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Post-2012 Movie Map



A blank map of the world after the events of the movie 2012, based on a globe map that appears on a viewport in the alternate ending. Was inspired to do this a couple years ago by B_Munro/Quantumbranching's 2012 map (which I hold in very high regard and which triggered my interest in alternate history and mapmaking), although this one is more movie-accurate. The viewport map does not match up with the coastline we see from space, so I suspect it is meant to be a projection of what the coastlines would look like once the seabeds have stabilised and the sea level has settled. This map takes into account the crustal displacement seen in the film, with the South Pole in Wisconsin (it was the North Pole, but the magnetic polarity of the Earth flipped), and the fact that various continental blocks have undergone uplift or subsidence.

Outside of Africa (still devastated by earthquakes, volcanoes, etc), most of the rest of the land with the exception of the highest peaks has probably been scoured lifeless by the megatsunamis. Likely a few million survivors in Africa, probably less than a hundred thousand mountain-dwellers elsewhere, and of course the four hundred thousand Ship Folk.

Re-examining the viewport map has made me realise that this map may need some corrections: Western Turkey and Greenland are underwater and the Indian subcontinent is somewhat lower (much of Bangladesh is underwater). I had to guess with Antarctica, as it isn't shown on the map. Also, it's not precisely WorldA resolution.

I may turn this into a scenario, a hundred, two hundred years later or whatever. Would have to make sure not to steal too much from Bruce's map, though :)

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1276x652px 14.98 KB
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