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Cretaceous Biomes of Asia



This is a rough outline of the vegetation biomes in Cretaceous Asia.  It is based roughly on an estimation of global vegetation distribution during the Cretaceous from an academic paper, but I've taken several creative liberties.

Explanation of the individual biomes:
-Tropical rainforest:  wet and humid year-round
-Tropical steppe:  humid summers and dry winters
-Tropical seasonal forest:  wet summers and dry winters
-Subtropical evergreen forest:  humid most of the year with cool winters
-Montane scrub:  low rainfall due to high altitude
-Desert or xeric scrub:  very dry year-round
-Boreal forest:  cold wet winters and dry summers
-Mixed temperate forest:  humid winters and dry summers
-Temperate coniferous forests:  wet winters and humid summers
-Mediterranean scrub:  moderate wet summers and cool winters
-Temperate step:  dry summers with cold wet winters
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