

Reporte regional de politicas de regulacion a la IA
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligencePublicationLatin AmericaEnglish

Regulatory Mapping on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America

17 Jul 2024
Regulatory Mapping on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America
17 Jul 2024
Regulatory Mapping on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America
UN Global Digital Compact

Wavering resolutions: The UN Security Council on digital rights

13 Jun 2024

Even as states increasingly weaponize communication networks, the UN Security Council has remained largely silent on digital rights issues. This puts everyone at risk.

Wavering resolutions: The UN Security Council on digital rights
13 Jun 2024
Wavering resolutions: The UN Security Council on digital rights
Civil Society Pegasus Spyware
SurveillancePublicationEastern Europe & Central AsiaEnglish

Exiled, then spied on: Civil society in Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland targeted with Pegasus spyware

30 May 2024

At least seven more Russian, Belarusian, Latvian, and Israeli journalists and activists have been targeted with Pegasus within the EU.

Exiled, then spied on: Civil society in Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland targeted with Pegasus spyware
30 May 2024
Exiled, then spied on: Civil society in Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland targeted with Pegasus spyware
Digital Competition Bill 2024
Data Protection
Data ProtectionPublicationAsia Pacific

Submission of comments on the Draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024

16 May 2024
Submission of comments on the Draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024
16 May 2024
Submission of comments on the Draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024
KeepItOn 2023 Report Internet Shutdowns
Internet Shutdowns
Internet ShutdownsPublicationAfrica

Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023

15 May 2024

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 283 internet shutdowns in 2023 — the highest number since 2016.

Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023
15 May 2024
Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023
How to stay safe online in the context of conflict in Gaza
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligencePublicationIsraelEnglish

Artificial Genocidal Intelligence: how Israel is automating human rights abuses and war crimes 

9 May 2024

Israel’s war on Gaza has revealed how mundane, unsophisticated AI surveillance systems are being used to unleash the most dystopian, tech-driven horrors on Palestinians.

Artificial Genocidal Intelligence: how Israel is automating human rights abuses and war crimes 
9 May 2024
Artificial Genocidal Intelligence: how Israel is automating human rights abuses and war crimes 
Digital Competition Bill 2024
Data Protection
Data ProtectionPublicationEuropeEnglish

Position paper: GDPR enforcement done right

8 May 2024

EDRi and Access Now have co-drafted a position paper on the EU Proposal for additional procedural rules concerning the General Data Protection Regulation.

Position paper: GDPR enforcement done right
8 May 2024
Position paper: GDPR enforcement done right
Access Now theme
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of ExpressionPublicationLatin AmericaSpanish

Análisis de la jurisprudencia sobre el“derecho al olvido” en América Latina

25 Apr 2024
Análisis de la jurisprudencia sobre el“derecho al olvido” en América Latina
25 Apr 2024
Análisis de la jurisprudencia sobre el“derecho al olvido” en América Latina
YouTube approves disinformation ads in India ahead of general election
PublicationAsia Pacific

“Votes will not be counted”: Indian election disinformation ads and YouTube

2 Apr 2024

A new joint investigation by Access Now and Global Witness has found that YouTube is approving election disinformation ads in India ahead of the country’s general election.

“Votes will not be counted”: Indian election disinformation ads and YouTube
2 Apr 2024
“Votes will not be counted”: Indian election disinformation ads and YouTube
Reporte regional de politicas de regulacion a la IA Header
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligencePublicationLatin AmericaSpanish

Radiografía normativa: ¿Dónde, qué y cómo se está regulando la Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina?

26 Feb 2024

Las políticas públicas en torno a la Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina ya son una realidad.

Radiografía normativa: ¿Dónde, qué y cómo se está regulando la Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina?
26 Feb 2024
Radiografía normativa: ¿Dónde, qué y cómo se está regulando la Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina?
Cover Image: It's not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
Content Governance
Content GovernancePublicationIsraelEnglish

It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices

19 Feb 2024

This Access Now report documented cases of how Meta censors Palestinian voices on Facebook and Instagram.

It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
19 Feb 2024
It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
Civil Society Pegasus Spyware

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

1 Feb 2024

Access Now launched the new investigation report on how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan.

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
1 Feb 2024
Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
Header image: data protection in Africa
Data Protection
Data ProtectionPublicationAfricaEnglish

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation

25 Jan 2024

Access Now’s new publication on understanding the data protection framework in Africa

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
25 Jan 2024
Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
Tunisia digitization programs
Digital Identity Systems
Digital Identity SystemsPublicationMiddle East & North AfricaArabic

الأسئلة المتداولة في ما يخص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية

22 Jan 2024

تقدم هذه الوثيقة إجابات على أهم التساؤلات المتعلقة بمشروع قانون بطاقة التعريف البيومترية ومشروع قانون جواز السفر البيومتري الذي يناقشه مجلس نواب الشعب حاليًا في تونس.

الأسئلة المتداولة في ما يخص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية
22 Jan 2024
الأسئلة المتداولة في ما يخص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية
European Media Freedom Act
Content Governance
Content GovernancePublicationAsia Pacific

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023

15 Jan 2024

Access Now raises concerns about peopleʼs fundamental rights in its submission on India’s Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023.

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
15 Jan 2024
Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
Global encryption day 2023
PrivacyPublicationAsia Pacific

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards

22 Dec 2023

Access Now recommends eSafety Office against mandating online communication services, as well as file storage and cloud services, to proactively detect content on their platforms.

