Despite their similar names, a Virtual Private Cloud and a Private Cloud are completely different technologies. Each offers a vastly different user experience with contrasting feature sets and varied cloud capabilities. In this guide, we’ll break down the many key features and distinctions between the two and answer some challenging questions to help you make an informed decision.

Briefly, a private cloud is a cloud computing environment typically dedicated to a single organization or customer. It can be located on-premises (in the organization’s own data center) or hosted by a third-party provider like Atlantic.Net. A private cloud offers a single tennent greater control, security, and customization options than public clouds, but they can also be more expensive and complex to manage.

A virtual private cloud, often referred to as a VPC, is a type of private cloud hosted within a public cloud environment. It provides a logically isolated section of the public cloud dedicated to a single organization. VPCs offer many of the same benefits as a private cloud, such as security and customization, but they are typically more affordable, easier to scale, and entirely virtualized.

Define the Two Types of Private Cloud

Now, let’s explore each type of cloud computing infrastructure in detail.

Private Cloud

A private cloud is a cloud computing model where the entire infrastructure is dedicated exclusively to a single organization. It can be located on-premises within the organization’s own data center or hosted by a third-party service provider off-site. A private cloud can be a cluster of physical infrastructure, servers, storage, and networking, or it can be a virtualized cluster such as a VMWare vSphere Environment, an OpenStack Cluster, or perhaps a Hyper-V stack.

Summary of a Private Cloud Infrastructure

  • Location: Hosted either on-premises or by a third-party provider.
  • Ownership: Often owned and operated by the organization, but large-scale clusters are typically leased from Managed Service Providers.
  • Control: Full control over server, storage, and networking resources and infrastructure. Everyday management tasks may be outsourced to a Managed Services provider.
  • Security: High level of security bespoke to your exact requirements. Often customized to meet specific requirements such as legislation or compliance.
  • Customization: This option offers a high degree of flexibility to tailor the environment to specific needs. It is ideal if the customer needs specific hardware resources.
  • Cost: Typically higher upfront purchasing and ongoing costs, especially licensing and maintenance.
  • Scalability: Less scalable than public cloud options, but new servers and resources can be added to racks as needed. Requires considerable planning, budget considerations, and waiting on lead times.
  • Ease of management: Due to increased control and customization, it can be more complex to manage. If not outsourced, it requires virtualization experts to complete day-to-day management tasks.

Key Characteristics of Private Cloud:

What do you get when you sign up for a Private Cloud Environment? And is it the best choice for you?

  • Exclusive Access: The resources (servers, storage, networking) are not shared with other organizations, providing complete isolation and control.
  • Enhanced Security: Due to their isolated nature, a private cloud often has stronger security measures, making them ideal for sensitive data and regulated industries.
  • Customization: Organizations can configure the infrastructure, applications, and security policies to their specific needs and workflows.
  • Performance: Private clouds can offer higher performance due to dedicated resources and no contention with other users.
  • Compliance: Private Clouds are often preferred for meeting strict regulatory requirements as the organization has full control over data and security measures. This is why most Government industries are managed in-house on a private cloud model.
  • Higher Costs: Building and maintaining a private cloud involves significant upfront investment in hardware, software, and skilled personnel. You may have to factor in the costs of running a data center, power, cooling, disaster recovery, and so on.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a subset of a public cloud that simulates a private cloud environment. The key difference is that it uses virtualization technology to create a logically isolated section within a public cloud provider’s infrastructure—an environment dedicated to a single organization.

The major cloud providers integrate VPCs into customer accounts, allowing users to configure a software-defined VPC that isolates networking, resources, and security groups into the same isolated environment. VPCs are highly flexible; they can be shared across regions and availability zones and span multiple customers and user accounts if needed.

Summary of Virtual Private Cloud Infrastructure

  • Location: Hosted within a public cloud provider’s infrastructure
  • Ownership: Resources are typically provided on-demand by a public cloud provider
  • Control: It depends on the cloud provider; typically, there is less direct control compared to a private cloud, but it still offers excellent isolation, security, and segregation.
  • Security: There is a High level of security, often available on demand from the provider and leveraging the provider’s built-in measures. Reputable providers will also offer managed security services, which can be included in your service.
  • Customization: A good level of customization within the defined parameters of your account and virtualized organization.
  • Cost: Generally much more affordable than private cloud due to shared resources and out-of-the-box configuration.
  • Scalability: Highly scalable, leveraging the public cloud’s infrastructure
  • Ease of management: Easier to manage due to the provider handling underlying infrastructure

Key Characteristics of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

What do you get when you sign up for a Virtual Private Cloud Environment? And is a VPC the best choice for you?

