Company Policy icon

Company Policy


Secure your organization's intellectual property and uphold legal compliance.

GenAI exposes your company to a whole new set of risks and threats

The last thing you want is for your AI to “accidentally” expose your company’s trade secrets, strategic plans, and proprietary data. Ensure your data is secure while adhering to legal and ethical standards.

Uphold organizational integrity

Keep your corporate secrets locked down

  • Proactively prevent accidental exposure of business strategies and confidential information.
  • Keeps your AI in line with privacy laws and regulations, dodging legal headaches.
Aporia Customer Support

Comply with changing regulations

Security that evolves with your business

  • Set up guardrails that mirror your unique company policies and ethics.
  • Easily adjust as your policies evolve and as new regulations come into play.
Aporia AI Guardrails

How does it work?

A real world example of off-topic detection

Which response do you prefer?


Our strategy for the Asian market includes a new product launch in Q3, exclusive partnerships in Japan and South Korea, and a targeted marketing campaign. Should we proceed with this plan?

Which response do you prefer?


Response With Guardrails

Message Chat...

Our strategy for the Asian market includes a new product launch in Q3, exclusive partnerships in Japan and South Korea, and a targeted marketing campaign. Should we proceed with this plan?

Response With Guardrails


Our strategy for the Asian market includes a new product launch in Q3, exclusive partnerships in Japan and South Korea, and a targeted marketing campaign. Should we proceed with this plan?


Message Chat...

Gain control over your GenAI apps

with Aporia guardrails


Enterprise-wide Solution

Tackling these issues individually across different teams is inefficient and costly.

Aporia colors
Aporia Labs

Continuous Improvement

Aporia Guardrails is constantly updating with the best hallucination and prompt injection policies.

Aporia Labs
specific use-cases

Use-Case Specialized

Aporia Guardrails includes specialized support for specific use-cases, including:

plus placeholder
blackbox approach

Works with Any Model

The product utilizes a blackbox approach and works on the prompt/response level without needing access to the model internals.

Aporia AI Guardrails
want to control the magic ?

Control your GenAI apps with Guardrails

hand icon
