
Open letter to Facebook on violence-inciting speech: act now to protect Ethiopians

Civil society organizations, human rights defenders, activists, and individuals from around the world are calling on Facebook to immediately enact the recommendations listed in this letter and take action to stop its services from being used to incite violence, propagate hatred, and advance discrimination in Ethiopia.

Update (December 18, 2020): Facebook sent Access Now a response to our letter. Read it here.

Update (August 6 and July 27, 2020): The language in this letter has been edited slightly for clarity.

July 27, 2020

To Facebook:

The undersigned – activists, journalists, human rights organizations – call on you to stop the spread of violence and hate-inciting speech on your services in Ethiopia. On June 29th, 2020,  Haacaaluu Hundeessa, an Oromo musician and social activist, was shot and killed in Addis Ababa. Following his death, parts of Ethiopia were engulfed in protests, unrest, and violence. Since then, more than 160 people have been killed. The state-ordered internet shutdown has obscured any human rights violations perpetrated by government authorities and others, and prevented reporting and documentation.

The offline troubles that rocked the country are fully visible on the online space. The actors that are instigating violence offline also incite violence and propagate hate in the country online. Content shared online in text, livestream, and other formats called for violence, discrimination, and destruction of property of different ethnic groups. This is not the first time this has happened; previous incidents have led to similar situations

We understand that incitement to violence is a complex issue where government action – or lack thereof – plays a key role in its materialization. Companies, including those that provide and curate a platform for communication, have a responsibility under human rights law “to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to their […]…services” and have the obligation to “[remedy] any adverse human rights impacts they cause or to which they contribute.” So far, Facebook has failed to prevent the escalation of incitement to violence on its services, and particularly in Ethiopia.

This is not the first time Facebook has neglected its responsibility to respect human rights, or to offer remedy for abuses to the extent it has contributed to them, in Ethiopia or other parts of the world. For instance, according to the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, Facebook was used to campaign against and spread anti-Rohingya Muslim sentiment, and the company has admitted that “[it] weren’t doing enough to help prevent [the] platform from being used to foment division and incite offline violence” specifically against the Rohingya Muslims. This lack of action and its effects are still evident in Myanmar and where Rohingya refugees reside. 

As human rights organizations, journalists, and activists, we are seeing the negative impact that content on Facebook that incites violence has on the communities we serve. This content can lead to physical violence and other acts of hostility and discrimination against minority groups. Based on international human rights law, content that meets the threshold of incitement to violence, hostility and discrimination does not belong to the protective scope of the right to freedom of expression. Despite the real risk it carries for minority groups and others in Ethiopia, such content remains online and visible on the platform.

Concerned individuals, organizations, and communities have warned Facebook and other social media platforms repeatedly on numerous occasions in private and in public about the imminence of the escalation we are seeing now. David Kaye, the former U.N Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, during his last visit to Ethiopia, called on social media platforms, including Facebook, to regularly engage with Ethiopian authorities and civil society. Specifically, he requested that “at a minimum, [social media platforms] establish regular and rapid-reaction mechanisms to enable civil society to report the most concerning kinds of content on their platforms.” 

We call on Facebook to address incitement to violence in Ethiopia as a priority and take these immediate and long-term mitigation measures: 

Immediate actions: 

  • Make content reporting on Facebook services in Afaan Oromo and Tigrinya languages fully available (it is already available in Ahmaric and English).        
  • Do not allow amplification of content that incites violence and discrimination, whether by content recommendation systems that are in use or as a result of targeted advertising practices.
  • Consider transparent and temporary changes to limit massive sharing functionalities in specific cases where there is an imminent risk of human rights abuse . Additionally, add specific, transparent, and temporary modifications to user interfaces to add tags to content that help users contextualize information. 
  • Preserve restricted content that Facebook makes unavailable that incites violence and discrimination, as it could serve as evidence for victims and organizations seeking to hold perpetrators accountable. Ensure said content is available to victims, organizations, and international and national judicial authorities without undue delay. 
  • Inform Ethiopian users about reporting mechanisms and relevant platform rules or guidelines. Reporting incitement to violence should be easy and intuitive. Facebook can achieve this, among other ways, by making adjustments to its user interfaces, pinned news feed announcements, etc. Facebook should invest in advertising, even in traditional media, to make sure that users know about these mechanisms and are able to use them.
  • Establish early warnings systems for emergency escalation that will help detect imminent harm to the physical security of individuals. Facebook should develop early warning systems in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders operating at the grassroots level in Ethiopia, including civil society organizations and human rights experts. Facebook should ensure these systems enable trusted national partners to evaluate their performance regularly.    

