
Stakeholder Mapping: When, Why, and How to Map Stakeholders

Need stakeholder buy-in for your project? See why it’s so important to map stakeholders. We’ve put together this crash course on when, why, and how to map stakeholders. We also look at fit-for-purpose stakeholder mapping tools teams can use to better navigate their ever-changing stakeholder landscape.

Stakeholder mapping – What is it?

Stakeholder mapping is an invaluable exercise for any stakeholder management team. This stakeholder engagement best practice lets you visualize your evolving relationships with stakeholders to understand who has power or influence over your project. This analysis lets you identify and engage with stakeholder more effectively.

What is a stakeholder map?

A stakeholder map is a snapshot of your stakeholder landscape at a given point in time. It’s often depicted as a graph with 2 axes divided into 4 quadrants:

  • The x-axis represents a stakeholder’s level of power or influence over your project.
  • The y-axis indicates their level of interest in your project.

Each quadrant on the map requires a different engagement strategy. A stakeholder’s position on the map will determine how you engage with them, including the intensity and frequency of engagement.

By periodically remapping your stakeholders, you can see how their positions change over the life of your project. This allows you to alter your stakeholder engagement strategies accordingly.

What is a stakeholder mapping template?

A stakeholder mapping template is a handy tool you can use to quickly map stakeholders to get a rough idea of their level of influence and interest. You can do a Google search to find free stakeholder mapping templates to download.

Why is stakeholder mapping important?

Stakeholder mapping provides essential insights for creating effective stakeholder engagement strategies. In turn, effective engagement helps you build trust with stakeholders and lead your project successfully over the finish line.

Stakeholder mapping supports project success in several ways:

  1. By identifying all relevant individuals, groups, or organizations that might impact or be impacted by your project, you can make sure no important group is overlooked.
  2. Highlighting the relationships, influence, and interests among different stakeholders allows you to better understand their dynamics and interactions.
  3. By classifying stakeholders based on their influence and interest, you can prioritize your engagement efforts to focus on those who have the most significant impact or those most affected by the project.
  4. Understanding stakeholders’ positions and interests makes it easier to craft personalized communication strategies to ensure the right message reaches the right stakeholder.
  5. By identifying potential areas of concern, resistance, or opposition early on, you can anticipate and address potential challenges proactively, before they become project risks.
  6. By understanding which stakeholders are most critical, you can allocate your resources—time, money, and effort—more effectively.
  7. By engaging the right stakeholders at the right time, you can increase support for your project and pave the way for smoother implementation.
  8. A clear stakeholder map establishes channels for regular feedback, allowing you to address emerging concerns or changing conditions promptly.

Get a crystal-clear picture of your stakeholder relationships to inform your engagement strategies.

What is the purpose of stakeholder mapping?

Stakeholder mapping is a strategic process used to identify and analyze individuals, groups, or entities that have an interest in a project or business initiative. Its purpose is to understand stakeholder perspectives, influence, and potential impact on the project’s success.

By categorizing and prioritizing stakeholders, organizations can tailor their communication and engagement strategies to ensure stakeholders’ needs and concerns are adequately addressed.

In short, stakeholder mapping is the corner stone that will help you optimize engagement through strategic insights.

What are the risks of not mapping stakeholders?

If you fail to identify and map the individuals or organizations that can influence your project, you may allocate valuable resources in the wrong places. At best, this can increase project costs and create unnecessary delays. In more extreme cases, it can lead to work stoppages and even damage your corporate image. This can make obtaining permits for future projects that much harder.

11 stakeholder mapping techniques and when to use them

There are a variety of techniques you can use to map and analyze stakeholders. The choice of which stakeholder mapping technique to use often depends on the specific context, needs, and goals of the project or initiative.

Here is a brief description of what each stakeholder mapping technique entails, along with a general guideline on when each technique might be most appropriate:

1. Power-interest grid

This is a commonly used tool where stakeholders are plotted on a matrix based on their power (influence) and interest (level of concern) regarding a project or decision.

When to use a power-interest grid

In straightforward projects where you need to quickly prioritize stakeholders based on their power and interest. For example, an NGO working on biodiversity preservation could use a power-interest stakeholder map to identify and prioritize stakeholders such as government agencies, influential environmental activists, major donors, Scientifics, and local communities in order to effectively engage and collaborate on conservation initiatives.

