open source community conference
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About DevConf

DevConf.CZ is a community conference for developers, DevOps engineers, quality engineers, agile practitioners, tech writers and everyone who contributes to open source technologies.

There is no admission or ticket charge for DevConf.CZ events. However, you are required to complete a free registration. Watch this site for updates about registration.

We are committed to fostering an open and welcoming environment at our conference. We set expectations for inclusive behavior through our code of conduct and media policies, and are prepared to enforce these.

Conference Themes
  • Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Hyperscale Infrastructure

    Topics around Kubernetes, high availability, anything that powers large data centers or small private clouds, best practices for infrastructure management and operations at scale, resource efficiency, and setting up developer environments. Topic related to virtualization, containers, and Kubernetes.

    Future Tech and Open Research

    What’s next? Any topics that are discussed or actively researched yet their impact is still potential. Best practices and great examples of open source research collaborations are welcome. Trending topics from software development, metaverse, new trends in existing areas such as microservices, distributed computing, and continuous improvement, observability, quantum computing.

  • Edge, Mobile and Automotive

    Modern embedded systems, microcontrollers, management of embedded systems, infrastructure for embedded systems, resource optimization and resource lean appliances, peripherals, tools for specific use cases, and edge in automotive.

    Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

    Artificial intelligence, large language models, data storing and processing, best practices for data lakes/data mesh, and parallelism and vector computing.

  • Linux Distributions and Operating Systems

    Firmware, Linux kernel, base platform for containers, unorchestrated containers, desktop, updates from Fedora land, Silverblue, CentOS Stream and other distributions. OS building and distribution, release management topics, package manager tools, data-driven package management, integrating components into the system.

    DevOps and Automation, Security and Compliance

    How to define a release pipeline, how to automate developer environments, how to build developer sandboxes, how to ensure application uptime, continuous application development, agile development, SRE tools and best practices, AppOps, and testing in DevOps environments. Embedded intelligence in products for automation, IoB (Internet of Behaviors), analytics and automated remediation capabilities, risk and change analysis, AI-powered orchestration, and machine learning in test automation (e.g. test failure analysis, test generation, and test selection).

  • Application and Services Development

    Build and deploy apps, modern application development, services development and challenges with running applications in cloud, application monitoring and cloud-ready apps, application modernization, single-sourcing documentation, etc.

    Open Source Success Stories

    Customer success stories with open source, examples of open source initiatives in the public sector, open source projects in academia, from zero to a successful open source project.

  • Agility, Leadership and DEI

    Agile practices, UX, design/design thinking, community management and open source in education, open management practices. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) topics.

    Open track

    Open to any other topics! We welcome open-source student projects, presentations of diploma and bachelor theses, proposals for new projects, and any other topic that doesn't fall under the listed themes but relates to the general open source community topics.


Apr 25, 2024 Schedule is live.

Apr 25, 2024 Registration is open.

Mar 11, 2024 CfP is closed. Speaker notifications will be sent between April 8-12.

Mar 1, 2024 Deadline to submit proposals is extended to March 10, 2024.

Feb 12, 2024 Follow DevConf.CZ on LinkedIn.

Dec 14, 2023 Call for Proposals is open, deadline to submit proposals is March 3, 2024

Nov 16, 2023 2024 date announced: June 13-15, 2024

Jun 9, 2023 Piloting Matrix on 2023. Join the space:

Apr 28, 2023 2023 schedule is published and registration is open.

Mar 20, 2023 CfP for lightning talks remains open.

How to get there?
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Getting around Brno

Brno has a 24 hour public transit system and the site is accessible by car.


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Getting to Brno

Brno is easily accessible by car, bus, train and plane.


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