Astonishing advances in DNA sequencing technology and in bioinformatics permit access to vast amounts of DNA information at ever decreasing cost. The ability to analyze and curate this information is rapidly becoming a core element of scientific agriculture, prenatal diagnosis, drug development and precision medicine, forensic science and even studies of the evolution and migration of the human family. In each of these fields questions have been raised about what constraints (if any) should be placed on use of DNA information.

Panelists give an overview of the power of DNA sequencing technology, and discuss the opportunities and issues raised by the application of DNA sequencing and companion technologies to different fields. Part of Cornell's sesquicentennial celebration, April 24-17, 2015

Moderator: Stephen Hilgartner BA '83, PhD '88 (Professor, Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University)

Panelists: Philip Reilly BA '69, M.D., J.D. (Cornell University Emeritus Trustee; Member, Board of Overseers at Weill Cornell Medical College; Venture Partner, Third Rock Ventures); Charles Aquadro (Professor, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Cornell University); Margaret Smith PhD '82 (Professor, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Cornell University); Rory Todhunter PhD '92 (Maurice R and Corinne P Greenberg Professor of Surgery, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine); and Adam Boyko (Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University).