2. Influence-interest matrix

Similar to the power-interest grid but focuses specifically on the direct influence of stakeholders over the project and their interest or concern about its outcome.

When to use an influence-interest matrix

When you want to focus specifically on the direct influence stakeholders. A good example can be found in event that took place not so long ago. A government agency responsible for implementing a vaccination campaign, such as a vaccination drive, might use an influence-power stakeholder map. In this context, they would identify and assess stakeholders like healthcare professionals, community leaders, pharmaceutical companies, and policymakers. This mapping would help them evaluate the level of influence and power each stakeholder exercises in promoting or hindering the vaccination campaign’s success, allowing for targeted engagement and strategic decision-making.

Influence and interest matrix dot chart

3. Power-dynamism matrix

Stakeholders are mapped based on their power and the dynamism (or activity) they display. This helps prioritize stakeholders who are not only influential but also very active or vocal.

When to use the power-dynamism matrix

Useful for projects in dynamic environments, where stakeholders’ activity and responsiveness can change rapidly and significantly affect outcomes. A merger situation for example. Think of multinational corporation undergoing a major merger. They could benefit from using a power-dynamism stakeholder matrix. In this scenario, the organization would identify and analyze stakeholders such as shareholders, executive leadership, employee unions, regulatory bodies, and market competitors. This type of mapping could help uncover the power dynamics and the level of change with each stakeholder group. It would certainly enable the company to adapt its strategies and communications effectively during times of significant organizational change and uncertainty.


4. Salience model

This technique considers three attributes: power (the ability to influence the project), legitimacy (the appropriateness of their involvement), and urgency (how pressing their claims are). These three attributes are combined in a Venn diagram to classify stakeholders.

When to use the salience model

In complex projects where a deeper understanding of stakeholders is necessary. Especially when you need to consider urgency, legitimacy, and power concurrently. A good example would be a university launching a new academic program. Directors if this new program could use a salience model matrix to identify and prioritize faculty members, prospective students, accreditation agencies, alumni, and local industry partners. Since launching a new program is usually tied to a certain time frame, the salience model matrix is the right mapping tool to help the university determine which stakeholders have the highest levels of salience based on attributes like power, legitimacy, and urgency. This information would guide the university in tailoring its communication and engagement strategies to effectively meet the needs and expectations of these influential stakeholders during the program’s launch and ongoing development.
salience model technique attributes visual

5. Stakeholder influence diagram

This technique is particularly useful when dealing with complex stakeholder environments. It visually represents stakeholders and the relationships between them, showing who influences whom.

When to use a stakeholder influence diagram

In projects where understanding the relationships and influence flow between stakeholders is crucial. For example, when working in politically sensitive environments.
Stakeholder influence diagram

6. Stakeholder-centric network analysis

This is an advanced stakeholder mapping method that employs network theory concepts to understand the relationships and the flow of information or influence among a group of stakeholders.

When to use a stakeholder-centric network analysis

In large-scale projects or in organizations with complex internal structures where understanding the intricacies of the stakeholder network can lead to better communication and project strategies.

Think of a technology company launching a new product in a highly competitive market. In this scenario, the company would take of the stakeholder-centric network analysis to identify and assess a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, distributors, industry influencers, regulatory bodies, and competitors.

Using this type of stakeholder mapping matrix could help the business understand the intricate web of relationships within its industry and enable them to:

  • Identify key players who have the most significant impact on market trends and decisions.
  • Determine potential partners for collaborations.
  • Identify gaps in their network that need to be filled to strengthen their market position.
  • Anticipate market shifts and emerging trends by monitoring the flow of information and influence within the network.

By conducting a Stakeholder-centric network analysis, the technology company can develop a more comprehensive and strategic approach to product launch and market penetration, ensuring they effectively engage with and leverage their network of stakeholders for success.

7. Stakeholder value network

This technique involves mapping out the value exchanges between stakeholders. It helps identify the dependencies between them and how value (which can be tangible or intangible) flows between different groups.

When to use a stakeholder value network

For projects or initiatives where understanding the flow of tangible and intangible value (like information, resources, or influence) between stakeholders is critical. In the context of a large-scale wind farm project in a rural area for example. In that scenario, the renewable energy company could leverage the stakeholder value network analysis to understand the value exchange and interdependencies among these stakeholders in the context of the wind farm project.

