Alberta Cancer Foundation

Donate a Car

Donate A Car Canada accepts vehicle donations for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. To donate a car, truck, RV, boat, motorcycle or other vehicle to the Alberta Cancer Foundation simply fill out the DONATE NOW tab at

Donate A Car Canada can provide you with free towing in many areas across Canada – convenient and quick car removal is at your fingertips! Donate a Car Canada can pick up your car or truck, or you can drop off your vehicle to maximize your donation. When you donate your car it will either be recycled or sold at auction depending on its condition, age and location. A representative will contact you after you submit your vehicle to confirm the appropriate processing method. Donate A Car Canada will look after everything to make your donation easy for you to support the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

DONATE NOW at and the Alberta Cancer Foundation will gratefully send you a valuable tax receipt after your car donation is complete!

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