Join the party! On July 25, 2008, fans of Cornell's Adult University celebrated its fortieth anniversary of presenting seminars and study tours—on campus and around the world—that are challenging, culturally stimulating, and just plain fun. With balloons, cake, popping champagne corks, songs and much laughter, participants, staff, and faculty favorites toasted this distinctive program. Glenn C. Altschuler, dean of the School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, outlined CAU's history, and director Catherine Penner introduced its talented staff. Then everyone celebrated the wonderful faculty who'd taught the ten adult classes that had run that week. A full-hearted rendition of "Evensong" ended the celebration.

There's no substitute for experiencing CAU first hand. Get in on the next forty years by planning to join the summer 2009 sessions or by signing up for one or more of the many study tours, domestic and abroad. You can visitwww.cau.cornell.edufor full descriptions of the programs. Do come aboard!


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