They could discover that :

  • Local residents value job opportunities and social investment in the community resulting from the project but are concerned about environmental impact and property values.
  • Environmental groups are critical of its impact on local ecosystems but cherish the project’s potential to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Utility companies are pleased by the announcement of new source of renewable energy but also have specific requirements for the project’s energy output.
  • Regulatory agencies are only positive. They value compliance with environmental regulations and economic benefits for the region.

The Stakeholder Value Network analysis would involve mapping these stakeholders, their values, interests, and dependencies. It would help the renewable energy company identify areas of alignment and potential conflicts among stakeholders.

8. Stakeholder culture analysis

This technique is useful for understanding the cultural dynamics of stakeholders, especially when dealing with projects that span different regions or countries 

When to use a stakeholder culture analysis

For multinational or cross-cultural projects where cultural dynamics can significantly influence stakeholder perceptions and actions. Let’s take a global clothing retailer expansion for example.

Let’s imagine a clothing retail brand with a presence in the United States wants to open new stores into several countries across Europe, including France, Germany, and Italy. This expansion will involves dealing with various stakeholders. The organization used the stakeholder culture analysis scheme and was able to uncover information that will help team make more strategic decisions.

Each country has its unique fashion preferences, style trends, and cultural influences on clothing choices. The local shopper cultural analysis should helps the retailer curate its product offerings to align with local fashion sensibilities while maintaining its brand identity.

Collaborating with local retail partners or franchisees may require an understanding of their cultural values, business practices, and negotiation styles. Cultural analysis can foster productive partnerships and ensure consistency in brand presentation.

Different countries have varying regulations related to clothing labeling, sizing, and import/export policies. Cultural analysis may help get an overall picture of how and why some regulations are applied thus ensuring the clothing complies with local standards and preferences.

Identifying and engaging with local fashion influencers or bloggers who align with the brand’s values and resonate with the local culture can be a powerful marketing strategy.

And last but not least, observing and mapping the cultural strategies and tactics of both local and global competitors is essential for market positioning and staying ahead in the fashion retail industry.

By conducting a Stakeholder Culture Analysis, the clothing retail brand will gain insights into the cultural factors influencing stakeholder behaviors and preferences in each target market. This kind of mapping exercise will be key to inform product selection, partnership negotiations, marketing campaigns, and compliance efforts, facilitating a successful expansion into new regions while respecting and embracing local cultures and fashion trends.

9. Issue-based stakeholder mapping

This technique groups stakeholders based on particular issues or concerns. It’s a useful method when a project has multiple contentious areas, and different stakeholders are aligned with different issues.

When to use an issue-based stakeholder culture analysis

For projects with high controversy potential or when stakeholder concerns are diverse, and you need to address them based on specific issues. Let us envisage the scenario where a national government is considering a significant policy change related to environmental regulations, to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. This policy change could have extensive implication and mapping the various stakeholders by issue would help the government analyze the positions, interests, and potential alliances among these stakeholders regarding each issue.
Stakeholder groups Issues most concerned with
Environmental non-profits Organizations dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and advocating for stricter regulations.
  • Environmental benefits
  • Public health
  • Environmental justice
Industries associations Representing sectors that might be impacted by the regulations, such as energy, manufacturing, and transportation.
  • Economic impact
  • Job creation
  • Change in skills set
Government agencies Responsible for drafting and enforcing the regulations.
  • Economic impact,
  • Job creation
  • Public health
Local communities Residents and community leaders in areas directly affected by industrial operations.
  • Job creation
  • Impact on landscape
  • Public health
Scientific experts Researchers and scientists with expertise in climate change and environmental impacts.
  • Environmental benefits
  • Public health
Economic analysts Experts who can assess the economic implications of the policy change.
  • Economic impact
  • Public health cost
Determining the issues each group are more concerned with is impossible without some prior engagements. This is when using a centralized system such as an SRM where each engagement, discussion, meeting can be categorized with a subject category or an issue can make a huge difference at identifying which issue have more prevalence then other for a group. Even when engagement activities take place across different teams.

10. Stakeholder profile

While not a “mapping” technique in the visual sense, creating profiles, also known as persona, for each stakeholder or stakeholder group can be immensely valuable. Each profile will contain details like their interests, needs, influence level, communication preferences, and historical interactions with the project or organization.

When to use stakeholder profiling

When a detailed understanding of each stakeholder or group is required, often in long-term projects or ongoing stakeholder management scenarios. It’s helpful when personalizing communication and engagement strategies for each stakeholder or group.

