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Programme structure: Foundation in Arts and Social Sciences (CertHE) for 2023/24 entry cohort

    This section describes which Units you will take in which year of study. It indicates which units are mandatory and where you will be able to choose. The overall pass marks you will need to achieve in order to progress or achieve an award are shown. The full regulations concerning progression and completion are held in the University's Regulations and Code of Practice. Any particular aspects of your programme that are unusual will be highlighted. If any Units are must pass this will be shown below. The linked unit specifications detail any additional requirements.

  • Year 1 (2023/24 entry cohort)

Students will indicate a preferred ‘pathway’ (either ‘Arts and Humanities,’ ‘Social Sciences’ or ‘Economics and Finance) as part of the admissions process. These pathways will be managed internally, by unit choices: hence the labelling of all units as optional, except the Individual Project, which will be taken by all students.

The unit choice that students will make (on AH and SS pathways) is between the unit ‘Representations’ and one of the University Wide Language units (e.g. Post-beginners French) for students seeking to progress to degrees with a foreign-language element. Students on the EFI pathway seeking to progress to a degree involving a foreign language (such as Economics with Study Abroad) may choose to take a modern language option in place of Global Bristol.

Student’s language ability will be assessed and if ‘post-beginners’ language is not suitable they will be enrolled on beginners or intermediate level language units.

The following abbreviations are used below to indicate which ‘pathway’ each unit belongs to

AH - Arts and Humanities

SS - Social Sciences

EFI – Economics and Finance

Unit name Unit code Credit points Status Faculty of Arts Category Teaching Block
Individual Project AFAC10008 20 Mandatory TB-2
An Introduction to Study in the Arts and Social Sciences AFAC10017 20 Mandatory TB-1
Arts and Humanities Pathway - must also take:
What Does It Mean To Be Human? I: The Modern World AFAC10010 40 Optional TB-1
What Does it Mean to be Human? II: From Modern to Ancient AFAC10006 20 Optional TB-2
Arts and Humanities Pathway - choose 20 CP from:
Representations: (Re)-making the World AFAC10009 20 Optional TB-2
Post-Beginners French UWLP10002 20 Optional TB-4
Post-Beginners German UWLP10005 20 Optional TB-4
Post-Beginners Spanish UWLP10010 20 Optional TB-4
Social Sciences Pathway - must also take:
What Does It Mean To Be Human? I: The Modern World AFAC10010 40 Optional TB-1
Global Bristol SPAI10008 20 Optional TB-2
Social Sciences Pathway - choose 20 CP from:
Representations: (Re)-making the World AFAC10009 20 Optional TB-2
Post-Beginners French UWLP10002 20 Optional TB-4
Post-Beginners German UWLP10005 20 Optional TB-4
Post-Beginners Spanish UWLP10010 20 Optional TB-4
Economics and Finance Pathway - must also take:
Foundations of Economics AFAC10013 20 Optional TB-4
Discovering Foundation Mathematics MATH10020 20 Optional TB-1
Essential Foundation Mathematics - Discovery Route MATH10026 20 Optional TB-2
Economics and Finance Pathway- choose 20 CP from:
Global Bristol SPAI10008 20 Optional TB-2
Post-Beginners French UWLP10002 20 Optional TB-4
Post-Beginners German UWLP10005 20 Optional TB-4
Post-Beginners Spanish UWLP10010 20 Optional TB-4
Foundation in Arts and Social Sciences (CertHE)   120      

Progression/award requirements

Unit Pass Mark for Undergraduate Programmes:

  • 40 out of 100 – for level C/4, I/5 & H/6 units
  • 50 out of 100 – for level M/7 units

For details on the weightings for classifying undergraduate degrees, please see the Agreed Weightings, by Faculty, to be applied for the Purposes of Calculating the Final Programme Mark and Degree Classification in Undergraduate Programmes.

For detailed rules on progression please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.

Please refer to the specific progression/award requirements for programmes with a preliminary year of study, the Gateway programmes and International Foundation programmes.

