Empower Instructors with AI

Easily build course structure, assessments, rubrics, and more with the new AI Design Assistant, developed in partnership with Microsoft and exclusively available in Blackboard®.

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Strategically designed to support instructors

The AI Design Assistant was created in accordance with Anthology's Trustworthy AI framework, and makes Blackboard the first major LMS to leverage generative AI capabilities to benefit instructors and instructional designers. With instructors in control, the AI Design Assistant uses artificial intelligence to streamline the course building process, giving subject matter experts a head start on creating engaging, effective courses.

Ready to see how Blackboard + AI Design Assistant can help you?

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More time for what’s most important: teaching

Using simple inputs like a course name, description, or learning objectives, the AI Design Assistant can help with:

of instructors say that developing learning modules with the AI Design Assistant saves them time​
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Simplifying course creation
The AI Design Assistant can recommend the structure of a course, along with titles for modules, descriptions, and even images based on course content, freeing instructors up to do what they do best—teach!

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Content-based assessment generation
AI-powered algorithms analyze course content and quickly generate test questions and prompts for authentic assessments. The instructor can review and edit to ensure assessments match their goals.

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Rubric creation
Standardizing the rubric creation process with AI ensures consistency and fairness in evaluating student performance, in just a fraction of the time.

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Royalty-free image sourcing
The AI Design Assistant provides royalty—free image recommendations based on the context of a course or document-so no more hunting for good visuals to make courses more engaging, and no need to worry about copyright infringement, either!

Seamlessly embedded in, and standard with, Blackboard

Smoothly integrated within the Blackboard interface, the AI Design Assistant inspires and streamlines instructor workflows, saving them time when building engaging courses. And the best part? It comes standard with Blackboard.

Want to see it in action? Watch this short video to see how the AI Design Assistant helps create course structure, tests, and rubrics for an instructor to simply review, edit, and approve based on their expertise.

AI Design Assistant Video

New! The AI Design Assistant can now generate suggestions for authentic assessments​

AI Design Assistant Video

Authentic assessments are crucial to tackling AI plagiarism in the ChatGPT era. The AI Design Assistant can now generate authentic assessment prompts for discussions and journals, with assignments to follow soon.​

The functionality is informed by Bloom’s taxonomy to ensure pedagogical best practices. Instructors can choose the desired cognitive level for the task, as well as provide keywords and instructions to tie the suggestions to their course content and desired outcomes.​

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Dedicated to the responsible and ethical use of AI in education

Anthology is committed to the responsible use of AI within our technologies, and our AI Advisory Council—comprising clients from around the world—is helping us in planning an ethical path forward. Our Trustworthy AI Approach has “humans in control” as a core pillar, meaning institutions can determine whether AI-powered capabilities are activated according to their policies, and instructors maintain full control over their courses.

All inspiration and suggestions provided by the AI Design Assistant can be reviewed, edited, and approved by the instructor, meaning they maintain ownership of high-stakes decisions throughout the learning journey.

Learn more about Anthology's approach to AI

Interested in upgrading your LMS?

Ready to see how Blackboard + AI Design Assistant can help you?

Quotation Mark

Using the AI Design Assistant, I created nearly a hundred quiz questions and multiple learning modules with pictures and descriptions, finishing the task in a fraction of the time I had budgeted. This efficiency is invaluable, especially for faculty engaged in extensive research responsibilities.

Simona Narubin Durbin
Associate Director of Assessment and Education
University of Illinois Chicago

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