Local SEO for Good 2024 - September 12

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Mike Hawkes

Mike Hawkes

Mike is BrightLocal's Senior Content Marketing Manager. With over nine years of experience in digital marketing, he is responsible for devising and executing our content strategy and delivering a host of local SEO insights to our audience.

Mike has written 24 articles

How To Spot Fake Reviews Hub Header Teaser

How to Spot Fake Reviews

by Mike Hawkes

Are you confident that you know how to spot a fake Google review? Or certain that you know just how to identify a fake 5-star review from a mile away? ...

October 27th, 2022
10 min read
Top Competitor Research Tools

Top Competitor Analysis Tools

by Mike Hawkes

Ready to steal an extra advantage over the competition? Maybe you just need some inspiration, or perhaps you just need to cement your spot at the top. Competitor analysis is ...

August 1st, 2022
13 min read
Top User Experience Tools Hub Header Teaser

Top User Experience (UX) Tools

by Mike Hawkes

User experience tools are a tried and tested way to deepen your understanding of your audience’s needs and expectations. UX tools can be deployed for several reasons and at different ...

July 1st, 2022
8 min read
Top Social Media Tools

Top Social Media Tools

by Mike Hawkes

There’s more than first meets the eye to planning, managing, and executing successful social media campaigns. Whether you’re responsible for just one business or multiple, content creation, scheduling and measurement ...

July 1st, 2022
13 min read
Top Content Marketing Tools

Top Content Marketing Tools

by Mike Hawkes

No matter how creative a person you may be, consistently creating great content can be challenging. Especially when you consider that modern content creation is no longer focused on simply ...

July 1st, 2022
14 min read