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    How to Use Consumer Reports' Security Planner to Stay Safer Online

    This free tool gives you a customized plan to stay safer in the digital world

    Consumer Reports' Security Planner App
    Security Planner provides recommendations specific to the user's devices and concerns.
    Source: Consumer Reports

    There’s no shortage of advice for consumers on how to handle digital security and privacy, but sorting through it all can be confusing.

    Numerous stories on home security cameras being hacked, identity theft ruining people’s credit, and companies tracking everyone’s location can make you wonder if it’s even possible to stay safer online. And the flood of tips can make it tricky to figure out what advice applies to you and how to prioritize it.

    In October 2020, Consumer Reports launched a free tool called CR Security Planner that can help. We’ve since released an upgrade to make it even easier for you to use Security Planner to learn how to safeguard your online accounts, devices, and identity.

    To use Security Planner, simply go to and answer a few simple questions about the types of devices you own and your biggest security concerns. Then, you’ll receive an individualized action plan.

    For example, if you want to learn about protecting your online accounts, you will receive tips on how to review your security settings on email and social media accounts, and details on how to choose a password manager and enable multifactor authentication.

    If you have a home security camera or a gaming account, you’ll get targeted tips on how to set those up to be more secure and private.

    If you’re concerned about governments accessing your data, you’ll get information on how tech companies respond when they receive requests for user information. We also have some guidance and links to more in-depth resources for people facing dangerous situations such as online stalking and harassment.

    More on Privacy and Security

    Security Planner was originally developed and maintained by the Citizen Lab, an interdisciplinary research group based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto. The first version was released in December 2017, with the support of independent security experts and organizations, including Consumer Reports and the Cyberlaw Clinic at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. 

    In addition to updating Security Planner on a continual basis, Consumer Reports has overhauled the tool twice, first in 2020 and again in 2023, based on extensive user feedback, UX research, and expert input. Security Planner now contains more targeted information on concerns such as identity theft and ransomware, plus tips on devices such as smart speakers, baby monitors, and smart TVs.

    Security Planner’s usability has also improved as part of this process, with a streamlined and simplified layout for easier reference and better navigation; the ability to see your entire plan on one page, to minimize scrolling; improved filtering and sorting of tips; adjusted graphics for relevance; redesigned content; and tips displayed in descending order of importance (rather than by category).

    Consumer Reports' Security Planner app on laptop screen
    Security Planner provides a personalized list of recommendations to help people improve their digital security and privacy.

    Source: Consumer Reports Source: Consumer Reports

    "With Security Planner, our aim from the beginning was to create an accessible, expertly reviewed, and regularly updated guide to help users take immediate steps to improve their digital hygiene,” says Ron Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab. “With Security Planner in the hands of Consumer Reports, we can rest assured that it reaches the widest possible audience and is shepherded by an independent organization with expertise and integrity."

    “Our goal with CR Security Planner is to maintain the best resource for personalized privacy and security advice," says Ben Moskowitz, vice president of the Innovation Lab at Consumer Reports. "Instead of telling you everything you could do to secure your data and devices, we’ll help you figure out the most important steps to take. It’s fast, and it’s free."

    The action plan lets you check off items as you’ve completed them. If there are too many items to complete all at once, or you just feel like coming back to the project later, you can print out your plan, copy the URL to refer to, or sign up for a free Consumer Reports account so you can log in and work through your plan. Tech enthusiasts can read through a list of all 50 tips.

    You don’t need to be a Consumer Reports member to use Security Planner, nor do you need to input any data that identifies you. Security Planner builds on Consumer Reports’ core mission of working with consumers to create fairness, safety, and transparency in the marketplace.


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