11. Stakeholder mapping by geographic distribution

This technique maps the geographic location of stakeholders to understand how individuals are geographically distributed and concentrated in relation to a land-based project.

When to use stakeholder geographic distribution mapping

In projects that involve siting, constructing, maintaining or decommissioning assets that may be located directly on or in proximity to stakeholder land. A good example could be found in Pipeline maintenance activities.

Before maintenance activities, teams must contact various stakeholders for reasons like negotiating right-of-way agreements, documenting land access conditions, notifying occupants about work, ensuring legal compliance, securing permits, coordinating with suppliers, recording concerns, and more.

Learn how a stakeholder management tool with GIS mapping capacities can boost stakeholder management strategies. 

image of a geographic distribution with locations

Learn how a stakeholder management tool with GIS mapping capacities can boost stakeholder management strategies.

Strengths and weaknesses of each stakeholder mapping technique

Each stakeholder mapping technique has its own pros and cons. This is why larger, high-stakes projects tend to use a combination of techniques.

Technique Pros Cons
1. Power-interest grid
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Provides clear prioritization.
  • Can oversimplify complex relationships.
  • Subjective positioning of stakeholders
2. Influence-interest matrix
  • Focuses on direct influence.
  • Highlights stakeholders to engage with most closely.
  • Doesn’t consider indirect influence.
3. Power-dynamism matrix
  • Considers stakeholder activity.
  • Good for highly dynamic environments.
  • Can be time-consuming to determine dynamism accurately.
4. Salience model
  • Comprehensive with three key factors.
  • Provides nuanced understanding.
  • More complex than basic matrices.
  • Requires in-depth analysis.
5. Stakeholder influence diagram
  • Shows interrelationships
  • between stakeholders.
  • Can be complex with many stakeholders.
  • Time-consuming to map out.
6. Stakeholder-centric network analysis
  • Deep insight into stakeholder networks.
  • Identifies influencers within the group.
  • Requires expertise in network analysis.
  • Data-heavy approach.
7. Stakeholder value network
  • Shows tangible and intangible value flow.
  • Highlights dependencies.
  • May be seen as too transactional.
8. Stakeholder culture analysis
  • Great for multinational projects.
  • Provides insight into cultural dynamics.
  • Requires cultural expertise.
  • Can be subjective.
9. Issue-based stakeholder mapping
  • Allows for grouping by specific issues.
  • Directly addresses project challenges.
  • Multiple issues can make it complex.
10. Stakeholder profile
  • Detailed understanding of each stakeholder or group.
  • Tailors communication and engagement strategies.
  • Time-consuming to create.
  • Requires regular updating.

How to choose the right stakeholder mapping technique

The best stakeholder mapping technique often depends on three things:

  1. The nature and complexity of the project
  2. The organization’s familiarity with its stakeholders
  3. The specific goals of the mapping exercise

For instance, a small local project might just need a simple power-interest grid, while a large international initiative might benefit from a combination of several mapping techniques. Many multi-year, large-scale infrastructure projects, such as those found in mining, energy, and transportation will often use stakeholder management software which includes extensive stakeholder mapping capabilities.

Regardless of the technique, the ultimate goal is to better understand and manage stakeholders to ensure a successful outcome for the project or initiative.

How to create a stakeholder map

Below is a simple approach that the Borealis team has established through our work with clients over the past 20 years, based on the proven 3-stage stakeholder engagement methodology of plan-engage-measure. By following this stakeholder mapping approach, you can ensure all key stakeholders are properly identified and accounted for.

So, what are the steps to build a stakeholder map?

Step 1: Identify & categorize stakeholders

First, identify all of your stakeholders. Who are they? Stakeholders include any individuals, companies, or institutions who may impact – or be impacted by – your project, positively or negatively.

They can be government agencies, local communities or associations, consumers, employees, suppliers, elected officials, and more. As you create your list, ask yourself, who will be affected? Who will support the project? Who will oppose it?

Use different strategies to identify stakeholders, such as brainstorming, focus groups, consultations, research, historical data, and grievance logs.

Step 2: Classify stakeholders

Next, categorize this list of stakeholders into groups. How, exactly? Start by defining broad groups with similar interests and needs. Next, try to break these groups into smaller subgroups based on industry, context, history, location, and other criteria.