Exit awards

All undergraduate degree programmes allow the opportunity for a student to exit from a programme with a Diploma or Certificate of Higher Education.

  • To be awarded a Diploma of Higher Education, a student must have successfully completed 240 credit points, of which at least 90 must be at level 5.
  • To be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education, a student must have successfully completed 120 credit points at level 4.

Integrated Master's degrees may also allow the opportunity for a student to exit from the programme with an equivalent Bachelor's degree where a student has achieved 360 credit points, of which 90 must be at level 6, and has successfully met any additional criteria as described in the programme specification.

The opportunities for a student to exit from one of the professional programmes in Veterinary Science, Medicine, and Dentistry with an Award is outlined in the relevant Programme Regulations (which are available as an annex in the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes).

Degree classifications:

  • First Class Honours 70 and above
  • Second Class Honours, First Division 60-69
  • Second Class Honours, Second Division 50-59
  • Third Class Honours 40-49
  • Fail 39 and below

An Ordinary degree can be awarded if a student has successfully completed at least 300 credits with a minimum of 60 credits at Level 6.

The pass mark for the professional programmes in Veterinary Science, Medicine and Dentistry is 50 out of 100. The classification of a degree in the professional programmes in Veterinary Science, Medicine, and Dentistry is provided in the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes.

Additional progress information

Arts and Humanities Pathway

A student’s overall mark for the foundation year will consist of an average of their unit marks for:

· What Does It Mean To Be Human? I

· An Introduction to Study in the Arts and Social Sciences

· What Does It Mean To Be Human? II

· Individual Project

· Representations (or other optional unit)

Marks will be weighted to acknowledge the credit points for each unit.

For the purposes of this pathway, satisfactory completion is defined as achieving an overall pass mark of 40%.

Students who leave the University at this point will be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education. If the student achieves this award with an overall mark above 70%, the certificate will be awarded with distinction

Social Sciences Pathway

A student’s overall mark for the foundation year will consist of an average of their unit marks for:

· What Does It Mean To Be Human? I

· An Introduction to Study in the Arts and Social Sciences

· Global Bristol

· Individual Project

· Representations (or other optional unit)

Marks will be weighted to acknowledge the credit points for each unit.

For the purposes of this pathway, satisfactory completion is defined as achieving an overall pass mark of 40%.

Economics and Finance Pathway

A student’s overall mark for the foundation year will consist of an average of their unit marks for

  • An Introduction to Study in the Arts and Social Sciences
  • Introductory Foundations of Mathematics
  • Foundations of Economics
  • Mathematics for Social Sciences
  • Individual Project
  • Global Bristol (or other optional unit)

Marks will be weighted to acknowledge the credit points for each unit.

For the purposes of this pathway, satisfactory completion is defined as achieving an overall pass mark of 40%.

Students who leave the University at this point will be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education.

Progression to Undergraduate Study

A student may progress to an undergraduate degree in the relevant Faculty on satisfactory completion of the Foundation programme, where they meet our progression criteria (see below). However, we cannot guarantee that a student may progress to their first choice of degree, as this will depend on student demand in any given year, on the areas in which a student has chosen to specialise within the Foundation programme and on the evidence of their existing strengths and success in that discipline. Where a student cannot progress to their first choice, we will do our best to ensure they are offered a satisfactory alternative. Students will be able to progress to an undergraduate degree where they meet the following criteria:

(i) An overall average of 60% or above;

(ii) An overall average of 50% or above and at least one unit mark of 60% or above;

(iii) An overall average of 40% (i.e. a pass) or above, subject to a progression review meeting with relevant academic staff.

Students on the Economics and Finance pathway will need to achieve a unit mark of 60 or above for the units ‘Introductory Foundations of Mathematics’ and ‘Mathematics for Social Sciences’ to progress to a degree in the Schools of Economics and Accounting and Finance. Students who do not meet this additional criterion but do meet either (i), (ii) or (iii) above may be allowed to progress to degrees in other Schools in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law.