Essential long-term mitigation efforts:

  • Add significant resources to right-respecting content moderation efforts. Facebook should ensure that it recruits a sufficient number of content reviewers that have the required skills in all languages spoken in Ethiopia. The local-language content reviewers should also demonstrate sufficient understanding of the national political, social, historical, and cultural context in the country. The ratio of Facebook moderators has to correspond adequately with the number of Facebook users in Ethiopia. Sources estimate that Facebook ads can reach up to 6 – 7 million users in Ethiopia.
  • Content-moderation activities concerning Ethiopia should be coordinated by individuals that understand the dynamic local context, and they should be able to coordinate locally. These individuals should have the capacity to appropriately identify and assess calls for violence and must be able to take the necessary measures to mitigate harm.
  • Enforce meaningful and robust transparency initiatives about policies, standards, and practices for identification, removal, or other restrictions of online content that incites violence, propagates hates, and discrimination in accordance with human rights laws. Such data should be publicly released on a regular basis and, at minimum, should contain the following information: number and type of content violation, number of received complaints and average response time, and number of content removals as well as pages and disabled accounts. 
  • Facilitate access to the internet for trusted partners during any internet shutdowns. Trusted partners can’t collaborate with Facebook to report content if they are deliberately cut off from the platform or the internet. Even though the majority of Ethiopians do not have access to the internet, the diaspora can still propagate violence-inciting content. 
  • Actively support and help to develop initiatives that promote human rights, tolerance, diversity, and equality for all people in Ethiopia. Engage in efforts promoting media literacy and help users distinguish credible news sources from propaganda and disinformation. In doing so, develop strong and continuous cooperation with trusted partners, independent media organizations, individuals, and flaggers on the ground, especially when matters of the highest public interest are at stake or if activities are likely to escalate violence. 
  • Coordinate the efforts of global, regional, and local offices and staff to provide timely and coherent decision-making, led by human rights officers that are well versed in the dynamic context in Ethiopia. There are clear gaps between the Africa Policy Program managers who engage with trusted partners, civil society in Ethiopia, and the Facebook team that handles public policy issues. But the involvement of experts specializing in human rights issues should be a priority, with cross-functional reach to product, engineering, marketing, emergencies, elections, and other teams as necessary.
  • Finally, we call on Facebook and other dominant social media platforms, including private messaging services, to conduct in-depth human rights impact assessments for their products, policies, and operations, based on the national context, before they enter any new market. These assessments should be publicly available and translated to relevant local languages. This is particularly important for regions of the world that suffer from volatile ethnic, religious, political, or other social tensions. Private actors should employ measures to reduce risks as much as possible.

These requests do not preclude other efforts Facebook should make to help end incitement to violence in Ethiopia. We propose an initial set of long-overdue measures that must be implemented urgently.

MENA Coalition to Combat Digital Surveillance


Access Now
African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms Coalition
African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX)
ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa
Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Baptist Development
Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD, Ethiopia)
Center of Concern
Civil Rights Defenders (CRD)
Civilsphere Project
Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)
Derechos Digitales
Dexis Consuling Group – Promoting Religious and Ethnic Tolerance in Ethiopia
Digital Citizenship
Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Coalition (EHRDC)
Ethiopian Labor Rights Watch
EthioTube Networks
Fundación Internet Bolivia
Fundacion Karisma
Internet Freedom Foundation, India
Manushya Foundation
Media Matters for Democracy, Pakistan
MinabTech (HaHuJobs)
Minority Rights
Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO)
Myanmar Tech Accountability Network
Oregon-SW Washington Diaspora Community
Paradigm Initiative
Partnership Agency
R3D: Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales
Social Media Exchange (SMEX)
West Africa Civil Society Institute
Youth IGF Ethiopia

