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The Future of Lead Generation With AI in Webinars

5 minute read
Steve Olenski avatar
By Steve Olenski
Many people thought that webinars might go by the wayside, but they’re still a strong marketing vehicle.

The Gist

  • AI integration. AI in webinars enhances lead generation, improving engagement and content creation for better marketing results.
  • Webinar value. Research shows 83% of marketers find webinars valuable, with an average of 1,000 leads generated per event.
  • Engagement boost. AI technologies in webinars can strengthen bonds with viewers, laying the foundation for lasting customer relationships.

It’s incredibly rewarding to generate leads through your marketing campaigns. What happens when your lead stats start to plateau, though? That’s a sign that it’s time to switch things up to get a boost in your lead numbers. A great place to start is by reigniting the effectiveness of your corporate webinars with AI in webinars.

Many people thought that webinars might go by the wayside, but they’re still a strong marketing vehicle. In fact, research compiled by Zippia indicates that 83% of marketers see webinars as valuable. It’s not hard to see why when you dive a little deeper: Around 40% of people asked to attend a webinar follow through.

As if that wasn’t impressive enough, the average webinar generates up to 1,000 leads. Not bad for an asset that can be delivered completely online. Yet more “lead juice” can be squeezed from webinars than you might assume, all thanks to the power of AI martech solutions.

With the right AI tools, you can power up all your webinars and foster greater after-event engagement with viewers. In other words, you can get far more mileage — and quality prospects — from each webinar than you currently do.

Adding AI in Webinars for Lasting Lead Gen Power

Not sure how this works? Let’s consider the typical webinar plan.

First, you design the ins and outs of the webinar, such as the subject matter, speakers, date and curriculum. Next, you determine how you’ll sign up participants, such as through a special landing page connected to your Google PPC efforts. Then, you host the webinar at the scheduled time and date. Afterward, you update your blog with a quick recap of the event. Finally, you hand over all your leads to your sales team.

This isn’t a bad workflow, but it misses opportunities for greater interaction, particularly after the webinar ends. That’s where AI in webinars comes into the picture.

Imagine that within moments after your webinar, your marketing department is handed a variety of snackable content taken directly from the event. You have buzzworthy social media videos. Pithy X soundbites. Full-length blog posts. A full-blown transcript. With this content in hand, you could instantly begin reaching out to attendees in myriad ways — immediately.

Could you have done this in the past? Sure, but it would have taken your team weeks. They’d have had to scour through the webinar, searching for snippets and editing like crazy. With AI in webinars, you can skip all the waiting time and get right to having content at your fingertips. There’s almost no delay, which gives you a serious advantage when it comes to keeping your leads locked in.

A read and gray magnet lies at an angle to the word "Leads" repeated three times in bright yellow, bright blue and bright green letters in piece about AI in webinars and lead generation.
With AI in webinars, you can skip all the waiting time and get right to having content at your fingertips. There’s almost no delay, which gives you a serious advantage when it comes to keeping your leads locked in.Olivier Le Moal on Adobe Stock Photos

Learning Opportunities

Too Magical to Be True?

Seems almost too magical to be true? Hubilo, a data-driven AI webinar platform, has already perfected this process. Its sophisticated software immediately generates more than 40 pieces of bite-sized content after each webinar hosted via its system. You can use the content as is, or you can trim it or customize it to fit your needs. It’s a fast way to get useful content from your webinar without spending hours constructing it by hand.

Related Article: How to Increase Audience Engagement in Your Webinars

Getting Creative With AI-Generated Post-Webinar Content

You don’t just have to send out your snackable content to leads who signed in, either. You may want to tease those who missed out.

For instance, say you set up a dynamic webinar and 30% of the people who sent RSVPs showed up. You could create a special drip campaign made up of video clips, soundbites and compelling insights to that group. Even though they didn’t go to the webinar, they will be re-engaged with your brand. Some might even be enticed to give you more information to watch a gated, on-demand version of your webinar.

Could you possibly do all this on your own with your current team? Absolutely. However, you would have to wait — and everyone knows that leads go cold rapidly. According to Convoso, the only surefire way to keep leads from fizzling is to keep up the conversation. And even if your salespeople can’t pick up the phone after an email, you can always send out AI-generated content. Receiving content can keep leads’ intent high until someone can touch base to close the deal.

Here are some other webinar software platforms to consider. And more such platforms that help produce webinars.

Related Article: Is It Time to Throw out the Webinar Best Practice Playbook?

Maximizing Webinars With AI Technologies

Right now, nearly 62% of marketers already use AI per MarTech. Statistically speaking, you’re probably one of them. However, if you’re not using AI to improve your webinar outcomes, you’re not positioning your brand to be competitive. Instead, you’re letting opportunities to keep bringing in leads post-webinar trickle away.

Instead of letting your webinar’s impact linger after everyone signs off, make more out of it. With AI in webinars, you can foster a stronger bond between your company and your webinar viewers. And strong bonds can become the foundational building blocks for short-term sales and long-term customer relationships.

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About the Author

Steve Olenski

Steve Olenski possesses a career journey that's been as dynamic as it has been impactful. From his early days as a creative director in the agency realm to assuming pivotal senior marketing roles on the brand side with esteemed companies like Oracle, he has consistently navigated diverse landscapes. Connect with Steve Olenski:

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