Frans Riemersma

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Digital Marketing, Customer Experience
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Frans Riemersma, founder of MartechTribe, a leading global consultancy and research firm specializing in marketing technology (Martech). MartechTribe is known for its, which helps marketing teams navigate the vast array of available technologies. Recognized as one of the top Martech influencers in Europe, Frans has impacted the field by publishing the first Martech European Landscape since 2020, identifying thousands of new tools and technologies.

Frans has been developing the first Martech Datawarehouse for the past 5 years. This extensive database includes data on over 1,500 real-life company stacks, 15,000 martech solutions, and 4,600 martech requirements, providing critical insights for businesses. The insights are used for reports such as yearly The State of Martech and the Marketing Tech Monitor. The insights also support Martech Audits and Benchmarks for corporate stacks. With over two decades of experience, Frans has worked with global brands like HP, Adidas, and Unilever, designing advanced marketing technology solutions that drive strategic growth and enhance customer experiences.

Frans is also an accomplished author and researcher, co-authoring A Small Book on Customer Technology, Hello $Firstname and Marketing Resource Management. As a speaker and lecturer, Frans frequently shares his expertise at business universities and global industry conferences, discussing topics such as generative AI and composability in tech stacks.