Ababu Melis Imam Mahmoud Hassen
Abagaro Abamusa Indrias Metamu
Abay Tombosa Israel Tesfaye
Abayneh Kebede Iyasu Adem
Abdelaziz Detemo Jamal Abdullahi
Abdi Bedhane Jemal Awol
Abdi Bori Jemal Beyer
Abdi Deksisa Jemal Hu
Abdi Musema Jeru Agape
Abdi Tamene Jessie Brett
Abdikhayr Hussein Jihan Ermias
Abdirahman Ahmed basher Jimmy Kainja
Abdirahman Golongol Jo Haile
Abdisa shukunu Joanna Getachew
Abdissa Wako Joe Jah
Abdu Mohammed Joel Weld
Abdu sherif Johney Mergia
Abdul Tolola Johney Mergia
Abdulaziz Ahmed Jomanex Kasaye
Abdulaziz Hussen Jon Arfaine
Abdulber Akmel Josef Adam
Abduletif Kedir Joseph Admassu
Abdulfeta Heiru Joshua Asfaw
Abdulhamid Mussa Joshua Castellino
Abdulkerim Redi Julie Green
Abdurezak Habib Jyothi Gaddam
Abe Kore kabinad segit
Abebayehu Tilahun Kal Haile
Abebayehu Zege Kal Samson
Abebe Bekele kale Shiferaw
Abebe Bill Kaleab Bekele
Abebe Demissew Kaleab Gebreyesus
Abebe Esubalew Kaleab Tesema
Abebe Gellaw Kaleab Tesfaye
Abebe Mamo Kaleb Abdi
Abebe Mihret Kaleb Beyene
Abebe Semie Kaleb Dake
Abebe Toni Kaleb Mekonnen
Abel Amare Mammo kaleb mekoya
Abel Asrat Kalkdan Ayele
Abel Ayenew Kalkidan Ayele
Abel Belachew kalkidan berhanu
Abel Blata Kalkidan Dagnachew
Abel Chala Kasahun Abera
Abel Debela Kasahun Worku
Abel Gebremedhin Kasaye Rezik
Abel Gizaw Kasech Mekuria
Abel Mekonnen Kasim Husen
Abel Mekonnen Kassa Kebede
abel Menna Kassa Sarera
Abel Seyoum Kassahun Abate
Abel Shiferaw Getachew Kassahun Ayichew
Abel Solomon Kassahun Bayle
Abel Tamirat kassahun Getachew
Abel Teshome Kassahun Kebede
abenet Tamerat kassahun Sisay
Abenezer Hario Kassie Yimam
Abenezer Motuma Kassu Guda
Abenezer Wondifraw Kebede Ahmed
Abera Berhanu Kebede Bakata
Abera Moges Kebede Belew
Abera Obesie Kebede Solomon
Abera Tilahun Kebede Workineh
Abera Yemane-ab Kebek Debu Dandena
Abera Yinnesu Kebrom Abrha
Aberham yimam kedamawi getachew
Abeselom Samson Yosef Kedus Joseph
Abi Abera Keffyalew Gebremedhin
Abiku Bekele Keith Robinson
Abinet Endashaw Kemal Muhammed
ABINET FIKADU Kenbon Mezgebu
Abinet Girma Keneni Ensermu
Abinet Senshaw Kerima Omer
Abinet Zelalem ketema Ethiopia
Abiot Kassaye Ketema Getachew
Abiot Kassaye Ketema Kifle
Abiot Tsegaye Kiberleab Eniyew
Abiy ALEMU Kibrealem Yalew
Abiy Ayenachew Kibrom Tekleab
Abiy Berhanu Kibru Dessie
Abiy Dani Kid Ber
Abiy Haile Kidane Ayalew
Abiy Taddele Kidest Worku
Abiy Taddele Kidist Abayneh
Abiy Temesgen Kidist Chane
Abiye Habetee Kidus Dawit Getachew
Abiyi Semon Kiflemariam Yehuala
Abiyu T Gebre kiflie zewdie
Abraham Getachew Kinde Ketema
Abraham Getachew Kinfe Habtegebriel
Abraham Mulate Kirubeal Aschalew
Abraham Shiferaw Kirubel Abebe Senebto
Abraham Tilaye Kirubel Haile
Abraham Wendimu Kirubel Seyoum
Abrar Mohammed Kirubel Tesfaye
Abreham Seyoum Kiya Dida
Abreham solomon Kuku Girma
Abrham Alemayehu Kuma Gudeta
Abrham Birru Kumlachew Dagne
Abrham Goshe Kumlachew Derso
Abrham Sisay Kumneger Zena
Abrham Tessema Abate Kumsa Kararsa
Abu Godo Lawston COLLINS
Abush Gebreegziabhar Lealem Abera
Abyalew Mekoro Lebanos Dani
Achamyelesh Fikeru Lelissa Kelbesa
Adam Getachew Lemi Tadesse
Adane Gebremichael Lemma Hora
Adane Kefale Leul Tereda
Adane Tesfaye Libious Asefa
Adane Woldemariam Michael Lidet Gebrehiwot
Addis Ababa Lidiya Tebebe
Addis Aloto Lijalem Eshetu
Addis Berhanu Lijalem Mulugeta
Addis Berhanu Liku Worku
Addis Mulat Lilay Michael
Addis Seyoum Lily Gebreselassie
Addis Tessema Liqu Gebre
Addisalem Wordofa Liya Tadesse
Addisu Admassu Ejigu Loza Admassu
Addisu Alemayehu Lulayehu Toma
Addisu Ebrahim Lulsegged Abebe
Addisu Geleta Lulu Belete
Addisu Mekonnen Lulu Eshetu
Addisu Melkamu Kebede Lulu Muhe
Addisu Tefera Maekel Kassa
Addisu Worku Mahder Serekberhan
Adem Kibret Mahdi Salih
