Cat Translator
Cat Translator
by AppProject
Free to Enable
”Alexa, start cat translator and tell my cat lets play”
”Alexa, start cat translator and tell my cat go away”
”Alexa, start cat translator and disappear”
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English (US)
  • English (AU)
  • English (CA)
  • English (GB)
  • English (IN)
  • English (US)
  • German (DE)
  • Spanish (ES)
  • Spanish (MX)
  • Spanish (US)
This skill make a easy conversation between you and your cat. Be surprised how are the reactions from your cat if Alexa speak to it. Use this skill to make a conversation with your cat. If you have only one cat at your home the skill works better. Have fun! Available commands: Hello cat let´s play let´s cuddle go away purr ultrasonic (shoos each cat close to Alexa) Language analysis
Skill Details
Supported Languages
English (AU), English (CA), English (GB), English (IN), English (US), German (DE), Spanish (ES), Spanish (MX), Spanish (US)