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For Military Families and Veterans

ABA Home Front provides a directory of legal assistance resources for active-duty servicemembers and veterans

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Using a Lawyer

Legal Information

For Military Families and Veterans

ABA Home Front has informative self-help materials on areas of law specific to those currently or formerly in military service.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about finding legal help.

Consumer's Guide to Legal Help Terms Glossary

Get definitions for common legal terms.

About is provided as a public service by the American Bar Association's Legal Services Division. While the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not legal advice or legal representation. Because of the rapidly changing nature of the law and our reliance upon outside sources, we make no warranty or guarantee of the accuracy or reliability of information contained herein or at other sites to which we link. We assume no responsibility for any information, advice or services provided by any site to which we link. The American Bar Association sponsors a number of programs to improve the justice system, but is not able to help people with specific legal problems or cases. The Association is not able to refer you to an attorney.

For Concerns About Child Safety

If you believe a child's safety is threatened or suspect child abuse, you can obtain information on reporting such abuse at the Child Welfare Information Gateway


We welcome your comments, questions, problems and suggestions on the usefulness of this web site. PLEASE DO NOT SEND REQUESTS FOR LEGAL HELP TO US. WE DO NOT PROVIDE LEGAL HELP TO INDIVIDUALS, AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RESPOND TO SUCH REQUESTS.