationContactPhoneEmail/Web Address
Cornell University and Cornell Tech Employee Experience(607)

9.0 Responsible Executive

Human Resources, Christine LovelyVice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

10.0 Revision History

Date Issued: January 1, 1998
Date of Full Review:January 18, 2024
Date Last Updated:July 9, 2024
Revision notes:Non-substantial Revision - Updated link in Section 1.3; Fixed typo in Caution Section; Added (Remote Work) to “Fully Remote - Cornell's Request” and also for “Fully Remote - Cornell's Request”.

Policy details