EPR Oversight

REGISTRATIONS ARE still being accepted!

Click on the link to begin the registration process. If you require assistance, please contact epr@albertarecycling.ca



Message from our CEO

Our work at ARMA is now two-fold after a recent Government of Alberta decision. We are first, as we always have been, focused on managing the stewardship of recycling programs for used oil, tires, paint, and electronics. Our success is not possible without the resounding commitment of Albertans who continue to do the right thing—to recycle—and it has truly been astounding to see the amount of waste Albertans have collectively diverted from our landfills.

And with our experience managing four different streams of recyclables, we’re embarking on a new chapter together to continue advancing our vision of inspiring a future without waste. A big piece of this work is the idea of a circular economy, one where instead of items ending up in a landfill to slowly break down, or at its worse, pollute our environment, we’re envisioning products where they exist infinitely, albeit as something new each turn through the recycling system. A circular economy is the cleanest vehicle for a future without waste.

We want to thank the Government of Alberta for appointing ARMA as the oversight body for extended producer responsibility, a new framework for Alberta where producers will assume the cost of recycling materials like packaging, paper, single-use plastics, and hazardous and special products. Launching this framework alongside our existing stewardship programs not only leverages our extensive experience and relationships in the recycling sector but gives us the tools to continue to act boldly in how we envision our future.

This step forward where we continue to work alongside producers and processors, the Government of Alberta, and most importantly, fellow Albertans, is the cornerstone of our recycling landscape where we made the decisive choice to chart a new course and think about recycling differently, to act on our commitment to a future without waste.

Ed Gugenheimer
CEO of Alberta Recycling Management Authority

In October 2022, the Government of Alberta made the announcement that the province would be implementing an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) process.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) shifts the cost of recycling materials like single-use products, packaging and paper products (PPP), and hazardous and special products (HSP) away from our municipalities and everyday Albertans to the producers and manufacturers who supply those products into the marketplace.

Instead of following the lead of others, ARMA is once again supporting a made-in-Alberta solution. Working with the Government of Alberta, we’re helping to support a government-made EPR framework that will help us and our partners to do even more to reduce waste and make our province a more attractive place for investors.

Registered PROs

A producer responsibility organization, or PRO, is a business established to contract with producers to help them meet their regulatory obligations under the EPR regulation. Producers of EPR materials are responsible for meeting mandatory collection, management, and promotion and education requirements.

The following PROs are registered with ARMA. Select a PRO below to view their contact information:

Circular Materials

Program: Single-use Products, Packaging and Paper Products

Website: https://www.circularmaterials.ca/

Email: info@circularmaterials.ca

Phone: 1.877.667.2626

Registration Number: 00014957

Product Care Recycling

Program: Hazardous and Special Products

Website: https://www.productcare.org/

Email: alberta@productcare.org

Phone: 1.604.592.2972

Registration Number: 00014968


Program: Hazardous and Special Products

Website: https://www.call2recycle.ca/

Email: jbrown@call2recycle.ca

Phone: 1.236.996.9948

Registration Number: 00014932


  • GoA Developing Bylaws
  • EPR Bylaw Advisory Group (EBAG) formation
  • ARMA signs agreement
  • Standing up ARMA functions
  • Registration system development
January – July, 2023

  • EPR Bylaw Advisory Group (EBAG) input
  • ARMA Ratifies initial Bylaws 
  • Registration system testing and finalization
September, 2023

Community Registration Opens

  • Community pre-registration opens on October 2
  • Registration for Producers, PROs and Processing Facilities opens in the Fall
October 2, 2023

  • ARMA ratifies any revisions to Bylaws
  • Policies and procedures development and consultations
October – December, 2023

  • Policies and procedures finalized
  • Producer verification
January – March, 2024

Producer Registration Deadline

  • Producers currently supplying designated materials to register by March 1, 2024
March 1, 2024

FAQ: EPR Oversight (general)

FAQs relating to PPP or HSP can be found on those specific pages.

What is extended producer responsibility?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) shifts the physical and financial burden of collecting, sorting, processing and recycling waste to the producer and away from local governments and taxpayers.

For example, this means that municipalities that are currently operating curbside recycling programs will no longer be responsible for the financial costs of those programs and, in some instances, will not operate them at all. The producers of the recyclable products will step in and cover the costs and operations.

