Handmade embroidery in green thread with the name Olivia and vining motifs against a piece of cloth with similar motifs in  piece about AI-powered personalization.

How AI Is Changing Ecommerce Personalization

6 minute read
Tjeerd Brenninkmeijer avatar
By Tjeerd Brenninkmeijer
Generative AI has changed ecommerce personalization forever. The key to capitalizing on that change is harnessing real-time customer and product data.

The Gist

  • AI-driven advancement. AI-powered personalization transforms ecommerce, creating immersive customer experiences.
  • Data integration essentialReal-time customer and product data are crucial for effective AI personalization in ecommerce.
  • Enhanced customer loyalty. Personalized AI interactions increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in online retail.
As online retail evolves seemingly by the day, artificial intelligence (AI) is ushering in a new era of ecommerce personalization. AI-powered personalization is transforming the way businesses engage with their customers, creating tailored and immersive experiences that were just recently impossible to offer.

With AI paving the way for ecommerce companies to gain a deeper understanding of their customers, these companies can now make the incredible transformation from offering limited or siloed personalized experiences online to offering limitless personalized experiences across all channels of the customer journey.

How, exactly? The power of AI, generative AI specifically.

By analyzing vast amounts of data, generative AI algorithms can uncover valuable insights about individual preferences, behaviors and purchasing patterns. This newfound knowledge empowers ecommerce businesses to deliver personalized recommendations, curated product selections and targeted advertisements that resonate on a much more intimate level with each customer.

Closeup of a pink birthday cake with stars and the name on a tray on the table in piece about AI-powered personalization in ecommerce.
This newfound knowledge empowers ecommerce businesses to deliver personalized recommendations, curated product selections, and targeted advertisements that resonate on a much more intimate level with each customer.Vlad Negru/Wirestock on Adobe Stock Photos

The result is a happier and more brand loyal customer base.

The Data Needed for AI-Powered Personalization

But this AI-powered personalization isn’t possible without one major thing in today’s modern ecommerce landscape — the combination of customer and product data.

The heart of AI-powered personalization is data. The fusion of customer and product data provides the necessary fuel for the AI engines to run. Without this essential ingredient, the potential of AI remains untapped.

Real-time customer data provides a wealth of information about customer behaviors, preferences and purchasing patterns. Every click, page view, purchase, and even cart abandonment feeds the AI algorithms with invaluable insights. These insights, in turn, enable the creation of highly personalized experiences tailored to each customer's unique needs and wants.

Product data adds another dimension as the detailed product descriptions, specifications, images, reviews and ratings all contribute to a comprehensive product database. AI algorithms can analyze this data to understand product attributes and their correlations with customer preferences. This understanding allows for more accurate and relevant product recommendations.

Generative AI takes personalization to the next level by not just analyzing data, but also creating new content. Be it personalized product descriptions, tailored marketing messages or customized shopping experiences, generative AI can create unique content based on real-time customer and product data. This capability enhances engagement and drives higher conversion rates.

With real-time customer and product data at its disposal, AI transforms the ecommerce experience, and ecommerce companies everywhere are starting to get on board.

Related Article: Redefining Personalization in Marketing: How AI Is Changing the Game

Generative AI and Ecommerce Personalization in 2024

2024 should be the year your company dives head first into AI-powered ecommerce personalization use cases, if you haven’t already.

AI has never been more accessible, for small companies and large, as 82% of organizations are using AI-powered personalization to improve customer experiences online.

Learning Opportunities

Which use case is right for your company to start with or invest further in? Consider these four as a great starting point with generative AI leading the way.

Related Article: AI in Marketing: More Personalization in the Next Decade

Personalized Product Recommendations

In the journey toward earning a new customer that is making a first-time purchase, pertinent product recommendations are extremely important. When considering a first purchase with a brand, 67% of first-time customers use product recommendations as a crucial determinant that influences their decision to purchase.

In markets characterized by intense competition and abundant distractions, product recommendations can be a game changer. They make returning customers and first-time visitors feel valued and understood by the brand.

Related Article: 3 Ways Ecommerce Brands Can Use AI for Personalization

Personalized Website Content

AI-powered personalization isn’t just great for first-time buyers — 78% of customers say it’s more likely to make them repurchase because they feel the organization knows them better.

AI-powered personalization allows organizations to show their customers the content they want to see when they want to see it. When used in a web personalization strategy, it allows marketers to evolve their campaigns beyond targeting broad demographics to executing individual experiences.

Related Article: Decoding AI-Driven Personalization: Setting Realistic DXP Expectations

Personalized Email Content

Of the organizations that have adopted an AI-powered personalization strategy, 87% use it to improve their email marketing. Organizations need the right personalized email marketing campaigns to avoid spam lists and their domains being blacklisted.

Companies all over the world are now using AI to save time and money with email marketing. This includes leveraging AI for smarter segmentation, adding product recommendations that are personalized to each recipient to emails, and even using ChatGPT to generate email copy.

AI-Powered Chatbots

What could be more personalized than a 1:1 conversation that helps a customer solve their problem? That is the value that AI-powered chatbots provide ecommerce companies today.

Whether it’s dealing with a customer service issue or helping to complete a purchase, these chatbots offer customers a representative of the company to help with specific questions and personalized issues all while not taxing that company’s commerce-driving team. And thanks to the advancements in natural language processing with these chatbots, the conversations feel authentic and humanlike.

Let Real-Time Customer and Product Data Power Your Personalization

The integration of real-time customer and product data further enhances the potential of AI, opening up new avenues for customization. In this data-driven era, the value of relevant, timely product recommendations cannot be overstated. By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can not only meet but exceed customer expectations, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, sales.

The impact of AI on ecommerce personalization in 2024 will be profound and far-reaching. It provides businesses with unprecedented opportunities to engage with their customers in highly personalized ways, creating a seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable shopping experience.

As AI continues to evolve, it is certain to bring about even more exciting changes in the realm of ecommerce personalization. The future of ecommerce lies in harnessing the power of AI, and the possibilities are truly limitless.

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About the Author

Tjeerd Brenninkmeijer

Tjeerd Brenninkmeijer is the CMO of BloomReach EMEA. He is a frequent contributor to industry publications and a speaker at industry events. Connect with Tjeerd Brenninkmeijer:

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