iPadOS - page 17

How to use a mouse with your iPad


trackpad mode
Trackpads -- not just for the Mac any more.
Photo: Charlie Sorrel/Cult of Mac

The iPadOS beta is out, and it has one killer feature — mouse support. Not only can you use any Bluetooth mouse or trackpad to control the text-selection cursor on the iPad, you can use the mouse just like you would on a Mac — clicking buttons anywhere in the entire iPad user interface.

The feature is not on by default. It’s not even a regular checkbox. To enable mouse and trackpad support on your iPad, you have to dig into the Accessibility settings.

iPad is a whole new beast after leaving iPhone behind


The iPad is now almost as capable as the Mac. Almost.
Photo: Charlie Sorrel/Cult of Mac

At first look, iPadOS — Apple’s new operating system designed specifically for the iPad — doesn’t seem to have added so much. If you discount the iOS 13 features that the iPad shares with the iPhone, the iPadOS extras look rather pedestrian. But these small changes show a big change of direction for the iPad. Apple is turning it into a new kind of mobile computer, instead of a big iPhone.

Imagine that you saw somebody roll a rock a few feet away from another rock. Maybe it crests a small bump in the grass. But then, when you take a step away, you see that the rock is now perched on the edge of a canyon. To mix metaphors, iPadOS is like Wile E. Coyote floating over the big drop. Only the drop goes up instead of down, or something.

Why photographers won big-time at WWDC


photographers and new Mac Pro
Apple has a pretty good idea on how to make photographers and filmmakers happy.
Photo: Apple

WWDC 2019 bug The WWDC keynote delivered exciting news for every Apple user, but for photographers of all stripes, Monday was their jackpot.

Professional photographers and filmmakers finally got a new Mac Pro that can handle ambitious workflows.

Operating system updates due out this fall for Mac, iPhone and iPad will bring a slew of new features for editing and organizing.

The iPad will be an even more capable tool in the field and changes to the iPhone camera should tamp down those worries that Apple was falling behind the likes of Huawei, Samsung and Google.

And we’re not even talking about the new hardware coming this fall.

iPhone’s Wi-Fi hotspot gets a big upgrade in iOS 13


iOS 12 Personal Hotspot
iOS 12’s Personal Hotspot is getting some great new features in the next version..

The mobile hotspot built into the iPhone gets some real improvements in iOS 13. iPads can connect automatically and stay connected even when asleep.

In addition, Apple upgraded some of iOS 13’s other Wi-Fi capabilities, including making the Control Center more useful.

You can now watch the WWDC 2019 keynote all over again


Missing Tim already?
Photo: Apple

WWDC 2019 bug Apple has published its full WWDC 2019 keynote video for those who didn’t get a chance to watch the epic event live — and those who want to watch it all over again.

The video includes previews of everything Apple announced Monday, including iOS 13, macOS 10.15, iPadOS, watchOS 6 and more. It also lets you relive the new Mac Pro’s spectacular unveiling.

Sketchnotes breeze through WWDC 2019’s biggest surprises


WWDC 2019 Keynote sketchnotes, part 1 of 4
A quick visual highlight of the WWDC 2019 keynote through sketchnotes.

WWDC 2019 bug The WWDC 2019 keynote came packed with exciting announcements.  As in past years, I ended up with four pages of drawings in my notebook. I sketched out the biggest new features coming to tvOS 13, iOS 13, macOS Catalina and watchOS 6. And then there’s the new Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR.

As seen in my first sketchnote, above, tvOS 13 adds multi-user support and support for Xbox One and PlayStation DualShock 4  game controllers for Apple Arcade. Meanwhile, watchOS 6 will bring an App Store directly to the Apple Watch, a new Noise app, and a new Cycle tracking app for women.

For a quick visual recap of the highlights  of the WWDC 2019 keynote, check out the rest of my sketchnotes below.

These iPhone and iPad models won‘t get iOS 13 or iPadOS


No iOS 13
Apple devices from five years ago can’t upgrade to iOS 13.
Photo: Apple/Cult of Mac

WWDC 2019 bugThere’s bad news for those with an iPhone released in 2014 or earlier: it’s not possible to install iOS 13 on these handsets. The same goes for iPad models from 4 years ago; they can’t be upgraded to the new iPadOS.

Still, all Apple’s phones and tablets released in the last 4 years are getting upgrades.

Apple is finally embracing PS4 and Xbox controllers


Fortnite mobile controller
You can now play at 120Hz on iPad Pro.
Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Mac

WWDC 2019 bugApple just took a big step toward ditching its lame controller restrictions. Major updates to tvOS, iOS, and iPadOS this fall will finally add full support for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers.

If you game on an iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, this is an incredibly exciting development.

iPad finally gets mouse support thanks to iPadOS


An iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard Folio and Magic Mouse, or a MacBook by another name?
Exciting news for full-time iPad users.
Photo: Guilherme Martins Schasiepen

WWDC 2019 bugApple rushed through a lot of iOS 13 features during its keynote this morning, but a major feature that’s long been requested from iPad users didn’t get any showtime: mouse support.

When Apple’s keynote wrapped up without any mention of mouse support on iPad my colleague Killian nearly had an embolism burst in his brain. The feature had been rumored for so long it would have been a huge disappointment if it didn’t make the cut. But after digging into iPadOS, it turns out that Apple has finally added mouse support.

Check it out in action:

WWDC 2019 changed everything: Here’s what you need to know


Tim Cook
Tim Cook had a lot of news to share at WWDC 2019.
Photo: Apple

WWDC 2019 bug Apple unleashed a mountain of software updates (and even some smokin’ new hardware) Monday, during what was arguably one of the best WWDC keynotes we’ve ever seen.

The entire event ran for more than two hours but it felt like there was hardly enough time to get to all the new stuff. iOS 13 got the most attention, for good reason, but Apple also surprised us with better gaming features on Apple TV, the ability to completely control your Mac with your voice, a new Mac Pro and so much more.

If you didn’t have time to watch the entire WWDC 2019 keynote, we’ve rounded up the highlights so you don’t miss a thing.

Everything you need to know about iOS 13 and iPadOS


The new iPadOS.
The new iPadOS.
Photo: Charlie Sorrel/Cult of Mac

WWDC 2019 bugWow, iOS 13 is quite something. We got most of what we wanted, and a lot more. Proper USB support, an improved Files app, plus a radical new UI paradigm for the iPad. And what about that mouse support!

Let’s take a look at the main points. And over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be going extremely deep on everything that’s new in iOS 13.

iPadOS brings those killer iPad features we’ve been craving


iPadOS is the new name of the tablet version of iOS.
iPadOS is the new name of the tablet version of iOS.
Photo: Apple

WWDC 2019 bugApple just unveiled some of the most significant changes to the iPad line ever as it continues making these tablets ever better computers for professionals. The company even went so far as to free them from iOS — from now on, they run iPadOS.

Other dramatic changes include allowing applications to open multiple windows, a home screen redesign, improvements to the Files app, and more.

iPadOS is replacing iOS on iPad [Updated]


Brydge Pro review
Make your iPad Pro into a tablet/laptop with the Brydge Pro.
Photo: Ed Hardy/Cult of Mac

WWDC 2019 bugApple won’t be bringing iOS 13 to the iPad — at least not with that name. Instead, its tablet will soon be powered by “iPadOS,” its very own version of Apple’s mobile operating system.

We’re about to get our first very look at it at WWDC.

Update: Apple just unveiled iPadOS, and it offers the features Apple’s tablet fans have been hoping for.