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ForbiddenParadise64's avatar

Retrograde Earth satellite map



Done by MolotovJack based on data from mikolajewicz et al 2018 and from some of my own analyses of the data. Molotov also did the main climate map shown on my channel as well as on his shown here;

Retrograde Earth: What if the Earth spun backwards

This map here is a “satellite” view based on foliage cover simulated in the study, shown below;

As you can see, there is a very notable difference in foliage distribution to our own world. There are deserts across the southern United States and China, while the Sahara and Arabia blossom. The different shades should give a clear indication as to how dense foliage is or isn’t in this world. Whar does your home look like in this world? Use this combined with the climate map to figure out!

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4320x2160px 2.5 MB
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WimpishMercury's avatar

Imagine if Zealandia was present in this universe.

Also, Florida being desert?

grab cowboy hat

Giddy up, bitches. We're goin' to Floxas.