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
22 Dec 2023
Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards

Policy brief

Header image: data protection in Africa
Data Protection

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation

25 Jan 2024

Access Now’s new publication on understanding the data protection framework in Africa

Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
25 Jan 2024
Strengthening data protection in Africa: key issues for implementation
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable
Content Governance

Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA

18 Sep 2023
Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA
18 Sep 2023
Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA
U.N. Joint Statement RightsCon
Content Governance

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises

21 Apr 2022

Digital rights violations enable and escalate offline violence, deepening humanitarian crises. Our latest brief recaps key developments at the 49th United Nations Human Rights Council, guiding delegates in next steps for advancing global norms and standards to protect digital rights. 

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
21 Apr 2022
Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”
Data Protection

Policy Brief: Nine steps to protect our data and privacy in Sri Lanka

18 Feb 2022

This brief breaks down the steps necessary to ensure Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection Bill is a rights-respecting data protection legislation.

Policy Brief: Nine steps to protect our data and privacy in Sri Lanka
18 Feb 2022
Policy Brief: Nine steps to protect our data and privacy in Sri Lanka


KeepItOn 2023 Report Internet Shutdowns
Internet Shutdowns

Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023

15 May 2024

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 283 internet shutdowns in 2023 — the highest number since 2016.

Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023
15 May 2024
Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023
YouTube approves disinformation ads in India ahead of general election

“Votes will not be counted”: Indian election disinformation ads and YouTube

2 Apr 2024

A new joint investigation by Access Now and Global Witness has found that YouTube is approving election disinformation ads in India ahead of the country’s general election.

“Votes will not be counted”: Indian election disinformation ads and YouTube
2 Apr 2024
“Votes will not be counted”: Indian election disinformation ads and YouTube
Cover Image: It's not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
Content Governance

It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices

19 Feb 2024

This Access Now report documented cases of how Meta censors Palestinian voices on Facebook and Instagram.

It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
19 Feb 2024
It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
Civil Society Pegasus Spyware

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

1 Feb 2024

Access Now launched the new investigation report on how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan.

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
1 Feb 2024
Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan

Comments and filings

Digital Competition Bill 2024
Data Protection

Submission of comments on the Draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024

16 May 2024
Submission of comments on the Draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024
16 May 2024
Submission of comments on the Draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024
European Media Freedom Act
Content Governance

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023

15 Jan 2024

Access Now raises concerns about peopleʼs fundamental rights in its submission on India’s Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023.

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
15 Jan 2024
Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
Global encryption day 2023

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards

22 Dec 2023

Access Now recommends eSafety Office against mandating online communication services, as well as file storage and cloud services, to proactively detect content on their platforms.

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
22 Dec 2023
Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”
Data Protection

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023

3 Nov 2023

Access Now and Tech Global Institute’s submission on Bangladesh’s latest draft of the Data Protection Act, 2023.

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
3 Nov 2023
Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Remote biometric surveillance in Latin America: Are companies respecting human rights?

21 Mar 2023

Companies must address their impact on human rights and concerns raised by impacted communities or individuals.

Remote biometric surveillance in Latin America: Are companies respecting human rights?
21 Mar 2023
Remote biometric surveillance in Latin America: Are companies respecting human rights?
Access Now Oral-statement-to-UN-Global-Digital-Compact-post-header
Freedom of Expression

Access Now oral statement to the UN Global Digital Compact Informal Consultations with Member States and Stakeholders

3 Feb 2023

Access Now’s Senior UN Advocacy Officer Laura O’Brien delivered an oral statement to the UN Global Digital Compact Informal Consultations with Member States and Stakeholders on Feb 3 2023.

Access Now oral statement to the UN Global Digital Compact Informal Consultations with Member States and Stakeholders
3 Feb 2023
Access Now oral statement to the UN Global Digital Compact Informal Consultations with Member States and Stakeholders
European Media Freedom Act
Digital Security

Submission to the UNESCO Consultation on “Internet for Trust – Towards Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good”

24 Jan 2023
Submission to the UNESCO Consultation on “Internet for Trust – Towards Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good”
24 Jan 2023
Submission to the UNESCO Consultation on “Internet for Trust – Towards Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good”
Digital Security

Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 6 (Contd.)

19 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 6 (Contd.)
19 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 6 (Contd.)
Digital Security

Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 5

19 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 5
19 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 5
Digital Security

Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 4

16 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 4
16 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 4
Digital Security

Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 6

12 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 6
12 Jan 2023
Access Now statement to the fourth session of the UN AHC on Cybercrime on Item 6

Submission on India’s Draft Digital Data Protection Bill, 2022

5 Jan 2023
Submission on India’s Draft Digital Data Protection Bill, 2022
5 Jan 2023
Submission on India’s Draft Digital Data Protection Bill, 2022
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”
Data Protection

Access Now’s submission on Bangladesh’s Draft Data Protection Act

21 Sep 2022
Access Now’s submission on Bangladesh’s Draft Data Protection Act
21 Sep 2022
Access Now’s submission on Bangladesh’s Draft Data Protection Act
Digital Security

Access Now statement to the UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime

1 Sep 2022
Access Now statement to the UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime
1 Sep 2022
Access Now statement to the UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime
Data Protection

Access Now submission on the National Data Governance Framework Policy

20 Jun 2022
Access Now submission on the National Data Governance Framework Policy
20 Jun 2022
Access Now submission on the National Data Governance Framework Policy
Data Protection

Access Now submission to the consultation of the European Data Protection Board’s guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement

12 Jun 2022
Access Now submission to the consultation of the European Data Protection Board’s guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement
12 Jun 2022
Access Now submission to the consultation of the European Data Protection Board’s guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement