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    Talking Cars 354: Everything You Want to Know About EVs

    This all-questions episode covers buying vs. leasing, how temperatures affect driving range, and much more

    Main theme: With dozens of all-new, pure-electric vehicles set to debut by the end of 2024, and interest sparked by high gas prices, EVs have become an even hotter topic than usual. (Learn about automakers’ EV plans.) Because EVs remain a new and, for many, a curious unknown, we’re devoting this entire episode to answering the bevy of EV-related questions we’ve been getting from our loyal and inquisitive “Talking Cars” audience. 

    If you have a question—on any auto-related topic—don’t be shy! Send it to

    Audience Questions

    • My parents have ordered their first EV, a Cadillac Lyriq. Is there something similar to an “EV 101” resource I can point them to that would have the answers to all their questions?
    • If you were advising someone who has their eye on an EV today, would you suggest that they lease or buy?
    • Is there any type of break-in period for EVs, equivalent to the break-in rules that owners’ manuals outline for vehicles with internal combustion engines? 
    • What EVs would you expect will remain structurally sound and free of rust to justify an expensive battery replacement years down the road?
    • A recent snowstorm and traffic jam in northern Virginia got me thinking: What would have happened if many of those were EVs? Would the batteries have lasted long enough to keep occupants warm? 
    • I’ve heard that cold weather decreases EV driving range, but what’s the story with EVs in hot climates?
    • What happens the moment an EV runs out of electricity? Does it just stop in the middle of the road?
    Talking Cars 354
    "Talking Cars" panelists Jake Fisher, Mike Monticello, and Keith Barry.

    Photo: Consumer Reports Photo: Consumer Reports

    As with other “Talking Cars” episodes, this one is available free through Apple Podcasts. (Subscribe to the audio or video.) You’ll also find the audio on Spotify (log-in required) and video on YouTube.

    Have a Question?

    We’d love to include it in a future show. Upload your video questions to our Dropbox folder. Please send high-definition (1920x1080) MP4 video files with high-quality audio. Or send an iMessage question to our account.

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    Mike Monticello

    Mike Monticello is the manager of road tests and reviews for the autos team at Consumer Reports. He has been with CR since 2016. Mike has been evaluating and writing about cars for nearly 25 years, having previously worked at Road & Track magazine and On the weekends, he usually switches from four wheels to two, riding one of his mountain bikes or motorcycles. Follow him on Twitter @MikeMonticello.