
Environmental Monitoring for Stakeholders

Clearly demonstrate you are meeting environmental commitments

The Environmental Monitoring Module provides a structure and transparent framework that will help you better understand your environmental baseline, monitoring your environmental activities over time, and proving compliance with environmental regulations and standards.

  • Image-Environmental Monitoring Windmill

Protect your social license to operate

Adding this module to the Stakeholder engagement software can help you reduce the risks
of breaching environmental conditions or commitments.

Setup a transparent process

  • Define your environmental monitoring program, including a list of all environmental standards to meet and parameters to be measured, along with their associated monitoring stations.
  • Create alerts and notifications to be generated based on sample results for stricter monitoring of environmental compliance.
  • Identify your company’s environmental baseline to better monitor and understand environmental changes over time.
  • Register all laboratories involved in the handling of samples, and create sampling templates to be followed to ensure the chain of custody.
Capture and Monitor

Capture and monitor large amount of data

  • Load samples, parameters & standards in bulk, along with data from different instruments and contractors into a single integrated platform to limit the manipulation of data and centralize reporting functions.
  • Centralize scientific knowledge of species in a single repository for a taxonomy-based hierarchical classification of species.
  • Rapidly visualize, understand and manage environmental sampling results, commitments and performance KPIs.
  • View any recent and open environmental breach alerts on the map in better to understand spatial trends and assist with communications management.

Report and prove due diligence

Provide governing authorities and other stakeholders with detailed reports or overviews of trends over time on a variety of criteria and parameters such as environmental quality, biodiversity performance, and the impacts of planned and unplanned disturbances.

Features to help you reduce operational costs and delays

Synch data from your environment monitoring station to the system and measure it against standards to ensure compliance.

Built-in reports

Easily extract reports to prove your compliance level with environmental regulation or corporate commitments.

Integrated GIS and mapping

View activites and alerts on a map in order to understand spatial trends and help with communications managament with the communities.

  • Features and Operational Delays

Improve your knowledge
of environmental monitoring
best practices

Enhance your environmental monitoring practices

Environmental performance measured and optimized

Turn Stakeholder Engagement into a Higher ESG Score

  • Mosaique-borealis team

Contact us

Let our team demonstrate how our module can simplify and improve your existing environmental monitoring.

Manage all aspects of environment,
social, and governance from a single platform.
Simply add other modules as needed.