Ask yourself, which individuals have similar interests? Which have similar needs? What do these people have in common?

This will help you streamline your messaging to communicate effectively with each group. For example:

Government and regulatory authorities

Communities affected by the project

  • Populations near your project
  • Job seekers
  • Vulnerable groups: women, elders, etc.
  • Religious groups
  • Universities and other educational institutions

Companies and commercial organizations

  • Suppliers
  • Service providers
  • Partners

Internal stakeholders

  • Board(s) of directors
  • Directors
  • Employees
  • Investors
These are just some ideas to guide you; be sure to define groups that are relevant to your project given your context, history, location, scope, etc.
Image on the landing page

Download your free stakeholder analysis template now

Boost your project’s success with our Stakeholder Analysis Template! This plan lays out a systematic approach to identify, assess, and prioritize stakeholders, enabling you to understand their interests, expectations, and influence on the project. 

Step 3: Analyze stakeholders

In order to map your stakeholders, you’ll first need to assess them. This will help you focus your efforts on those with the most power and influence over your project.

Before you begin your analysis, decide which criteria you will use to identify the ‘key stakeholders’ for your organization. Remove anyone from your list that doesn’t meet those criteria.

A thorough stakeholder analysis will help you evaluate the risks and opportunities these different groups present to your project. This will help you determine why, how, and how often you need to engage with them. Be sure to rank each stakeholder’s levels of interest and influence, as you’ll need this information for stakeholder mapping.

You can assess these elements in different ways, depending on your needs. A simple option is to break each category into two levels: low and high.

Let’s look at two examples for a proposed solar energy project.

  • One of your stakeholders is a local company named Complete Tech. They have low influence in your project, but their level of interest is high. (They’re hoping you’ll hire them as a subcontractor.)
  • Another stakeholder for your project is the EPA. They have significant interest and influence in the project since their mandate is environmental protection.

Example: Ranking key stakeholders according to influence and interest.

Note: Keep in mind that the quality of this analysis depends on the information you have available. In an ideal situation, anyone involved in the analysis would have a deep understanding of each key stakeholder. When this knowledge is incomplete – or worse, inaccurate – the analysis won’t be as effective.

Step 4: Map stakeholders

Now that you’ve assessed your key stakeholders’ levels of interest and influence, plot them on the grid. In our example, Complete Tech ends up in the bottom-right quadrant and the EPA is at the top-right.

Example: Plotting stakeholders on the Influence/Interest matrix

Their position in the map determines how you’ll engage with these organizations. Complete Tech is a high influence/low interest stakeholder, so you’ll want to keep them informed as the project unfolds. In contrast, the EPA ranks high for both interest and influence, so you’ll need to manage them closely.

Influence and interest matrix dot chart

How stakeholder engagement software can simplify stakeholder mapping

Modernizing business processes with fit-for-purpose tools can dramatically improve relationships, productivity, and outcomes. This applies to stakeholder management as well. Borealis stakeholder software helps teams extract valuable insights from stakeholder data to create more dynamic, actionable stakeholder engagement strategies.

  • The stakeholder mapping tools in Borealis are part of a single, fully integrated platform that helps you manage all stakeholder engagement activities in one location.
  • Easily build as many stakeholder maps as you need – by project, by community, or by topic.
  • Archive previous assessments to monitor changes in stakeholder interest and influence over time.
  • Use custom dashboards to monitor trends in real time in order to respond quickly and proactively.
  • Assess stakeholders on up to 8 axes: position, impact, importance, influence, reach, legitimacy, priority, and interest.
  • Click on any map, graph, or list to drill down into your data for additional insights.
  • Prepare a messaging campaign targeting highly influential stakeholders in just a few clicks.
  • Use built-in quality control reports to manage data quality and spot potential issues – like holes in your data that can lead to faulty or incomplete reports – before they can cause problems.
  • Coordinate your efforts across teams to build trust with stakeholders and increase their willingness to engage.

Want to learn about stakeholder mapping with Borealis software?

How often should you map stakeholders?

Stakeholder mapping is an ongoing exercise. You’ll want to perform your first analysis early in your project, as it will provide insights to help you proactively develop your engagement strategies. But it’s just as important to re-evaluate stakeholder mapping regularly over the life of your project.

As a project unfolds, stakeholders come and go, and their interest in the project may change. Remapping stakeholders on a regular basis will show you how their positions – and your relationships with them – change as things move forward.

