At least one person was seriously injured and others hospitalized when a couple of stray fireworks struck the crowd at the Stadium of Fire celebration in Provo Thursday evening.

Videos recorded from the stands at BYU’s LaVell Edwards Stadium show several errant fireworks fly into the stands just as the jet flyover was being introduced at the annual America’s Freedom Festival fireworks show and concert on Independence Day. State troopers and Provo police told KSL multiple people in the east section of stands were struck, including one person who was hit in the face and seriously hurt.

Photo gallery: Stadium of Fire

“The number I was given was six. Six people went to the hospital, but I don’t know how serious their injuries were,” said Emory Cook, spokesman for Freedom Festival.

That person was taken to the hospital via ambulance.

Soon after the fireworks landed in the stands, hundreds of people began yelling and waving their arms to call for medical attention for those who were struck. The show was briefly paused while responders attended to the injured, but resumed about 9 p.m.

Cook added that festival personnel are working to gather more information on the exact count and status of those injured.


“It’s just a matter of getting in touch with these folks. It’s just kind of a process of figuring out who these folks are, where they are and what the status of their situation is,” Cook said. “We’re kind of in waiting mode.”

The fireworks that malfunctioned inside the stadium were relatively small compared to the large pyrotechnics that are used during the show’s finale, Cook said. Those larger fireworks are kept outside the stadium, he said.

The festival featured performances from the Jonas Brothers and Cook said about 45,000 people attended the sold-out show.

This story may be updated.

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