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More than 40% of domains names in France are in .fr

Read our 2023 .fr review
The best of internet in France
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The Internet made in France


The must-read Afnic 2023 Activity Report

The latest edition of Afnic’s activity report is now available! ...

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Can emojis be used in a domain name?

You may sometimes see emojis – those little pictograms used ...

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IETF 120 Vancouver
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Key figure


For the ccTLDs market share in Europe

For the year 2020

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.fr (point fr)
.fr gains unaided awareness among French VSEs/SMES

Afnic, the association responsible for several Internet TLDs including the .fr domain, announces the results of its 2023 .fr perception survey. The .fr TLD remains the most named, listed unaided by 7 out of 10 French small and medium-sized enterprises.

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Social networks

@Régis Massé12 June 2024 15:29

En direct de Kigali, Pierre Bonis , Directeur Général de l’AFNIC , présente les travaux réalisés en matière de RSE ainsi que l’évaluation très positive sur les actions menées.Afnic Icann80 ccNSO RSE
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