COVID-19 has brought untold havoc to every continent. Bread-basket regions are under quarantine, supply chains have slowed or vanished altogether, and the health infrastructures in many countries have buckled under the strain. This webinar focuses on the pandemic’s impact on the African continent. Given relative strengths and weaknesses, African countries have responded in myriad ways.

Panelists are experts actively engaged in working on the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa or on zoonotic avian influenza (bird flu H5N1) epidemics in Africa and Asia: Vusi Gumede, PhD, Professor, University of South Africa, Member, Presidential Economic Advisory Council, South Africa; Tolbert Nyenswah, MPH, Senior Research Associate at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, former Deputy Minister of Health for Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Control, Liberia; Jarra Jagne, DVM, Senior Extension Associate, Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell; and T. Debey Sayndee, PhD, Professor and Director, Peace & Conflict Studies - Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation, University of Liberia.

Moderator: Muna Ndulo, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of International & Comparative Law, Cornell Law School, and Director, Institute for African Development.