Aderajew Keleb Mahi Mulugeta
Adu Pac Mahider Tekalgne
Adugna Alene Mahlet Ayele
Adugna Wendm Mahlet Fisseha
adugna wolde Mahlet Mekuria
Adugnaw Anteneh Mahlet Negash
Adyam Sime Makda Getachew
Afework Tabor Makka Ali
agimasu Misganaw Mamo Abiye Zewude
Ahlam Jemal Mamush Gonamo
Ahmed Abdullahi Mamush M
Ahmed Adam Manea Alemu
Ahmed Mohammed Manny Ayele
Ahmed Mohammed Manyhun Degu
Ahmed Obadi Ahmed Marchip Mengiste
Ahmed Seid Mariamawit Asmamaw
Ahmedin Suleyman Marishet Mohammed
Aida Lemessa Mark Anthony
Airme Goshu Marko Bouquey-Moss
Aisha Dabo Markos Nigusdie
Akalu Tadesse Markos Wodajo
Akiya Asn Marta Belay
Aklilu Asfaw Martha Tadesse
Aklilu Mohammed Martha Teshome
AKUSHA BEYENE Martijn Grooten
Al-Sharif Nassef Martijn Grooten
Alamon Adam Maru Dessie
Alazar Dadi Mary M
alazar yilma Masresha Dawde
Alefom Elfu Maste Melesse
Alem Adamu Mathewos Gobena
Alem Kiflie Matiyas Kebede
Alem Tesfamariam Matiyas Teshome
Alem Tesfaye Matyas Demesew
Alemayehu Belayneh Mebrat M.
Alemayehu Gemeda Meddy Taye
Alemayehu Hadju Medhanit Getachew
Alemayehu Teshome Medu Kassa
Alemeayhu Goffe Megdelawit Wonde
Alemken Jegnie mehari Anteneh tiruneh
Alemneh Tadele Meheret Asfaw
Alemu Tesfaye Mekbib G.
Alex Abreham Mekdem Belayneh
Alex Bekele Mekdes Temesgen
Alex Beyene Mekdes Wassihun
Alex Haile Mekedes Legesse
Alexander Molla mekeds kassahun
Ali Rameto mekeds kassahun
Almaz Ibrahim Meklit Bekele
Almaz Kebede Mekonen Aragie Yimam
Almaz Negash Mekonnen Abebe
Almeshya Abebe Mekonnen Agebo
Alula Nega Mekonnen Gebremariam
Amaha Gebreammanuel Mekonnen Kidane
Amaha Tesfaye Mekuanenet Fantu
Aman amanuel Melaku A.
Aman Tereda Melaku Dessue
Amanuel Bekeke Melaku Endale
Amanuel Fantahun Melaku Mamaw
Amanuel Getachew Melat Fish
Amanuel Hagos Melat Hailu
Amanuel Hailu Melekot Gebeyehu
Amanuel Kerebo Melese Belay
Amanuel Solomon Melese Belay
Amanuel Tadesse Melese Fantaye
Amanuel Tesfamariam Melese Getu Ketele
Amare Alemayehu Melese Girmaye
Amare Berhanu Melese Mengistu
Amare Haile Melese Negash
Amare Tizazu Melese Woldegiorgis
Amare Zeliku Melesse Leykun
Ambaye Tsigehana Melesse Zenebework
Amdemariam Tadesse Melisew Dejene Lemma
Amdework Dilnessaw Melkam Elias
Amdie Teshome Melkam Yeshiwas
Ameha Woubishet Melkamu Aynalem
Amelaku Belay Melkamu Damte
Amen Menges Melksm Elias
Amha Aregga Mellese G. Alemu
Amha Ermias Menasi Ephrem
Amien Ewunetei Menbere Workneh
Amiin A bdi Menelik Solomon
Amina Abdulkadir Mengistu Bedane
Amir Hussin Mengistu Chernet
Amir Shikur Mengistu Nida
Amira Jemik Mentesenot Tefera
Amsale Ejigu Mequannent Arbsie
Amsale Getahun Merdokiyos Worku Berga
Anand Sheombar Merete Worku
Anania Getawork Meron Ahadu
Anania Tesfaye Meron Alemayehu
Andebet Hunegnaw Meron Elias
Andebet Tamirat Meron Gemeda
Andinet Fekade Meron Samuel
Andinet Hunde Meron Tsegaye
Andnet Haileselassie Meron Yimer
Andualem Assefa Mesafente Assefa
Andualem Dado Tufa Mesafint Lisanu Gelanew
andualem lemecha mesay alemayehu
Andualem Terefe Mesay Bersoma
andualem yeneneh Mesay Gebre
Andy Walberg Mesay Gebre
ANGAGAW Belay Mesayneh Eshetu
Angie López mesele Makonene Eshate
Anketse Birhanu Mesele Yemane
Anteneh Abera Meseret Dinku
Anteneh Alemu Meseret Kassaye
Anteneh Ashebir Meseret Tilahun
Anteneh Assefa Meseret Wondale
Anteneh Begashaw Meseret Wondirad
Anteneh Bizuayehu Mesfin Abate
Anteneh Gebeyaw Mesfin Abebe
Anteneh Gebremariam Mesfin Almaw
Anteneh HabteMichael Mesfin D
Anteneh Melu Mesfin Desta
Anteneh Sade Mesfin Fikru
Anteneh Tefeta Mesfin Kassa
Anteneh Tesfaw Mesfin kemal
Antenehe Sisay Mesfin Mekonnen Seifu
Antiye Tega Mesfin Mulugeta Alemu
Anwar Muzo Mesfin Mulugeta Alemu
Araya Mengesha Mesfin N
Arefayne Damtew Mesfin Seyoum
Asadirew Zerihun Mesfin Seyoum
Asasash Fantaye Mesfin Taye
