Get Involved!

At Carnegie Mellon there are many ways to get involved with campus sustainability projects. The following are few suggestions, no matter what level of involvement you prefer:

Green Practices Programs:

  • SEED Leadership Program: Are you an undergraduate or graduate student at CMU with a green practices project idea, but don't know where to start?  Join our network of campus sustainability leaders! Visit the SEED Leadership Program page for more information
  • Scotty Goes Green Office Certification: This voluntary, self-guided initiative, supports and promotes offices that are taking steps toward reducing their environmental footprint. Faculty and staff are encouraged to learn more and apply. New certifications coming soon!
  • Join the Green Practices Committee! The GPC is a group of students, faculty, and staff that meet every other month to discuss and identify new opportunities as well as sharing challenges and best practices with colleagues. Learn more by visiting the GPC info page

Other Campus Opportunities: 

  • Students can join a campus organization, many of which focus on environmental or sustainability issues. A few are highlighted on the Environment at CMU's Student Organizations page or visit TartanConnect for information on all campus organizations.
  • The Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research has information on the Environmental and Sustainability Studies major and minor programs and about research and funding opportunities for students and faculty. Visit the Steinbrenner Institute.   
  • Faculty and Staff may attend Staff Council Sustainability Committee meetings, which are open to the CMU community. Visit the Staff Council Committees page to contact the committee chairs for meeting information.
  • Are you a CMU community member already undertaking an activity outside of your courses or research that contributes to campus sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals? Fill out this form so that the CMU Sustainability Initiative can share your work.
  • Do you have ideas, questions or suggestions for the CMU Sustainability Initiative? Visit their comment form to submit them.