Convert Experiences’ Targeting Engine is Built for Power Users.

We have audience presets. But don’t play small when you can dive into our advanced targeting engine with 40+ stackable filters, and the flexibility to use data locked in 3rd party systems.

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Targeting in A/B Testing is Crucial. We’ve Pulled Out All The Stops For You.

If you’re here, you know experiment design can make or break your test.


The intervention is halfway down the page. Should you target every visitor to this URL? Or only the ones who scroll past the 40% mark? How will this impact your post-test analysis?

  • Don’t count people who’ll never see the intervention, in your sample size.
  • Set the experiment to target visitors who trigger a minimum depth scroll goal.

Your VIP buyers ended up seeing the Control. They spent a lot of money. And now your metric of interest - revenue - says the original wins. Is this accurate?

  • Improperly randomized heavy users skew test results.
  • If you don’t have the data power to work out truly unbiased randomization, then eliminate VIP buyers from the test altogether. Convert Experiences makes it possible with purchase data saved in your CRM.

These are just some of the curve balls A/B testing throws your way.

When you do figure out the solution, you shouldn’t be restricted by the rigidity of your experimentation platform.

Convert Experiences’ targeting engine is ideal for complex use cases.

Simplify them with features like segments based on triggered goals and 3rd party data sources - just to name a few.

**Start a 15-Day Free Trial. No CC Needed.

Testers Take on These Tasks Every Day. Our Targeting Engine Makes Them Easy.

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Over the top powerful Javascript enabled targeting. The gist is that you can powerfully use JS to target. This allows me to target users in our SPA in incredibly advanced ways. I can walk their entire history model and assign them an audience value, or I can exclude them. It's MUCH more powerful than just a "Site Area" tool. We recently used it against 900K users to check if they had written a review of their apartment or not yet. This allowed me to only expose the user on the homepage to an experiment that prompted them to write a review while excluding users that couldn't write a review from the experiment (because they had already written one). The experiment converted 50% better than what we do now, generating 9k reviews in a matter of hours.

Ken Hanson
Ken Hanson
Growth Lead, Modern Message
**Start a 15-Day Free Trial. No CC Needed.
High Performer Winter 2023 Highest User Adoption Spring 2023 Users Most Likely to Recommend Small Business High Performer Spring 2023 High Performer Summer 2023

Exceptionally Well Thought Out Filters You’ll Love Using:

Traffic Sources Traffic Sources
  • Campaign
  • Keyword
  • Medium
  • Source Name
Visitor Data Visitor Data
  • Average Time On Page
  • City
  • Country
  • Day Since Last Visit
  • Language
  • Pages Visited
  • Region
  • Triggered Goal
  • Visit duration
  • Visitor Cookie
  • Visitor Type
  • Visits Count
  • Bucketed In Experience
  • Bucketed In Segment
Visitor Time Visitor Time
  • Day Of Week
  • Hour Of Day
  • Minute
  • Project TZ - Day Hour
  • Project TZ - Minute
  • Project TZ - Week Day
Weather Weather
  • Weather Condition
Page Tags Page Tags
  • JS Condition
  • Page Type
  • Category ID
  • Category Name
  • Product SKU
  • Product Price
  • Customer ID
  • Cust. Tag 1 (Text)
  • Cust. Tag 2 (Text)
  • Cust. Tag 3 (Number)
  • Cust. Tag 4 (Number)
Systems Systems
  • Browser
  • Browser Version
  • Operating System
  • User Agent
  • Device Is Desktop
  • Device Is Mobile
  • Device Is Tablet
**Start a 15-Day Free Trial. No CC Needed.
Convert Team

Do the Planet Some Good

Why should you use Convert Experiences?

The features and support are only part of the story.

In today’s market tech is duplicated.

That's why we are betting on who we are to set us apart.

Convert is a Conscious Business.

This means we only work with companies that do not cause harm to the planet, don’t spread hate and divisiveness, and do not suppress the rights and freedom of under-served communities.

Most importantly, we put our money where our mouth is.

We are the only Climate Neutral certified A/B testing tool out there.

And a portion of our monthly revenue goes towards our goal of being 100x climate positive.

Climate Badge

So if partnering with a fun, async and “remote since 2010” team of passionate purpose driven individuals sounds like your thing, sign up for a Deploy free trial.

Or explore more Shopify A/B testing features

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