Create stunning composable storefronts with Catalyst.

The next generation of storefront technology is here. Meet Catalyst, our new composable starter kit that banishes complexity and blends the flexibility of open source with the security and scalability of SaaS.

Introducing Catalyst.

🟢 available

With a fully integrated storefront reference implementation based on Next.js and React, Catalyst provides a full, end-to-end guest shopper experience that is pre-wired to our platform, based on the Next.js frontend framework. Catalyst will be the default starter for new composable builds, utilizing the latest features within Next.js and our GraphQL APIs.

Launch faster with our prebuilt starter kit.

🟢 Available

Our reference headless storefront is composable with all the BigCommerce storefront features pre-integrated. Catalyst is functional and transactional in minutes, ready to be customized for your brand.

Build on the world's most popular frameworks, Next.js and React.

🟢 Available

Catalyst is built on the tools your developers love — giving you the same frameworks used by retailers like Target, Nike, and Ticketmaster.

Get blazing-fast performance and tools.

🟢 Available

It’s our fastest BigCommerce storefront offering to date, achieving Lighthouse scores of 100. Next.js gives you the tools to maintain performance as you mold Catalyst to your brand.

Stay optimized for SEO.

🟢 Available

Catalyst continues our leading position in SEO optimization, ensuring your marketing content combines with excellent site speed and optimized markup for success on Google.

Enjoy built-in accessibility.

🟢 Available

You’ll get WCAG 2.2 accessibility out-of-the-box, giving you the ability to cater to the widest audience of shoppers and maintain compliance.

Deliver seamless mobile performance.

🟢 Available

Catalyst is fully responsive and optimized for mobile performance, so you can provide your customers with a great experience — wherever they shop.

Host with Vercel or any Next.js hosting provider.

🟢 Available

We’ve partnered with Vercel to make Catalyst the fastest and most powerful starting point for ecommerce storefronts on Next.js, and made it easy to host on Vercel's Frontend Cloud. Catalyst is also portable to any hosting provider that supports Next.js, so you have your choice of infrastructure.

Build your brand with built-in marketing tools.

🔵 Coming soon

We’re incorporating our cutting-edge visual editing suite, Makeswift, into the core of Catalyst — giving you the tools you need to build with no code.

“Our previous system had pieces that didn’t work well together, so taking a composable commerce approach required careful assessment. We took our time confirming various components would work well, and knowing that BigCommerce was a member of the MACH Alliance gave us a lot of confidence.

Oliver Boardman, IT and Digital Director, Brompton

Manage your storefront — optimally.

🟢 available

Whether leveraging our hosted storefront solution Stencil, embracing a headless architecture, or integrating with your CMS, we provide resources to optimize your development journey.

Power headless storefronts entirely with GraphQL.

🟢 Available

We’ve enhanced our GraphQL Storefront API with all the functionality to power customer account management and order history powered entirely with GraphQL — without the REST APIs. Learn more

Create cart metafields from frontend code.

🟢 Available

Create, update, and delete cart metafields using GraphQL Storefront API — extending your shopping cart from frontend.
Reference these metafields from your backend integrations for custom functionality. Learn more

Use wallets on headless storefronts.

🟢 Available

Boost conversion with our wallet integrations like PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, and Venmo in your storefront, powered by our GraphQL Storefront API.

Improve Page Builder workflows with Page Widgets API.

⚫️ waitlist

Manage the layout of Page Builder content directly with Page Widgets API improving workflows where Widgets need to be copied between environments and backup/restore of Page Builder content. Join the waitlist

“Using headless technology, we could do rapid improvements and change directions quickly, adding new features or categories without being limited.

Andy Pickup, Digital Director, MKM Building Supplies

Catalyst accelerators.

🟢 available

The power of Catalyst, packaged by BigCommerce, accelerates time to market for specific architectures.

New accelerator: Composable Foundations by Orium

🟢 Available

Build multi-brand and multi-lingual shopping experiences by combining Catalyst with popular integrations like Algolia, Bloomreach, Contentful, Contentstack, and Makeswift. All are optimized for Vercel and include setup, branding, product import, and team onboarding. Learn more

New accelerator: HeadstartWP by 10up

🔵 Coming soon

Designed for brands using WordPress to build custom experiences, 10up’s HeadstartWP powered Catalyst variant is purpose-built to fast track composable commerce while retaining the most popular capabilities of WordPress. Learn more

New accelerator: Composable Accelerator by Apply Digital

🟢 Available

Perfect for content-driven apparel and beauty brands, Apply Digital’s Catalyst accelerator pre-integrates Catalyst with Constructor, Amplience, Makeswift, and Vercel to deliver lightning fast page speeds with top-notch operational efficiency. Learn more

Catalyst integrations.

🟢 Available

Explore pre-built examples and code to extend Catalyst and take your ecommerce even further.

New integration: Algolia

🟢 Available

Quickly replace the built-in search capabilities of Catalyst with Algolia’s flexible InstantSearch component. Learn more

New Integration: Makeswift

🟢 Available

Build landing pages for a Catalyst storefront using Makeswift, including a beautifully designed “lookbook” page perfect for apparel brands, and an integration with Contentful where you can visually design pages utilizing structured data from your preferred headless CMS. Learn more

New integration: Amplience

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Amplience with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Bloomreach

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Bloomreach with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Contentful

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Contentful with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Contentstack

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Contentstack with Catalyst to use data from your DXP on any page.

New integration: Strapi

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Strapi with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: WordPress

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect WordPress with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Strapi

🟢 Available

Integrate your Catalyst storefront with Strapi��s headless CMS to manage blog content and customer service questions, with support for localization across both content types. Learn more

Additional integrations

🔵 Coming soon

We’ll be partnering with our ecosystem to unlock integrations into Amplience, Contentful, Contentstack, Wordpress, Bloomreach, and many more. Let us know what you’d like to see. Request Integration

New integration: Amplience

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Amplience with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Bloomreach

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Bloomreach with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Contentful

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Contentful with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: Contentstack

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Contentstack with Catalyst to use data from your DXP on any page.

New integration: Strapi

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect Strapi with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

New integration: WordPress

🔵 Coming soon

Quickly connect WordPress with Catalyst to use data from your CMS on any page.

Let’s do BIG things together.

What do you want to explore next?