  • Shared Infrastructure: The underlying physical resources (servers, storage) are shared with other users of the public cloud. There are rarely contention issues, but remember that you are reliant on your provider’s uptime capabilities. In all circumstances, the VPC provides a secure and isolated virtual environment.
  • Security: VPCs leverage the public cloud provider’s robust security measures and offer additional isolation mechanisms, such as virtual firewalls, security groups, and permission-based access.
  • Scalability: VPCs are highly scalable as they can easily tap into the vast resources of the public cloud. VPCs are easy to manage by code, making them superb for automated configuration by your developers.
  • Flexibility: They offer a good degree of customization, allowing organizations to choose the type and size of virtual resources they need.
  • Cost-Effective: VPCs are more cost-effective than private clouds as organizations only pay for the resources they use and don’t need to invest in hardware or maintenance.
  • Less Control: Organizations have less control over the underlying infrastructure compared to a private cloud, however, you do have full control over the virtualized abstraction layer.

What Is the Difference Between Virtualization and Private Cloud?

We have already discussed what a private cloud is a little earlier in this article, so instead, let’s focus on what Virtualization offers for cloud adoption. Virtualization and private cloud are both important concepts in cloud computing, but they are fundamentally different things.


Virtualization is a reliable and proven technology that allows you to build multiple virtual environments on physical infrastructure. It requires virtualization software called a hypervisor that sits on top of powerful dedicated physical hardware. The hypervisor effectively divides the existing hardware resources into multiple virtual resources, typically virtual machines (VMs). Each VM acts like an independent computer with its own operating system and applications.

Hypervisors allow multiple operating systems to run on a single physical host computer. Some of the most popular include VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, Citrix, and Nutanix.

Benefits of Virtualization

Virtualization offers numerous advantages that enhance the efficiency and flexibility of IT infrastructure. One key benefit is resource efficiency. By running multiple virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical or virtual server, organizations can maximize the utilization of their existing hardware. This not only reduces the need for additional physical servers but also cuts down on energy consumption and overall costs.

Another significant advantage is the isolation provided by virtualization. Each virtual machine operates independently from the others, ensuring that any issues or security breaches in one VM do not affect the others. This isolation enhances the overall security and stability of the IT environment, making it a reliable choice for businesses that handle sensitive data or require robust security measures.

Virtualization also offers remarkable flexibility. Virtual machines can be easily moved, cloned, and backed up, simplifying management and increasing operational agility. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in disaster recovery scenarios and for scaling operations up or down as needed.

Lastly, virtualization is invaluable for testing and development environments. It allows for the rapid creation and destruction of virtual machines, enabling developers to test new software or configurations without the need for additional physical hardware. This accelerates the development cycle and fosters innovation, as teams can experiment and iterate quickly and efficiently using virtual networks.

What Are the Disadvantages of Virtual Private Clouds?

While Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) offer numerous benefits, they also come with potential drawbacks that organizations should consider. One significant disadvantage is the limited control over the underlying infrastructure. Unlike private cloud environments, VPC users rely on public cloud providers such as Atlantic.Net, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure to manage and maintain the cloud infrastructure, such as the computing hardware, the core network infrastructure, and other essential hardware and software components used to interlink cloud resources.

This dependency can be problematic for businesses requiring granular control over their IT resources. It also means that you are at the mercy of the provider’s Service Level Agreements, so make sure you choose a service provider that has excellent service level guarantees.

Another concern is the potential security risks associated with VPCs. Despite robust security measures, VPCs are still part of the shared public cloud infrastructure, which means there is a risk if the provider’s overall security is compromised. For companies handling highly sensitive data, this shared environment might pose unacceptable risks compared to the isolation offered by a private cloud setting. However, potentially, an ever-great risk exists regarding you, the customer, misconfiguring the security features of the VPC!

Setting up and managing a VPC is complex, particularly for organizations lacking extensive cloud expertise. Configuring network settings, security features like security groups and network access control lists (NACLs), and managing access controls require specialized knowledge and experience. VPCs are hard to configure correctly and require lots of testing to make sure the security does exactly as expected.