Whether you choose to review your stakeholder mapping every six months or just before each new project stage, be sure to allocate the necessary resources for these important assessments. With each new analysis, it’s important to update your engagement strategies and messaging accordingly.

You’ll also want to have powerful analytics to know if your engagement strategies are bearing fruit.

Teams that prioritize stakeholder mapping from the start often find their stakeholder engagement efforts more productive and efficient. This greater efficiency leaves more time for regular reassessments. That, of course, leads to further efficiency gains and better outcomes. It’s an upward cycle of constantly improving knowledge and results.

Now that you’ve identified the main stakeholder groups and your goals for each one, it’s time to create your engagement strategies.  

Stakeholder mapping example

Here is a simplified stakeholder mapping exercise for an offshore wind farm project.

How stakeholder mapping helps builds better stakeholder relations

When stakeholders feel respected and heard, they are more likely to work with your organization in a productive, mutually beneficial manner. Stakeholder mapping helps you understand their concerns, needs, and motivations, so you can engage more effectively.

Building trusted relationships with your stakeholders puts your organization in a much stronger position to minimize potential conflicts and mitigate any negative environmental, social, and economic impacts.

At a minimum, integrating stakeholder mapping into your process will transition your team from a reactive approach to more proactive stakeholder management.

What tools can you use to create a stakeholder map? 

Creating a stakeholder map can be done using a variety of tools. Selecting the right tool often depends on the complexity of the project, the number of stakeholders, and the level of collaboration required among team members.

Traditional tools

These are great for learning the basics of stakeholder maps and are often used in classroom exercises.

Traditional tools typically include:

  • Paper and Pencil: For initial brainstorming and sketching.
  • Whiteboards: Great for collaborative sessions with team members.
  • Sticky Notes: Useful for categorizing and moving stakeholders around during a session.

General software

This is often commonly-used business software used by small teams with limited budgets. This software is not specifically designed to map stakeholders, but is flexible enough to create basic stakeholder maps.

General software typically includes:

GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

These systems are extremely useful in land-based or other projects where the geographical location of stakeholders matters.

GIS systems typically include:

  • Software like ArcGIS or QGIS can be used to create geographical stakeholder maps.
  • Some stakeholder management software, like Borealis, also include GIS mapping tools to let you see at a glance which stakeholders are impacted and need to be engaged with for a given buffer zone.

Graphics software

Programs like Adobe Illustrator or Canva can be used for designing more polished, presentation-ready stakeholder maps.

What are the disadvantages of mapping stakeholders in a spreadsheet?

Some teams continue to map stakeholders manually – either by covering a wall in Post-It notes or with a spreadsheets. Neither technique is considered a best practice in stakeholder mapping for a number of reasons.

Poor version & quality control

Chances are you’ll want to map stakeholders periodically over the life of your project. There’s also a chance that multiple people may end up contributing to these maps. If spreadsheets are stored on individual computers, you may end up with multiple versions in circulation, with little control over how they are being shared and modified. This means no single point of truth to base your stakeholder engagement strategies on.

Poor data privacy control

Some stakeholder mapping techniques may entail working with a fair amount of stakeholder personal information. Whether the spreadsheets are stored on individual computers or in the cloud, they have limited mechanisms for maintaining the security and confidentiality of this personal information. Even password-encrypted spreadsheets may not be sufficient for meeting the requirements of privacy laws like GDPR.

Poor data accessibility

If the spreadsheets are stored on individual computers, they may not be readily available to all team members who need to access them. This data may also be lost, stolen or simply forgotten over time as team members come and go.

What are the benefits of using a fit-for-purpose stakeholder management software

Specialized stakeholder management software:

  • Centralizes and structures all data in a single, secure location. Information is complete, up to date, and instantly accessible, anywhere, from any device.
  • Creates a lasting institutional memory of historical data so that you can build on lessons learned.
  • Makes it easy to generate professional reports on demand, or schedule them to be sent to the right people by email at your chosen frequency.
  • Has a centralized database that serves as a single point of truth. Teams have a complete picture of project and stakeholder data at all times, allowing them to work more efficiently, make more informed decisions, and manage stakeholder relationships more proactively to achieve better outcomes.
The stakeholder mapping feature in Borealis software helps you assess stakeholders and track the evolution of stakeholder relationships over time. Learn more about our stakeholder engagement software.

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Borealis stakeholder engagement software today!