Asaye Wassie Mesfin Tehelku
Aschalew Demissie Mesfin Tesfaye
Aschalew Worku Meskerem Demessie
Aschenaki Aboye Meski B
Asebe Abreham messay abera
Asefa Kassa Messay Gebremeskel
Asegid Yegietu Messay Teferi
Asfachew Biweta Messay Zerga
Asfaw Gebresilus Messelech Zawge
Ashagre Gebremichael Meti Disasa
Ashagre Tadese Metz Gebru
Ashagrie Worke Mewded Wolde Amanuele
Ashebir Gezmu Michael Abdeta
Ashebir Kidane Michael Adane
Ashebir Tesfaye Michael Alemu
Ashebir Tonja Michael Alene
Ashebr Mekonen Michael Belay
Ashenafi Beyene Michael Benti
Ashenafi Beyene Michael Debebe
ashenafi Chamisa Michael Gebremariam
Ashenafi Eneamayehu Michael Gebremedhin
Ashenafi Gari michael gebremeskel
Ashenafi Minwyelet Michael Mahtemework
Ashenafi Yared Michael Nigussie
Ashu Abera Michael Oghia
Asmamaw abire Michael Seifu
Asmamaw Gizaw michael shiferaw
Asmamaw Takele Michael Teffera
Asmara Begna Michael Tsegaye
Asme Takele Michael Yabo
Asmera Ejeta Mick Bourke
Asmie Birlie mickias zerfu
Asnak durresa Migbar Abebe
Asnakew Belete Miheretab Wolde
Asrat Egigu Mihiret Abera
Asratea Sisay Bekee Mihiretu Cherinet Hundayehu
Assefa Desalegn Mihret Birhanu
Assefa Getaneh Mihret Tirfe
Assegid Asfaw Mike Chala
Assegid Mulugeta Mikeyas Getnet
Aster Seyoum Mikias Sah
Aster Taye Mikias Sebsibe
Aster Zaoude Mikiyas Yohannes
Asteway Aklilu Milael Mekonnen
Atalay Tilahun Milkias Araya
Atklit Ejigu Milkias Belay
Atsednesh Getachew Milkias Endedilu
Aw Gi Milkiyas Tomas
Aweke Getahun Million Adem
Awet Gebrrhiwot Million Getachew
Awet Gir Million Legesse
Awraris Ayzohbel Million Mengesha
Awraris Derbie Million Tadesse
Ayalewmognu Sewamagnu Million Zemo
Ayantu Gutemma Mimi AJ
Ayele Ewnetou Mimi Faris
Ayele Nademo Minase Assefa
Ayele Temechew Mekonnen Minase Wassie
Ayele Tesfaye Mingizem Atinafu
ayele Tessems Minilik Asres
Ayenachew Tsige Minilik Demissie
Ayenew Shimekach Minilik Salsawi
Ayitenew Azimeraw Mintesnot Gashaw
Aynalem Abayneh Mira Milosevic
Aynalem Tsige Miraj Fuad
Aysa Mark Mirkena Tadesse
Ayu Tadese Misahun Shumetu
Azalea Sisay Misganaw Hailu
Azeb A Misganaw Nega
Azeb Habte Misha Putra
Babyta Gos Misikr Yibra
Badri Adam Misrak Sileshi
Bahriw Tadele Mo Gech
Balaram Hariharan Moges Ayalew Ayalew
balkachew kabtyimer Moges Yalew
Bamlaku Meselu Moha Yimer
Bantirgu Hailemariam Bedane Mohamed Nur
Bareket Fantaye Mohammed ahmed
Barkot Abebe Mohammed Fentaw
Barnabas Shiferaw mohammed Muzein
Baslel Deneke Mohammed Temam Ali
Baye Tekile Mohammed Wario
Bayeh mekonen Molla Gessesse Reta
Bayisa Feye Molla Mekashaw
Baynesagn Negaye Molla Nigus
Bayou Biru Mr. Adane Tsegaab Getachew
Bayu Belay muaz hadii
Bayush Gizachew Mubarek Biya
bazezew mulu mubarek sultan
Beantamlack Feleke Muhaba Oumer
Bedri Ahmed Muhammad Darasa
Bedru Abdusamed Mohamed Mulat Gebre
Bedru Mohamed Mulualem Shiferaw
Befakadu Abebe Muluembet Fisseha
Befekadu Kebede Mulugeta Awoke
Befekadu Worku Debele Mulugeta Biamesh
Befkadu Degefa Mulugeta Bizuneh
Begashaw Hailemariam Mulugeta Bizuneh
Behailu Balcha Mulugeta Molla
Behailu Kifle Mulugeta Shiferaw
Behailu Taffi Mulugeta Tolesa
Behailu Teklemariam Mulugeta Zerihun
Behailu Tessema Muluka Abdi
Behaylu shiferaw Mulukal Tena
Beidemariam Taddele Muluken Abdissa
Beimnet Kidane Muluken Adrissie
Beirut Abdo Muluken Aseresa
beka kifle Muluken Getachew’
Bekalu Abeje Muluken Kassa
Bekalu Desalegh Muluken Tadesse
Bekalu Tsegaye Muluken Walle
Bekele Amene Muluken Yewondwossen
Bekri Mohammed Muluken Yifru
Belay Fikre Muluneh Minda
Belay MEKONNEN Muluneh Yohannes
Belay Wale Muluwork Hailu
Belelegn Eshetu Muse Girma
Beletshachew Leulseged Mussie Hailgeorgess
Belew Makonnen Nael Hailemariam
Bello Bisrat Nahom Girma
Bemignot Bekele Nahom Tsegaye
Ben Keb Nahusenai Abera