While the costs associated with VPCs are generally lower than those of private clouds, they can potentially spiral out of control if you do not plan your architecture correctly. VPCs still charge for storage resources, data transfer (in particular degree traffic), and additional services provided by different cloud providers and service providers, such as backups. When you add all this together, costs can rise quickly.

Vendor lock-in is another potential challenge; while most businesses and startups don’t care about lock-in, choosing a VPC from a specific cloud service provider can lead to difficulties and high costs when attempting to migrate data and applications to another provider. This situation can be exacerbated by the need for specialized management software and tools unique to each provider.

Performance variability is also a concern, as the performance of a VPC can be influenced by the activities of other customers sharing the same infrastructure. Although reputable public cloud providers implement measures to mitigate this impact, it remains a consideration. Additionally, the limited customization options in VPCs compared to private cloud environments can restrict businesses to the configurations and services offered by the provider, potentially limiting flexibility and innovation.

The VPCs and other customers’ computing resources on the server also depend on a stable internet connection. Any disruptions in connectivity can affect access to virtual servers and other cloud resources. This reliance on the public internet can be a critical issue for businesses requiring uninterrupted access to their IT infrastructure.

Despite these disadvantages, VPCs can still be a viable option for many organizations. They offer cost-effectiveness, scalability, and ease of management. However, it is crucial to weigh these benefits against the potential drawbacks and consider factors like security needs, control requirements, and future flexibility before opting for a VPC. For some businesses, a hybrid cloud approach, combining the benefits of both public and private clouds, might offer the optimal balance of cost, control, and performance.

What Is the Difference Between a Virtual Cloud and a Public Cloud?

Firstly, it’s important to mention that Virtual Cloud is just another way of saying Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). When choosing between a virtual cloud and a public cloud for your cloud deployment needs, understanding the differences in infrastructure, management, and use cases is crucial. Both options utilize cloud services but cater to very distinct requirements.

Virtual Cloud

A virtual cloud, often referred to as a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), operates within a shared public cloud infrastructure but provides businesses with a private network environment. This setup allows companies to manage computing resources and cloud services in a secure and isolated manner, leveraging the scalability and flexibility of cloud and computing services.

In a virtual cloud, businesses create a virtual private network (VPN) within the public cloud infrastructure. This virtual network itself is equipped with private IP addresses and network access controls, offering a level of security and isolation similar to that found in on-premises data centers. Users have control over network configurations, including IP address ranges and routing tables, through self-service portals provided by the cloud provider. This setup enables businesses to integrate their cloud resources with existing on-premises infrastructure or other private environments seamlessly.

Virtual clouds are particularly suited for organizations that prioritize enhanced security and isolation for sensitive data or workloads. They provide customers with the computing resources and flexibility needed to customize network settings and security parameters, making them an ideal choice for businesses with specific compliance or regulatory requirements.

Public Cloud

In contrast to private infrastructure, a public cloud relies on a shared infrastructure provided by a third-party cloud provider over the public internet. This environment is shared among multiple customers, with the cloud provider managing hardware maintenance, software updates, and overall security.

In a public cloud setup, users manage their applications and data within the cloud provider’s environment, benefiting from the provider’s scalability and quick provisioning capabilities. This allows businesses to access a wide range of computing resources on demand without the need for large capital expenditures. Public clouds are well-suited for startups, small businesses, and enterprises looking for cost-effective and scalable solutions to accommodate varying workloads and applications.

Atlantic.Net Cloud Hosting and Managed Services

Atlantic.Net has been in business for 30 years and provides IT services to customers throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. We have 8 data center locations around the globe that our customers can leverage for a wide range of hosting solutions, managed services, and compliance services, including our award-winning HIPAA-Complaint Managed Services.

Atlantic.Net’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) offers businesses a secure and scalable cloud solution. Each VPC system seamlessly integrates with the Atlantic.Net Cloud and features the robust security and logical network segmentation needed to meet and exceed diverse compliance requirements, including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and HITECH.

With the added advantage of a fully managed service, Atlantic.Net’s dedicated team ensures a customized network solution that aligns with organizational goals. Add features like the Managed Firewall and VPN to enhance security and connectivity. Atlantic.Net’s VPC combines security, performance, and scalability, making us a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

Step into the future with Atlantic.Net’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Imagine the security of a physical data center network but with the flexibility of the cloud. Our VPC offers complete logical isolation, ensuring unparalleled security and compliance, all while residing on Atlantic.Net’s trusted Cloud services.

Reach out to the team today to learn more.