Cryptocurrency Payments

Unlock new buyers with cryptocurrency.

Tap into new audiences while boosting loyalty and conversions — all on the platform leading a new era of ecommerce.

Merchants who accept crypto enjoy 2x the average order value and attract 40% more new customers.

(Source: A Forrester Total Economic ImpactTM Study Commissioned by BitPay)

Sell more with crypto


BitPay is the world’s largest provider of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency payment services. With BitPay, you can gain new customers, reduce payment fees and eliminate chargebacks. Best of all, BitPay supports 100+ crypto wallets, protects you against price volatility and settles directly to your bank account. BitPay makes accepting crypto payments easy and risk-free.


The leading crypto payment gateway makes it quick and easy for your online business to accept payments in over 120 different cryptocurrencies. CoinPayments is a native payment processor option that you can integrate seamlessly through BigCommerce. Accept real-time global payments in the most popular coins worldwide with industry-low processing fees of only 0.5%.

The cryptocurrency market is experiencing huge growth — here’s what consumers are looking for:


are more likely to make a purchase from a merchant that accepts cryptocurrency.*


want to keep their personal data and purchase details as private as possible.*


say they spend more when making a purchase with a cryptocurrency vs. a credit card.*

With BigCommerce, cryptocurrency payments are enabled for all merchants

Leverage innovative partner integrations with a single click and start accepting crypto today.

*Cryptocurrency is considered volatile because of how much, and how quickly, its value can change. Like all currencies, there's potential for gains and losses. Keep in mind that we can't protect you from losses as a result of market volatility. Be sure to do your research and buy and sell carefully.

Future-forward benefits for your business

A new era of consumers are passionate about spending crypto. Embracing this payment trend can help merchants grow their audience base, boost sales and easily build loyalty and reward programs. 

Reach broader markets

Offering cryptocurrency as a payment method can open up your brand to an entirely new global market — catering to younger, more tech-savvy and forward-thinking shoppers.

Keep transactions low cost and secure

Credit card companies typically charge transaction fees of anywhere from 2-4%. Cryptocurrency transactions often don’t have transaction fees — and those that do can be as low as .5%.

Offer more payment options

Crypto adoption won’t affect traditional payment offerings — with blockchain technology, crypto payments can seamlessly integrate within your website and with other payment options.

Innovate for the next generation of retail

In ecommerce, technology is our future. Accepting crypto can help your brand stand out from the competition, keeping you on the cutting edge of retail technology.

“Unlike with credit card payments, crypto has zero chargeback risk for BigCommerce merchants”

Merrick Theobald, VP Marketing, Bitpay

Resources & Blog


Ecommerce Replatforming Guidebook

Step-by-Step ecommerce replatforming advice and checklist from a migration expert


The Rise of Cryptocurrency and What It Means for Ecommerce

While cryptocurrency is often referred to as the currency of the future, what we’re seeing is that it's also a viable currency for the present.

Bigger than you need right now? Start with BigCommerce Essentials.