Quality, Environment, Health & Safety (QEHS) Policy

ALBA W&H is a leading environmental services conpany, providing fully integrated solutions to our municipal, residential and commercial customers.

We strive to achieve long-term sustainable solutions for our customers by leveraging our operational and technical know-how in recycling activities. We aim to support Singapore in it’s goal of achieving a circular economy, and ultimately becoming a Zero Waste Nation, by implementing highest environmental standards and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle).

ALBA W&H Smart City will unceasingly advance our commitments in the following areas:

  • Maintain highest quality standards for all our services and activities in order to meet or exceed our customers' needs and expectations.
  • Diligently review our services and activities with a commitment to the protection of the environment and prevention of pollution through reducing our environmental footprint and promoting a circular economy by preventing and mitigating our negative environmental impacts.
  • Comply with all relevant and applicable QEHS legal and other requirements to maintain our organisational growth.
  • Support the setting and implementation of QEHS objectives, targets and programmes and assess OH&S opportunities to constantly improve Quality, Environmental and OH&S Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
  • Continually improve our QEHS management system by effectively engaging all our stakeholders and employees through consultation and participation.
  • Aim for a healthy, safe, and secure work environment by implementing reasonable and practical measures to mitigate health and safety risks, prevent work-related injuries and ill-health, and manage and respond to threats.
  • Implement, maintain, and communicate this QEHS policy, objectives, targets, and performances to all our stakeholders.

Jakob Graf Lambsdorff
ALBA W&H Smart City Pte. Ltd.
October 2020