Chewbacca Chat
Chewbacca Chat
by Ben Hawley
Free to Enable
”Alexa, open chewbacca chat”
”Alexa, ask chewbacca chat to punch it”
”Alexa, ask chewbacca chat to fire blasters”
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Chewbacca Chat Unofficial Ever wanted to be able to talk to your favorite wookiee? Finally, you can! The Chewbacca Chat skill allows you to have a back and forth conversation with the the iconic wookiee Fuzz Ball. Chewie is a great listener and perfect to show off to your friends! Tell Chewbacca Star Wars quotes to try and find the 6 secret hidden easter egg quotes with unique audio playback - can you find them all? To find out more about the Easter Eggs say "Alexa, ask Chewbacca Chat to tell me about the easter eggs"
Skill Details
Supported Languages
English (AU), English (CA), English (GB), English (IN), English (US)