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How to teach a reluctant kid to ride a bike

Candy Grande
For the Courier-Post

Warmer weather means parents can enjoy teaching their children a new milestone — learning to ride a bicycle.

'If a child is scared to learn to ride a bike it is usually because he is afraid of falling off and getting hurt,' says Vince Damiano, an REI Outdoor School Instructor who teaches bike riding classes for adult and children. 'If a child is reluctant it may be because the bike looks like a lot of work.'

But some children may be a bit hesitant when they see those big wheels and handlebars.

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“If a child is scared to learn to ride a bike it is usually because he is afraid of falling off and getting hurt,” says Vince Damiano, an REI Outdoor School instructor who teaches bike riding classes for adult and children. “If a child is reluctant it may be because the bike looks like a lot of work.”

Either way, Damiano says, it is best for parents to alter a child's perception in a positive manner.

“If a parent yells or disciplines a child, they might link the entire experience to pain,” he says. “Try to look at the situation objectively. Give positive feedback. They learn more from successful attempts. If kids aren't having fun, they aren't going to learn.”

Damiano, a combat veteran who also runs The Edge Center Martial Arts and Personal Development Training in Branchburg, says it depends on maturity and physical ability, but it is good to begin teaching a child to ride a bike between the ages of 3 and 6. Remind reluctant riders the benefits of bike riding, such as getting to be outside, having fun and gaining responsibility and independence, he says.

“When they are practicing, focus on positive habits and not bad techniques,” he says. “For example, say 'I like how your feet keep moving' instead of ‘Don't stop.’ ”

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Richard Tustin, manager at Erlton Bicycle Shop in Cherry Hill, says bringing a child along when buying them a bike usually helps them get excited about riding one. Kids can see the bikes available and choose one they prefer.

“Don't make riding a bicycle become a battle of the wills,” says Tustin. “Have plenty of patience. The child will do it when they want to learn. And that will happen — especially when he sees his friends riding a bike.”

Bringing a child to the store also ensures parents are buying a bicycle that fits correctly and fits their child's needs. Glide bikes, says Tustin, are a good way to begin teaching children to ride because these bikes have no pedals, so a child just learns to balance and move.

“Don't buy a bicycle thinking a child will grow into it,” says Tustin. “They need the correct size. It's like a pair of shoes. The bike needs to fit so the child can be comfortable and be safe.”

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Safety while beginning to ride a bike matters, especially since parents can expect some crashes during the learning phase, says Maureen Donnelly, coordinator of Safe Kids Southern New Jersey  for the Children's Regional Hospital at Cooper.

“Set the expectation from the beginning that they need to wear a helmet whenever doing any wheeled sport — bike, skateboard, scooter, roller skates, roller blades,” says Donnelly, a registered nurse. “Be a good role model and wear a helmet, too. Children model what their parents do.”

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, helmets are the most effective safety device available to reduce brain injuries and deaths from bike crashes. Helmets reduce the risk of severe brain injury by 88 percent, but only 45 percent of children 14 and younger usually wear a helmet, says Donnelly.

“Let your child pick out their own helmet,” says Donnelly. “They are more likely to wear it for every ride if they pick it out.”

Donnelly says it is extremely important the helmet fits correctly. For accurate information, parents should use the helmet fit test at www.safekids.org/video/bike-helmet-fit-test .

“Riding a bike is such a great way to exercise and enjoy the outside, especially this time of year,” says Donnelly. “Learning to ride a bike can also help children develop self-confidence and good judgment skills, two really important things every child needs. Bike riding can be a fun activity to do as a family or with siblings and friends. I encourage kids to ride their bikes to school because it is such a great way to start their day.”

Here are 10 steps to help parents teach a child to ride a bike:

1. Prepare the bike: Damiano says before he begins teaching a class, he first removes the pedals and training wheels from the bikes to teach children how to balance. Training wheels help children get used to sitting on a bike and working the pedals but not balancing, he says. It also is important to lower the seat and properly inflate the tires, he says.

“The League of American Bicyclists recommends preforming the ABC Quick Check before going on a bike ride,” says Donnelly. “The ABC (air, brakes, chain/cassette/cranks) Quick Check is a short, quick check of the bike to make sure it is in good working order.”

The checklist includes squeezing the tires to feel for firmness; looking over the brakes, brake pads and cranks; ensuring the chain is lubricated and moves smoothly through the gears; and tightening any parts that rattle, she says.

2. Prepare the child:  According to Damiano, a positive outlook plays an important role when teaching a child to ride a bike. “Get them in a positive mind-set by telling kids how much fun it is to ride a bike,” says Damiano. “Don't mention falling or getting hurt, just say encouraging words before they get on the bike.”

3. Get on the bike: Teach them how to get on the bike properly and safely, teach them how to hold the handlebars, and make sure they are wearing helmets, says Damiano.  He says showing by example is a great way for children to learn, so parents may want to put on a helmet and hop on their bike, too.

4. Learn parts and posture: Show children the parts of their bikes and what they are called, says Damiano. This helps them become familiar and more comfortable with the bike. Posture is important as well. “Teach kids to sit straight up and centered on the bike,” says Damiano. “Arms should be slightly bent, and knees should be slightly pointing in towards the bike but not touching the bike. I get on the bike so they can mirror my position.”

5. Start scooting: With both feet planted on the ground, have a child begin to scoot the bike forward. “This allows the legs to move fully and lets them feel the correct momentum and motion as the bike moves forward,” says Damiano.

6. Walk the bike:  Once a child can scoot comfortably, try having them walk while on the bike. This will allow kids to take longer strides and gives them a chance to practice balance.

7. Coast away: “With the pedals still off, I teach children to lift their feet up and try to keep balance while coasting,” says Damiano. “They are not going fast. I'll encourage them to count the seconds they are coasting, and then try to challenge them to surpass their previous time.”

8. Become pedal-aware:  After they are done having fun coasting, put the pedals back on the bike, says Damiano, then let them find and get comfortable with the pedals. “I'll hold the bike and let the kids just place their feet on the pedals to help them be aware of where they are and how they feel and move,” he says. While discovering the pedals, teach them how to use the brakes and turn the handlebars to steer, too.

9. Work the pedals: Have the child stand over the bike with one foot flat on the ground and the other on a raised pedal. This is the power position, says Damiano. Teach them to press down on the pedal to move forward, then show them how to work the other foot on the second pedal. “Start with the left foot, because the sprocket is on the right side and they won't get hurt as they are learning to push the pedals,” says Damiano. “I will give kids support by putting my hands on their shoulders, but they are doing the balancing.”

10. Ready to ride: Once they learn to balance the bike and properly use the pedals they are ready to ride. Damiano suggests playing games to boost their confidence and strengthen skills, such as “follow the leader,” “red light green light” or “crush the crackers” —  laying crackers on the sidewalk and having kids ride over them. These games help reinforce lessons on control, using the brakes and learning to steer.