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Occlusion training tips for fitness workouts

Occlusion training is also know as blood flow restriction training and can be a useful tool in our fitness workouts. This type of training can be good for those recovering from injuries or who have physical limitations that interfere with building muscle. It would be wise to check with a knowledgeable doctor first to find out if this type of training is right for us before beginning.

The goal of this training is to build strength by reducing blood flow to the areas we are working. A soft band is placed around the limb and pressure is increased during the workout. There are several training methods using this technique. We can use this type of training during walking or cycling to improve endurance and muscular strength. It is better to work with a trained professional when beginning this style of workout.

Here are some occlusion bands to help with this training technique.

This training method can offer increased strength and aid in the recuperation of muscles. With proper training advice, occlusion methods can be a helpful part of our workouts.

5 products to help manage workout-related injuries
A man stretching legs for plantar fasciitis.

You resolved to get more physical activity this year and were off to a running start. You kept a schedule and noticed you had better endurance and functional strength.
“Fittest year ever” seemed like a reasonable goal. Then, you started feeling the burn — and not the good kind. Every athlete experiences an injury at some point. Sometimes, injuries happen when you try to do too much too soon, such as going from running from the couch to the fridge to trying to run five miles per day. Other times, poor form and bad luck are the culprits.
Whatever the reason, getting sidelined is no fun and is physically painful. Having the right products while you’re recovering and when you get back into it can help you manage exercise-related pain. Here are five to consider.

Poor form, overuse, and bad luck can all trigger exercise-related injuries. Make sure you’re stretching and taking rest days as needed. If you’re injured, call your doctor. They can assess whether or not you can continue to work out or need to take some time off. Heating and ice packs and other equipment, like compression socks and support belts, can help you manage pain while recovering and when you re-start your regimen. Always be aware of your surroundings. Ice and bumps in the road can all cause injury-causing slips and falls. Speak to a doctor before starting any new workout regimen.

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5 compression sleeves to keep your legs fatigue-free
A woman puts on compression stockgings

The hustling life is a difficult yet rewarding one. Whether you’re a cubicle rockstar or are on your feet all day, there’s no way around fatigue every now and then. Legs are especially prone to tiredness after a long day, but there are a few things you can do to help. Compression socks are one way to fight fatigue (as well as swelling, stiffness and soreness), but how do you know which accessories to try?
Compression sleeves for your legs are excellent at combating physical stress and promoting blood flow in your lower body. Even better, you can find sleeves and braces for specific parts of your leg, like your knee or calf, if a certain area needs some extra attention. Whatever you choose, though, your legs will feel revitalized and stronger with any of these compression sleeves.

Compression sleeves can be a great accessory for any part of your body, whether you’re nursing an injury or hoping to fight everyday fatigue. Athletes and desk workers alike can appreciate the circulatory benefits of compression socks and sleeves, though folks with a lower activity level won’t need as much compression as someone who puts their legs through a hard day’s work.
You can choose from any item on this list, or you can decide which part of your leg to focus on before you buy. Whatever you do, don’t wait! Fighting lower body fatigue doesn’t happen overnight, but investing in a compression sleeve will give you a great head start.

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5 great compression socks for better circulation
Closeup of feet wearing compression socks running on a mountain

No matter your job, schedule, or activity level, leg discomfort can happen. Swelling, stiffness, and even varicose veins can develop after years of sitting and standing, but compression socks are here to help. As much as you’d like to think though, not all compression socks and stockings are created equal.
It never hurts to do a little research about the different kinds of compression socks on Amazon, which is why we made this list. Now you can avoid the choice anxiety that comes from scrolling through pages and pages of similar items—we’ve found our favorites for you! All that’s left is for you to browse and pick your favorites, too.

Foot and leg pain is no joke, no matter what you do for a living. Though home remedies are not a substitute for a doctor’s advice, compression can be one way to promote more open circulation while preventing lower-body discomfort. Even if you’re already working around a nagging injury, these helpful accessories may be the deciding factor that gets you back on your feet (pun absolutely intended).
Make sure to take the time to browse each product so you can find exactly what you need. If circulation is your only concern, for example, you won’t need a sock or brace meant for plantar fasciitis and foot pain. And remember—these 5 compression socks are only 5 of the innumerable options available on Amazon and other retailers, so you can always find what you need if it’s not on this list!

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