Benberu Seleshi naol hailu
Beni Amdal Naol Kefyalew
Benyam Amare Naomi Mulugeta
Benyam Behutae Naomi Wolde
benyam tsegaye Naphi Berg
Bereket Alemayehu Nardos Elias
Bereket Ayele Nardos Negussie
Bereket Getnet Nasredin Mohamed
Bereket Gudisa Nasser BAKAL
Bereket Haileslassie Nataan Dejene
Bereket Mamo Natan Mulugeta
bereket Markos Nathanael Teshome
Bereket Nigussie Nathaniel Alemu
Bereket Tagesse Nathnael Fiseha
Bereket Tilahun Nathnael Minyelshowa
Bereket Waktola Nathnaiel Berhanu
Bereketab Tefera Nati Zaki
Berhane Measho Natnael Alemayehu
Berhanu Berke Natnael Brhanu
Berhanu Dessu Natnael Endale
Berhanu Doyo Natnael Fetene
Berhanu Ebuy Natnael Merze
Berhanu Ebuy Natnael Nigatu
Berhanu Lema Kebede Natnael Tamirat
Berhanu Lemma Natnael Tesessema
Berhanu Mengistu Natneal Tadesse
Berhanu Mitiku NAYA Seifu
Berhe Kumanit Nebiyou ESayas
berihun Zelalem Nebiyu Redi
Bernabas Endale Nebiyu Takele
beruk nigatu Nebyu Mehamed
Beruketaweet Fekadu Nebyu Negash
Beshah Behailu Nega Genife
Beshir Liben Nega Gidey
Besufekad Adefrs Negash Daniel
Besufekad Adefrs Negussie Sli Yemmer
Bete Betru Nejib Zeidan
Betelhem Desalegn Nestanet Kassa
Betelhem Kassa Netsanet Anagaw
Betemekdes Tilahun Netsanet Woldesenbet
Beth Getachew Neway Fekede
Bethelihem Alwab Nigist Abate
Bethlehem Ambachew Nigus Asefa
Bethlehem Giorgis Niguse Tadele Atnafu
Bethlehem Woldeyohannes Nigussu Solomon
Betsegaw Desalegn Niriksha Sanghvi
Bewket Belay Oryon Gezahgne
Beyene Benti Oumer Abdulqadir
Beza Hibistu Oumer Teyeb
Beza Kase Patrick Graulus
Bezaneh Ayele Paulos Engdawork
Bezawite Samson Peniel Tadese
Bezaye Boué Peter Moorhouse
Bezaye Tefera Petros Yohannes
Bilen Kebede Prince Dadda
Bill Miller Prof. Getahun Takele
biniam bahiru Puja Desai
biniam bahiru Qabana Sima
Biniam Getachew Rahel Seifu
Biniam Paulos Raji Gebre
Biniyam Gessesse Rami Ahmed
Biniyam Lemma Rediet B
Biniyam nega Rediet Getahun
Biniyam Wondimu Rediet Mesfin
Binyam Assefa Regasa Chala
Binyam Bungudo Retta Shiferaw
Binyam Desalegn Rim Ghebremariam
Binyam Kiros Biru Rizqu Fiqhideen
Binyam Kumie Roba Adnew
Binyam Mekbib Robel Ayalew
Binyam Yemane Robel Gete
Birhanu Beneberu Robel tamrat
Birhanu Kinfu Rohobot Samuel
Birhanu Shiferaw Roman Teshome
Birhanu T. Michael Roorro Kokkisa
Birtukhan Abate Rosa Reshid
Biruk Ayalew Rossi aman
Biruk Ayalew Roya Pakzad
Biruk Ayalew Nurihun Ruth Bekele
Biruk Beshah Ruth Chala
Biruk Birhanu Ruth Yitbarek
BIRUK CHERINET Saba Gebreselaise
Biruk Dugassa Sadik Teyeb
Biruk Garede Sagni hinbanne
Biruk Hailemicheal Salem Mekuria
Biruk Hailemicheal Salilew Checol
Biruk Mamo salim firew
Biruk Negussie salim firew
Biruk Tilahun Sally Trevena
Biruk Tilahun Salwa I
Biruk Tilahun Sam Legesse
Biruk Tsegaw Sam Mesfin
bishew alemnew Sam Yohannes
Bisrat Agonafir sami Hailu
Bisrat Agonafir sami omarion
bisrat belete samrawit kelemework
Bisrat Kabeta Samson A
Bisrat Negewo Samson Demissie
Bisrat Tefera Samson Gemechu
Bitwoded Baye Samson Jarso
Biyasa Bezabih Samson kassa
Bizuayehu Abera Ersuncho Samson Legesse
bizuayehu dejene Samson Mamo
Bizuhan Tigabie Samson Tadesse
Blen Brhane Samson Tamiru Desta
Bniyam Gemechu Samuel Abate
Bobby Daniel Samuel Abebayhu
Bochera A. Samuel Aberra
Bogale Arega Samuel Addo
bola bolavoa Samuel Belayneh
Brendan Miller Samuel Berhe
Brook Get Samuel Damtie
Brook Tekie Samuel Damtie
Bruh tesfa Zelealem Samuel Debebe
Bruk Degie Samuel Eshetu
Bruk Gonfa Samuel Gebremariam
Buruk Fetene Samuel Gebreselassie
Carlos Selamtaw Samuel Hailemariam
caroline sinders Samuel Mebratie
Chalachew Simeneh Samuel Meherete
Chalew Tesema Samuel Mesele
Chalie Hamid Samuel Mesfin
Charles Vandyck Samuel Mesfin
Charly Mk Samuel Nega
Cherenet Daba Samuel Nega
CHERINET Chakiso Samuel Tabit
