EPR Virtual Lunch and Learn Series

Welcome to ARMA’s EPR Virtual Lunch and Learn Series!

For over three decades, the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) has been at the forefront of stewarding provincial recycling programs for used electronics, paint, tires, and used oil and materials. Our success is not possible without the resounding commitment of Albertans who continue to do the right thing—to recycle. Today, Alberta boasts over 430 registered municipal and Indigenous collection sites, ranking third-highest in Canada.

We are now embarking on a new chapter to continue advancing our vision of inspiring a future without waste transitioning Alberta to an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system that shifts the physical and financial burden of collecting, sorting, processing, and recycling waste away from municipal governments and taxpayers, to the producer.

These virtual sessions provide an opportunity for stakeholders like yourselves to engage with our organization and guest presenters, ensuring you remain well-informed regarding EPR processes and development while having your questions and concerns promptly addressed. 

*Please be advised that these virtual webinar sessions will be recorded and available online for later viewing, however, the workshops will be more impactful with live participation and as a series. 

Previous SESSIONs:

ARMA Connect: Producer Demo

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Noon – 1 PM (MST)

Intro to Alberta EPR for Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs)

Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023
2:30 – 3:30 PM (MST)


Introduction to the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Community Registration Application Form

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
Noon – 1 PM (MST)

For Communities

The Mechanics of EPR: Systems, Processes and Approaches

Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023
Noon – 1 PM (MST)

For Communities and Producers


Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024
Noon – 1 PM (MST)

Community EPR Transition Planning Workshops

These three workshops will help prepare communities for changes to their waste management system following the transition to EPR. Each two-hour workshop will provide guidance and present tools and frameworks for communities to understand their current state, envision their future state, and develop an EPR transition plan. 

The workshops will build off each other, requiring participants to complete activities between sessions. Related template material to support the workshop activities will be shared.

Workshop 1:
Current State

Wednesday, February 14
Time: Noon – 2 pm
Length: approx. 2 Hours

Complete – click on the link below to view the recording

Future State

Wednesday, March 13
Time: Noon – 2 pm
Length: approx. 2 Hours

Complete – click on the link below to view the recording

Transition Plan

Wednesday, March 27
Time: Noon – 2 pm
Length: approx. 2 Hours

Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration. We understand that the transition to EPR represents a significant change for communities, and our goal is to ensure this transition is as seamless as possible. We look forward to your attendance!  

Contact us:

If you have any questions or require further information, please email us at epr@albertarecycling.ca or toll-free at 1.888.999.8762 and we will be pleased to assist you.  

Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) is the not-for-profit organization that acts on behalf of the province to oversee all aspects of end-of-life processing of electronics, paint, tires, and used oil materials and is the administration and oversight authority for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). We are responsible for ensuring that regulated parties undertake their required roles in the EPR system and achieve the results required by the regulation.