A Cozmoslabs Product
Paid Member Subscriptions


Extend your membership website with our powerful verified add-ons.

Hassle-free tools for growing your membership offering

Browse our collection of add-ons to easily extend your subscription site.

Files Restriction

Included in: Agency, Pro

Perfect for content creators, educators and businesses, this add-on ensures your premium documents are accessible only to those who have subscribed and paid for access.

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Included in: Free

With Stripe you can offer credit and debit card payments directly on your website and this way your users do not have to leave your website to complete the payment, resulting in a better experience for the user, and more successful conversions for you.

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Group Memberships

Included in: Agency, Pro

Through the Group Memberships add-on, you can sell subscriptions to groups of people. Group Memberships are also known as Umbrella Memberships. Some usage examples would be selling Group Memberships to a company, family, a school teacher, etc.

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Tax & EU VAT

Included in: Agency, Pro

The Tax & EU VAT add-on helps you collect tax or VAT from your users depending on their location, with full control over tax rates and who to charge.

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Included in: Agency, Pro

This add-on allows you and your members to download PDF invoices for each payment that has been completed.

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Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

Restrict courses to members and sell paid courses through the LearnDash add-on for Paid Member Subscriptions.

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Pay What You Want

Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

Accept donations or let subscribers pay what they want by offering a variable pricing option when they purchase a membership plan.

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Fixed Period Membership

Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

The Fixed Period Membership Add-On allows your Subscriptions to end at a specific date, no matter when a client subscribes to it. This works both for one-time and recurring subscriptions.

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Pro Rate

Included in: Agency, Pro

The Pro-rate add-on helps your users not lose money when they are Upgrading or Downgrading their current subscription plan, by offering a discount based on their current remaining subscription time.

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Navigation Menu Filtering

Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

Using Navigation Menu Filtering add-on you can dynamically display Menu Items based on Logged In status as well as based on specific Subscription Plans or add direct links to subscriptions actions to your menus.

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Multiple Subscriptions Per User

Included in: Agency, Pro

The add-on lets you set up multiple subscription level blocks and also will allow members to sign up for more than one subscription plan (one per block).

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Global Content Restriction

Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

This add-on allows you to add Global Content Restriction Rules to Subscription Plans, based on Post Type (Post, Page, or Custom Post Type), Taxonomy, and Terms.
It provides an easy way to restrict content globally per subscription, instead of doing it for each Page, Post, or Custom Post Type individually.

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PayPal Express

Included in: Agency, Pro

This add-on lets you accept payments from your members via PayPal Express Checkout.

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Email Reminders

Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

This add-on allows you to create multiple email reminders that are automatically sent to members before or after certain events take place (e.g. Subscription Expires, Last Login, Subscription Active etc.)

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Included in: Agency, Basic, Pro

This add-on allows you to integrate Paid Member Subscriptions with the popular forums plugin, bbPress.
You'll be able to restrict your forums and topics and allow only premium members to have access to them.

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Content Dripping

Included in: Agency, Pro

Create schedules for your content, making posts or categories available for your members only after a certain time has passed since they signed up for a subscription plan.

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