Chernet Aberra Samuel Tadesse
Chombe Hadji Samuel Tefera
Claudia Duarte Samuel Teklu
Dag Hareide Samuel Tesfaye
Dagim Afework Mekonnen Samuel Tibebu
Dagim Afework Mekonnen Samuel Yiheyes
Dagim Fango Samuel Yohannes
Dagim Sedi Sara Iyoub
Dagim Sishah Sara Solomon
Dagmawi Belay seble Asega
Dagmawi Dagne Seble bekele Zeleke
Dagmawi Kesate-Birhan Seble Worku
Dagmawi Tekeba Yeshitela Sebredin Jemal
Dagnachew Abebe Sefinew Zeray
Dagnachew Abebe SEGNI LENCHO
Dagnachew Adugna Seid Abdullah
dagnachew dessie Seid Jemal
Dagnachew Mekonnen Selah Eshetu
Dagnachew Miga Selahudin Mustefa
Danam Babagunde Selam Biru
Danay Mesfen Selam Kahsu
Dani Aki Selam Mersha
Dani Gech Selam Tessema
Daniel A Selam W/giorgis
Daniel Abebe Selam Woldu
Daniel Abebe Selam Worku
Daniel Adane selam Wubshet
Daniel Alemayehu Selam Yirga
Daniel Alemu Selam Zerihun
Daniel Ambaw Selamawit Gitore
Daniel Asfaw Selamawit Mesele
Daniel Ayele Selamawit SOLOMON
Daniel Fekadu Selamawit Tezera Chaka
Daniel Gebremedhin Asfaw Selamawit Tmalede
Daniel Kfl Selwin Pandinadan
Daniel Mekonen Semachew Fasika Misrak
Daniel Mekonnen Semere Birhanu
Daniel Mengesha Semere Solomon
Daniel Merid Semere wodajo
Daniel Mulugeta Senait Debebe
Daniel Nega seneshaw getachew
Daniel Tadesse Serawit Siyoum
Daniel Teferra Serawork Wallelign
Daniel Teferra Sercadis Debay
Daniel Temesgen Serkadis K
Daniel Tsegaye Serkalem Tafesse Masresha
Daniel Yayeyirad Setegn Asfaw
Danit Mehiret Setotaw Tadesse
Danu Abraham Sew Lesew
Darren Allen-Dunn sewale Semuye
Dave Belew Shage Hussein
David Jhon shaggy addis
David Stevenson Shambel Tilahun
Dawit Abebe Shaym Geletu
dawit adane Shewangzaw Gebeyehu
dawit adane Shife Alemu
Dawit Aklilu Shimelis Getahun
Dawit Alemayehu Shimels Wassie
dawit Ayalew Shishay Tesfay
Dawit Bekele Shukulo Melese
Dawit Desta Sierra Melton
Dawit Eshetu Sigi Mwanzia
Dawit Fiseha Sileshi Dejane
Dawit Gutema Sileshi Mekonnen
Dawit Hailu Sileshi Simeneh
Dawit Lema simane Mengistu
Dawit Mekonnen Sin6 Tadesse
Dawit Mengist Sintayehu Asfaw
Dawit Nega Sintayehu Biruk
Dawit Regassa Yadete Sisay Agena Gole
Dawit Sileshi Sisay Alembo
Dawit Teklegiorgis Sisay Ayele
Dawit Weldemedhin Sisay D
Dawn Albanese Sisay Fekadu
Debash Abebaw Sisay Gebre
Debebe Gebreyohannes Sisay Mekonnen
Debela kebede Sisay S
Degemu Shertaga Sisay Tefera
Degneh Woldesemayat Sisay Tsegaye
Degsera Emagnaw Sisay Wagnew
Degsera Girmaw Siyane Aniley
Degu Worku Siyoum Enkubahiri
Dejach Wube Sofonias Tamirat
Dejen Bisrat Sol Aba
Dejene Deriba Solomon Alemayehu
Demeke Argaw solomon Aneme
Demeke Bidhaw Solomon Bassore
Demere Sahlu Solomon Belay
Demesachew Workneh Solomon Cloud
Demesew Tekle Solomon Damtew
Demewez Haile Solomon Degefe
Demis Tamiru Solomon Desta
Demisew Teferi Solomon Erba
Derbew Felasman Solomon Getahun
Derbew Shume Solomon Kassa
Dereje Aman Muktar Solomon Legesse
Dereje Asress Solomon Michael
Dereje Bekele Solomon Shiferaw
Dereje Delkaso Solomon Simachaw
Dereje Eshete Solomon Tarfasa
Dereje Gebreegziabher Solomon Tesema
Dereje Gerbaba Solomon Tsegaye
Dereje Mengistu Solomon Yemane
Dereje Negatu Solomon Yirga
Dereje Tekele Soresa Belay
Derrese Bezzawork Sosina Tekle
Desalegn Abera Suf Abdo
Desalegn Damtew Surafel Abebaw
Desalegn Ejigu Surafel Fitsumsew
Desalegn Hailu Surafel Lakew
Desalegn Sisay Surafel Tadesse
Desalegn Tsegaw Hibstu Surafel Teklu
Dessale Timkete Surafel Terefe
Dessalegne Achenef Surafel Tilahun
Dessiew Abunie Surafel Worku
Desta Wossenie Suzanne Nathans
Dibora Samson Tad De
Dibora Samson Tadael Abyssinia
Dimamu T Tadele Daniel
Dina Aragaw Tadele Getachew
Dinkie Tesems Tadele Mesfin
Dr Binyam Berhanu Tadele Sisay
Dr. Aklilu Assefa Gebremichail Tadesse Alemu
Dr. Melaku Teshome Tadesse Angaw
