
$ 73.7 M

in Research Awards in 2023


Peer-Reviewed Publications in 2023



Research News

Featured Research Projects

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  • Medicaid Policy Lab

    The Medicaid Policy Lab evaluates the impact of policy changes and innovative care delivery models on health insurance coverage, access to care, quality of care, health outcomes, and equity of care in low-income, Medicaid-enrolled populations.

  • Impact of CMS Public Reports of Hospital Charge Data

    Since 2013, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been publicizing charges for services provided in approximately 3,400 U.S. hospitals. This research is exploring impacts of CMS public reports on the market for hospital inpatient services by examining shifts in charges and in hospital market shares over time.

  • Assessing Children’s Environmental Exposures (ACHIEVE)

    By collecting children’s baby teeth and information via questionnaire, the ACHIEVE study characterizes children’s exposure to environmental contaminants during the prenatal period and early childhood.

  • AMBIT: Alternative Models of ART Delivery—Optimizing the Benefits

    AMBIT is a 3.5-year research and evaluation project in sub-Saharan Africa supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project includes data synthesis, data collection, data analysis, and modeling activities aimed at generating information for near- and long-term decision making and creating an approach and platform for ongoing evaluation.

  • EVIDENCE: Evaluations to Inform Decisions using Economics and Epidemiology

    EVIDENCE is a 5-year HIV/AIDS project funded by PEPFAR through USAID, which conducts health economics and epidemiology research in support of the goals of the South African National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STI’s 2017-2022 (NSP) and the PEPFAR Country Operational Plans 2018-2022. BU faculty and staff work closely with HE2RO on project evaluations, cost modeling, outcomes research, and financial management to improve guidelines, policies, programs, and resource allocation.

  • Optimization of the South African National Specimen Transport Network

    The South African National Health Laboratory (NHLS) is the largest diagnostic pathology service provider in South Africa and through a national network of laboratories, it is responsible for supporting the national and provincial health departments in the delivery of healthcare.

  • EQUIP: Analytics to Achieve Global HIV Targets

    EQUIP is a global cooperative agreement between USAID and a consortium of African organizations to provide support and technical assistance to USAID countries to foster achievement of 90-­90-90. BUSPH is a supporting partner in the EQUIP consortium, with a focus on economic evaluation and other data analysis.

Our Strategic Directions

Our Strategic Directions are interdisciplinary topics of critical importance to the public’s health and areas of strength and growth for Boston University School of Public Health. These Strategic Directions emerged from broad consultation both internal and external to the School. Our engagement with these research directions helps support a vision of the future that is unstinting in its emphasis on what matters most for health.

  • Cities and health
  • Climate, the planet, and health
  • Health inequities
  • Infectious diseases
  • Mental and behavioral health

The latest on our Strategic Directions

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Recent Faculty Publications

  • Published On 7/5/2024Synthesizing subject-matter expertise for variable selection in causal effect estimation: A case study.Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)read at PubMed
  • Published On 7/5/2024Advances in difference-in-differences methods for policy evaluation research.Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)read at PubMed
  • Published On 7/5/2024Perspectives on drug development for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnant patients and patients who are breastfeeding.Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Researchread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/5/2024Predictors of Toxic Metal/Metalloid Exposures Among Mexican Americans in Starr County, Texas.Journal of racial and ethnic health disparitiesread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/5/2024Overcoming data gaps in life course epidemiology by matching across cohorts.Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)read at PubMed
  • Published On 7/5/2024Clinical risk factors and blood protein biomarkers of 10-year pneumonia risk.PloS oneread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/4/2024AI-based differential diagnosis of dementia etiologies on multimodal data.Nature medicineread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/4/2024Cluster randomised trial of a health system strengthening approach applying person-centred communication for the prevention of female genital mutilation in Guinea, Kenya and Somalia.BMJ openread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/4/2024Will the Olympic flame spark dengue outbreaks during the Paris 2024 summer Olympic and Paralympic games?Journal of travel medicineread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/4/2024Joselito® and lowering of LDL-cholesterol concentration, blood pressure, and reduction of coronary heart disease risk: Evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.EFSA journal. European Food Safety Authorityread at PubMed