We provide the most advanced stakeholder management software to support your stakeholder engagement activities.

See how Borealis grew to become the world’s most advanced stakeholder engagement software.

Who we serve

Borealis software is used by organizations from various industries that need to secure social acceptance, demonstrate corporate social responsibility or consider the impacts of stakeholder influence and interest on their core business activities.

We answer the needs of business sectors that deal with :

  • grievances
  • community engagements
  • compliance and regulation
  • land access
  • sustainability
  • risk management
  • lobbying and public affairs
  • etc.

International expertise of

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More than



In over






How we help

We help our customers by providing a cloud-based stakeholder engagement software for storing, sharing and reporting on all stakeholder data and related engagement activities.

With Borealis stakeholder management software in hand, your organization will be better at planning, engaging, and measuring strategies in :




We strive to be a partner our clients can depend on to constantly improve their stakeholder engagement processes and results. We deliver through our own expertise and global community of practice.

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We are committed to helping clients tackle tough issues and do what’s right over the long term. We work closely with them to develop new solutions that take best practices in corporate social responsibility further.



We constantly improve our Borealis software to make securing social license to operate easier – whether it’s living up to rapidly changing stakeholder expectations, meeting increasingly strict sustainability standards, or respecting the growing number of regulatory requirements.

What our customers have to say about us

Patrick Grégoire – CEO and founder

A stakeholder engagement software pioneer

While working on a major pipeline in 1998, Patrick recognized a growing need in the extractive sector to structure the stakeholder engagement process. Companies were just starting to consider social risk a part of project execution, and social impact programs had only begun to emerge. Six years later, Borealis was born and quickly became a leader in the Social Performance marketplace. For the past two decades, Patrick has continued to take a leading role in major infrastructure initiatives around the world, including pipelines, transmission lines, hydro power, mines, oil fields, wind power, roads, port, and railway projects.

Our account directors

All of our account directors have extensive field experience in stakeholder engagement. They work closely with you to ensure you get the most out of our software.

Christine Crowe

Christine E. Crowe

With over 10 years of experience in renewable energy, waste valorization and biodiversity conservation, Christine helps organizations mitigate project risks to ensure their sustainability.

Francis Dupont

Francis Dupont

Francis has developed extensive worldwide expertise in stakeholder engagement information management and systems implementation.

Louis Lieutenant

Louis Lieutenant

Louis has extensive expertise in extractive, utility and energy projects, specifically with respect to stakeholder engagement, land access and compensation, and environmental compliance.

François Robichaud

François Robichaud

François has 10 years of experience implementing complex social and environmental solutions on large international infrastructure projects.

Andrew Garatt

Andrew Garratt

Andrew is a community engagement and communications professional with 20+ years’ experience in building strong relationships with stakeholders in energy, governments and transport sectors.

Justin Lagac

Justin Lagac

Justin is an active listener and strategic thinker with a gift for translating his clients’ business needs into solutions. He has expertise in the energy, retail and health care industries.

Our customer success team

We are proud to say that Borealis builds long term relationships with our clients. Our onboarding process exceeds simple change management support. 

We work by your side from day one to optimize the adoption and use of our software. And we continue working with you year after year to keep innovating as your team and needs evolve.

Mosaique-borealis team
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