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Consumer - News Archive

Anti-virus test phishing
20. June 2024
Anti-Phishing Certification Test 2024
AV-Comparatives published the results of the Anti-Phishing Certification Test 2024 show casing products that met criteria for certification.
parental control
20. June 2024
Parental Control Certification Test 2024
AV-Comparatives provides certification for parental control software. In order to be certified, a product must block at least 98% of pornographic websites, have zero false alarms on child-friendly websites, and have no severe unresolved bugs (or design flaws) discovered during the review.
Anti-virus consumer test
14. June 2024
Real-World Protection Test February-May 2024
The first half year results of the ongoing Consumer Real-World Protection Test for February-May 2024 are now available.
mac security
12. June 2024
Mac Security Test & Review 2024
We have reviewed and tested eight security solutions on Apple's macOS Sonoma. Read our Mac Security Test & Review to see which security solutions have been approved.
android device
12. June 2024
Mobile Security Review 2024
The latest Mobile Security Report 2024 is now available! Six security products for Android have been thoroughly tested and reviewed!
Anti-virus test performance
2. May 2024
Performance Test April 2024
Performance Test April 2024 for Microsoft Windows 10 security products released, 16 products' impact on system performance was tested.
protect system from malware
16. April 2024
Malware Protection Test March 2024
The Malware Protection Test March 2024 assesses program’s ability to protect a system against malicious files before, during or after execution.
19. March 2024
Anniversary Report 2004-2023 20 years of AV-Comparatives
AV-Comparatives: Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence in Cybersecurity
23. January 2024
Summary Report 2023
Read the Consumer Summary Report 2023 to learn more about the various AV products tested over the year and the high-scoring products in these tests.
21. November 2023
Advanced Threat Protection Test 2023 – Consumer
AV-Comparatives' Advanced Threat Protection Test 2023 for Consumer security products released, testing the protection against advanced attacks
Anti-virus consumer test
14. November 2023
Real-World Protection Test July-October 2023
The second half year results of the ongoing Real-World Protection Test July-October 2023 are now available.
Anti-virus test performance
30. October 2023
Performance Test October 2023
AV-Comparatives released the Performance Test report October 2023 for consumer security products under Microsoft Windows 10.
protect system from malware
16. October 2023
Malware Protection Test September 2023
The Malware Protection Test September 2023 assesses program’s ability to protect a system against malicious files before, during or after execution.
android device
29. June 2023
Mobile Security Review 2023
The latest Mobile Security Report 2023 is now available! Nine security products for Android have been thoroughly tested and reviewed!
mac security
22. June 2023
Mac Security Test & Review 2023
We have reviewed and tested nine security solutions on Apple's macOS Ventura. Read our Mac Security Test & Review to see which security solutions have been approved.
20. June 2023
Anti-Phishing Certification Test 2023
AV-Comparatives published the results of the Anti-Phishing Certification Test 2023 show casing products that met criteria for certification.
Anti-virus consumer test
15. June 2023
Real-World Protection Test February-May 2023
The first half year results of the ongoing Consumer Real-World Protection Test for February-May 2023 are now available.
parental control
7. June 2023
Parental Control Certification Test 2023
AV-Comparatives provides certification for parental control software. In order to be certified, a product must block at least 98% of pornographic websites, have zero false alarms on child-friendly websites, and have no severe unresolved bugs (or design flaws) discovered during the review.
Anti-virus test performance
9. May 2023
Performance Test April 2023
Performance Test April 2023 for Microsoft Windows 10 security products released, 16 products' impact on system performance was tested.
protect system from malware
18. April 2023
Malware Protection Test March 2023
The Malware Protection Test March 2023 assesses program’s ability to protect a system against malicious files before, during or after execution.