Stakeholder Engagement in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations work with a wide range of diverse stakeholders, from patients and providers to policymakers and researchers. The scope of their work is broad and varied; it may include improving patient care, participating in the development of new policies and legislation, engaging in advocacy, and managing public health initiatives. Often, these projects overlap, with different teams reaching out to the same people for different reasons. This makes it difficult to understand the big picture when it comes to managing stakeholder relationships. Fortunately, modern, fit-for-purpose tools can help organizations:


Monitor the health of stakeholder relationships over time


Break down silos to improve visibility and collaboration between teams


Measure the financial impacts of your engagement activities


Track and manage performance to demonstrate credibility

Learn how Zuellig Pharma’s Government Affairs team uses Borealis software to manage stakeholder engagement and measure their performance.

Our cloud-based software goes far beyond customized systems, CRM, or online spreadsheets; it is an intuitive solution designed to save time and minimize workload.

Automatically document communications in the system to create a complete, transparent, and traceable record. The intuitive interface is easy to use, even for people who aren’t tech savvy. Borealis offers a number of different tools to simplify data entry, including a mobile application, email add-ins, and import templates that allow users to upload data in batch.

Filter your records and create a distribution list (e.g., members of patient organizations, elected officials, people who participated in blood drives, etc.) to target the right people with the right message at the right time.

The historical data documented in Borealis is easily accessible, so teams can easily understand what happened with any given stakeholder over time. See the bigger picture, including who interacted with a specific stakeholder, commitments that were made, actions taken, and outcomes.

Identify, map, and assess stakeholders to evaluate their power, interest, and influence to inform your engagement strategies. Monitor how stakeholders’ positions change over time. Use custom dashboards to monitor trends in real time in order to respond quickly and proactively.

Automatically establish the relationships between two individuals based on their organizational affiliation or participation in communications. Two authors who collaborated on a scientific research paper together often have a stronger relationship than two people who attended the same conference. These insights can help teams engage more strategically.

Connect with other existing applications to work more productively and support your existing work processes. Easily push data to reporting tools like Power Bi, or import social monitoring data into the system.

Create reports for regulators, administrators, management, and investors in just a few clicks. Use custom dashboards to monitor trends in real time so you’re always prepared to respond quickly and proactively.

Better manage public engagement and improve outcomes with fit-for-purpose tools

We’ve onboarded hundreds of teams over the last 20 years. We’ll ensure your transition to Borealis software is smooth and successful, and support you every step of the way.

Fit-for-purpose software developed by experts with extensive field experience.
Instantly scalable: additional modules can be added as your needs evolve.
Personalized system configuration based on your specific needs.
Data is private, secure, and always accessible.
The intuitive interface is easy to use, even for people who aren’t tech savvy.
Software is constantly improved based on client feedback and industry best practices.
Multi-language onboarding, training, and support (English, French, and Spanish).
Supporting your long- term success
  • Mosaique-borealis team

Contact us

Find out how Borealis stakeholder engagement software helps organizations in the health sector get more out of their stakeholder engagement activities.

Resources for stakeholder engagement professionals in Healthcare

Identifying stakeholders in the healthcare sector
Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-30 à 21.13.15
Stakeholder Engagement: planning, executing and tracking progress

Improve stakeholder management by breaking down silos