Strategic Directions: Big Ideas.

How will we address the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic recession it has caused? How do we prevent the contagion next time, and prepare for a different pandemic? This is the work of our faculty.

Through a focused planning exercise, BUSPH has identified five near-term strategic research areas—our Big Ideas:

Each is relevant to the crises arising from today’s global pandemic—and will play a role in preparing for and preventing the next one.

Download & Share Big Idea Opportunities

Donor support can accelerate and sustain ongoing research in these areas, help us hire new faculty, and seed promising new research. We welcome your support as we explore the Strategic Research Directions that can lead to lasting progress.

For help exploring which options best fit your interests, please reach out to Jacoba van Heugten, Assistant Dean of Development, at 617-358-3321 or at