An extraordinary pink penguin standing out in a crowd of black and white penguins, suggesting the need for a good digital content strategy in CX

4 Ways to Boost CX With an Outstanding Digital Content Strategy

5 minute read
Steve Olenski avatar
By Steve Olenski
Without a doubt, a digital content strategy can mean the difference between your CX efforts standing out or your organization falling behind.

The Gist

  • Digital necessity. A strong digital content strategy is crucial for improving customer experience (CX), guiding customers seamlessly through their journey.
  • FAQ advantage. Utilizing a content library based on frequently asked questions (FAQs) can elevate CX by providing consistent and quick answers.
  • Personalization power. Tailored digital content deepens customer engagement, keeping your brand top of mind and boosting overall CX.

Customers are quick to reward companies that offer them an outstanding customer experience (CX). They buy more often. They rave on review sites. They try new products. With this in mind, it only makes sense for your brand to focus on ramping up your CX.

Just don’t make the mistake of overlooking the value your dgital content strategy brings to the table.

Digital content strategy is more than just the items you write, the images you create and the videos you generate. It’s a means of connecting with leads and existing customers in compelling ways. Your corporate content is your brand’s voice — and what it says can influence whether or not someone gives you their money. Without a doubt, content can mean the difference between your CX efforts standing out or causing your organization to fall behind.

One red delicious apple in a sea of green Granny Smith apples suggesting the need for an exceptional CX Digital Content Strategy to stand out in a crowd.
An exceptional digital content strategy can make your CX stand out in a crowd.Pixelbliss on Adobe Stock Photos

Even if your CX is chugging along and producing decent results, let your digital content strategy maximize its potential. You can start with these four strategies. Each should help take your CX up a notch.

1. Use Digital Content Content Strategy to Smooth out the Entire Customer Journey

As McKinsey & Company research notes, when you elevate your CX, you elevate your chances of seeing 3X your typical returns. However, don’t give into the temptation to see CX as a bunch of individual touchpoints. You’ll get more CX bang for your buck by streamlining the entire customer journey and removing all friction between those touchpoints.

A digital content strategy can be one way to integrate all the customer touchpoints along your sales funnel. Take the process of prospects educating themselves using your blogs. Forty-six percent of consumers rely on corporate blogs to inform their purchasing decisions, according to ResearchNow. Using a platform like MarketMuse to evaluate your content inventory, you can ensure all your onsite content naturally works together. If you discover any gaps, you can close them with more content based on missing keywords or topic areas. That way, your visitors (and would-be buyers) will intuitively flow from one touchpoint to the next.

Related Article: Content for Every Stage: Maximizing Engagement in the Modern Customer Journey

2. Use Content to Answer Customer Questions Before They’re Asked

Your customers probably ask a lot of the same questions. Answering them over and over can be exasperating for your employees. The last thing you want is for a frustrated worker to snap at a customer — that’s a surefire CX “miss.” One way to make everyone’s life easier is by building a library of content based on FAQs.

You can get clever with your content types. Some FAQs might be better answered with an infographic. Others might benefit from being presented as photo-heavy “how to” articles. Still more might lend themselves to an entertaining video. Once you have your core FAQs content, you can make it accessible to consumers. If you’re using an AI chatbot to provide self-service, be certain the bot can find and deliver FAQ-style content. Not only will customers get answers faster, but they’ll all be hearing a consistent message.

Learning Opportunities

Related Article: 1-800 Calling All Organizations: What Content Marketers Can Learn From Customer Service

3. Use Content to Build Customer Rapport and Engagement

Unless you’re in a face-to-face business, you’ll never meet most of your customers in person. No handshakes. No chit-chats. Yet you need them to feel committed and connected to your brand to boost your CX. This means you have to find online ways to engage with them, like digital content.

Digital content, especially when it’s tailored toward personalization, can enhance your connections with buyers. Products like MailChimp let you construct general content frameworks and allow AI-driven software to do the rest. For example, you could design several email marketing campaigns based on typical customer journeys. Each campaign would deploy at a set time and reach target audiences at a specific moment. (The software would fill in all the “blank spots” to add a degree of personalization.) The outcome? You stay top of mind and don’t lose traction with buyers, and your buyers receive fresh relevant, and customized messages.

Related Article: Customer Education: Cooking up a Successful Content Strategy

4. Use Digital Content Strategy to Show Alignment With Customer Values

A full 82% of Harris Poll respondents said they preferred to support brands whose values dovetailed with theirs. With content, you can explain the beliefs and principles that guide your business. Such purpose-driven content will help consumers understand more about your corporation from a different perspective.

Your social media channels can be excellent avenues to showcase your values. There, you can talk about your company’s vision as well as post images and videos that support your words. Additionally, you can highlight and follow like-minded people and companies. As a result, your customers will get to know your organization better.

It’s a strategic way for you to add a very human-centered dimension to your CX. Plus, it sets your company apart as a key differentiator within your industry niche.

Final Thoughts on Digital Content Strategy & CX

When your digital content strategy is working toward your CX goals, you improve your chance of long-term growth and success. Consequently, take time to review your content marketing practices over the coming weeks.

If your content isn’t playing a part in your CX initiatives, make changes. You might be surprised at how quickly you see an uptick in customer satisfaction ratings, sales and referrals.

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About the Author

Steve Olenski

Steve Olenski possesses a career journey that's been as dynamic as it has been impactful. From his early days as a creative director in the agency realm to assuming pivotal senior marketing roles on the brand side with esteemed companies like Oracle, he has consistently navigated diverse landscapes. Connect with Steve Olenski:

Main image: Blue Planet Studio on Adobe Stock Photo