
Final presentations fifth AI for Health course

Final presentations fifth AI for Health course

Friday, January 12th, 2024, the fifth AI for Health course concluded with a meeting where all participants presented their AI projects' results. 25 Radboudumc employees and external health professionals from different backgrounds followed the fifth edition of the course. Radboudumc organizes the in-depth 16-day course teach healthcare professionals about the …

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Fourth edition AI for Health course

Fourth edition AI for Health course

Applications for The fourth edition of the AI for Health course, starting on the 3rd of February 2023 are now open. Please apply before the 1st of December to join the course. The AI for Health program aims to advance AI innovations in healthcare, by providing an AI course for …

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Final presentations third AI for Health course

Final presentations third AI for Health course

Friday, July 1st, 2022, the third AI for Health course concluded with a meeting where all participants presented their AI projects' results. About 25 Radboudumc employees and external health professionals from different backgrounds followed the third course. The fourth edition is scheduled to commence in February 2023, if you are …

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Third edition AI for Health course

Third edition AI for Health course

Applications for The third edition of the AI for Health course, starting on the 11th of February 2022 are now open. Please apply before the 17th of December to join the course. The AI for Health program aims to advance AI innovations in healthcare, by providing an AI course for …

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Final presentations second AI for Health course

Final presentations second AI for Health course

Friday, February 12, 2021, the second edition of the AI for Health course concluded with a meeting where all participants presented the results of their AI projects. The course was followed by about 25 RadboudUMC employees from various backgrounds, offering them a deep dive into the possibilities of AI in …

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Final presentations first AI for Health course

Final presentations first AI for Health course

Friday, September 25, 2020, the first AI for Health course concluded with a meeting where all participants presented their AI projects' results. About 25 Radboudumc employees from different backgrounds followed the first course. The second edition has now started and will run until February 2021. The third edition is scheduled …

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