Why do we need this program?

This program presents several positive opportunities for Alberta. First, it will enhance the recycling rates of products across the province as producers will take responsibility for recycling the products they create—meaning fewer products end up in our landfills.

It will also work to catalyze Alberta’s circular economy, as products that previously ended up in the waste are redirected and recycled into new products to be used again and again. This means more job creation, more economic investment, and larger economies.

Finally, it lessens the burden on municipalities and taxpayers that are currently covering the cost of recycling products, including batteries, pesticides, and materials that are designated as flammable, corrosive, or toxic (with the official symbols) and includes containers and products.

What other jurisdictions in the country are operating this?

British Columbia and Ontario have implemented successful EPR programs. British Columbia first launched an EPR program in 2004 and has seen tremendous success as it has gradually increased the types of products included in the framework. Ontario first implemented its program in 2019, and similar to BC, it has worked to increase the products captured in the framework.

As ARMA works to design and implement an EPR framework for Alberta, they’re considering the approaches taken in BC and Ontario to help shape a made-in-Alberta solution that works for the nuances and needs of Alberta’s industries and recycling landscape.

Whose decision was it to implement this program?

After seeing the success of programs in other jurisdictions and the opportunity to enhance Alberta’s circular economy, the Government of Alberta made the announcement that the province will be implementing an EPR process. To support the implementation, ARMA was announced as the oversight body supporting the Government of Alberta.

ARMA is accountable to the Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, and must provide business plans, reports, and audited financial statements to the Minister annually, as well as notice of changes to its bylaws.

Click here to view the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Agreement on Administration and Oversight with Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (PDF).

What are the timelines for implementation?

Alberta’s Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation came into effect on November 30, 2022. The government and ARMA recognize it will take time for producers to develop their EPR systems, including considerations for collection and material management.

Most producers will be required to provide verification of collection and management plans to the ARMA by April 1, 2024. EPR systems for Phase I PPP and HSP will be operational by April 1, 2025. Additional key dates in the implementation process can be found at https://www.alberta.ca/regulated-extended-producer-responsibility-programs.aspx.

What kind of products are included in this program?

EPR consists of single-use products, packaging and paper products (PPP) and hazardous and special products (HSP, which currently includes batteries, pesticides, and materials that are designated as flammable, corrosive, or toxic (with the official symbols). The specifics of EPR are in development, and we are working with the Government of Alberta to establish the various bylaws associated with the programs, registration processes and timelines. You can find some further information on EPR, including the regulation, here: https://www.alberta.ca/regulated-extended-producer-responsibility-programs.aspx

Will this program negatively impact industry?

No, this program creates greater opportunity for producers to have the opportunity to reuse products previously created as more recyclable products will be returned for a second life. While we recognize that the transition to an EPR program will impact current operations, it is a positive step forward for Albertans, our environment and our industries.

Will this program impact how I recycle?

For Albertans that utilize a depot to recycle or recycle via curbside pick-up, the changes will be minimal through the implementation process. Albertans that live in municipalities that currently do not offer a curbside recycling program will have access to a curbside program starting in Phase II of the EPR rollout, meaning that more Albertans will have the opportunity to recycle right at their doorstep. 

The regulation indicates that single-family dwelling collection for PPP is every two weeks. What if a community currently has weekly service and would like to maintain that frequency?

Single-family dwelling collection every two (2) weeks is the minimum level of service set in the regulation. A municipality would negotiate their contract with the PRO for the service level that they require. 

Will this program impact ARMA’s regular operations?

No, while ARMA takes on this additional responsibility in partnership with the Government of Alberta, no other stewardship programs will be affected by the introduction of EPR.

Where can I access additional information?

Additional information can be found on the Government of Alberta’s website or on the ARMA website. Once the EPR framework is fully established, municipalities and producer responsibility organizations (PROs) will be responsible for public information.

How is the confidential information collected by ARMA protected if ARMA is subject to the FOIP obligations under the EPR Regulation?​

The access and privacy code includes operational processes for how confidential information remains confidential, while still meeting the obligations for FOIP, as outlined in the regulation.​ Details of confidentiality are outlined in our Access and Privacy Policy, available here.