Dugomsa Roba Tadesse Kahessay
Durry Omer Tadesse Mechessa
Dustin White Tadesse Mekonnen Zekeke
Easter Esau Tadesse Mengistu
Eden Begna Gobena Tadesse Odda
Eden Elias Tadesse Tadege
Eden Fentaw Tadesse Woldegiorgis
Eden Gelan Tadesse Zeleke
Eden Getachew Tadewos Kiltu
Eden Kebede Tadilo Yazie
Eden W Tadios Alemayehu
Edmealem Abte Tagel Eshete
Edom Kassaye Takele Wondimkun
Edosa Tamene Talew Gualu
Efrem Yemane-Brehan tameru tesema
Efriem Desalew Gebie Tameru Zegeye
Ehin Nock Tamesgan Regasa
Eidmon Tesfaye Tamirat Abera
EJARA Mesay Tamirat Garedew
Ekram Mohammed Tamirat Semia
El G Tamirat Seyoum
EL RHDIOUI Rachida Tamiru Aynekulu
Elais Fikadu Tamiru Woldemichael
Eleni Oda Tamrat Alemu
eleni Zewdu Tarekegn Tesfaw Alemu
Elias Adgo Tarekegn Wolde
Elias Eshetu Tariku Abewa
Elias G Tariku Bereket
Elias Hizkiel Tariku Bokila
Elias Kassaye Tariku Geleta
Elias Melese Tatek Ayalew
Elias Meseret Tatek Mame
Elias Neway Tayue Kebede
Elias Shamil Tazebachew Asifaw
Elias Worku Techalew Shimelis
Elio Kebe Tecle Zerihoun
Elisa Telahun Teddy Wolde
Eliyas Awel Tedie Arsicho
Elizabeth Kiflay Tedla Asfaw
Emanuel Haile Tefera Addisu
Emishaw Tekola Tefera Gezaw
emmanouela megkistou Teferi Cherinet
Emnet Asrat Tegegn Chernet
Emnet Kassa Tegenu Belayineh
Endale Debela Tekabe Asfaw
Endale Erko Kenea Tekelil Terega
Endalk Sisay Tekeste Dejene
Endalkachew Kebede Teketel Dollebo
Endalkachew Moges Tessema Tekle G
Endallachew Yidenekal Tekle Haile
Endashaw Tesfaye Obse Tekle Terefe
Endaweke Tesfaye Teklebirhan Alemnew
Endi Abebe Teklehaimanot Abera
Endris Mohammed Teklil gizaw
Endris Mohammed Teklu Habte
Eng Dereje Lengisa Temam Kurkura
Engidawork Tessema Temelso Gashaw
Enquhone Alehegn Temesgen Anteneh
Enyew Arkew temesgen janbo
Enyew Temesgen Temesgen Sema
Ephraim Wammi Temesgen Shiferaw
Ephraim Wammu Temesgen Tesfamichael
Ephrem Bereka Temesgen Teshome
Ephrem Brhane Temnite Tefera
Ephrem Engdashet Tenager Mekonnen
Ephrem Hailemariam Tensae Berhane
Ephrem Hailu Teramed Mersea
Ephrem Negash Terefe Gebreyesus
Ephrem Nigussie Terrie Williams
Ephrem Nigussie Terry Waterworth
Ephrem Sedeta Tesete Abebe
Ephrem Sibamo Tesfa Alegn
EPHREM WUBE Tesfa Woldie
EPREM ALEMU Tesfab2 Kebede
Erimias Siraye Tesfamichael Bekele
Ermias Bekele Tesfamichael Makonnen Makonnen
Ermias Belachewu Tesfatsion Gebremariam
Ermias Beyene Tesfaye Alemnew
Ermias Degefa Tesfaye Araya
Ermias Fekade Tesfaye Bedada
Ermias Habtegebriel Tesfaye Bereka
Ermias Kiros Tesfaye Chalew
Ermias Lemma Tesfaye Gebereegzi
Ermias Mergia Tesfaye Gelan
Ermiyas Lema Tesfaye Habtewold
Ermiyas Woldemichael Tesfaye Lulseged
Esayas Assegid Tesfaye Mebratu
Esayas Shiferaw Tesfaye Melaku
Esayas Tizazu Tesfaye Mulu
Eshet Enanaw Tesfaye Tasew
Eshete Woldgeorgies Tesfaye Teka
Eshetu Debash Tesfaye Tesema
EShetu Gessese Tesfaye Yenealem
Eskedar Kifle Tesfayesus Alemayehu
Eskedar Mellese Teshager AL
Eskinder Assefa Teshager Workneh
Eskinder Gizaw Teshome adebabai
Esrael Woldeeyesus Mohammed Teshome adebabai
Esu balew Teshome Albene
Esubalew Abreham Teshome M Borago
Esubalew Tiruneh Teshome Mekonnen
Ethiopia Tikdem Teshome Negassa
Etse-Hiwot Girma Teshome Tefera
Eyasu Anbessie Tess Admasu
Eyasu Chakle Tessema Belay
Eyasu Damtew Tessema Getahun
Eyasu Petros Tessema Mengistu
Eyasu Telayneh Tewdros Matebe
Eyerusalem Grimes Tewelgn Kebede
Eyo Zewdu Tewodros Alemu
Eyob Balcha Tewodros Bayu
Eyob Balcha TEWODROS Endeshaw
Eyob Fetanu Tewodros Kassahun
Eyob Messafint Hailemariam Tewodros Kifleyohans
Eyob Tehome Tewodros Sibhatu
Eyob woldmariam Tewodros taddese
Eyob Zewde Tewodros Tadesse
Eyoel Tesfaye Tewodros Wakjira
Eyoel Yemanaberhan Tewodrose Negani
Eyosiyas Teka Tez Alex
Eyuel Begashaw Tezi Admasu
Ezkiel Kirubel Theodros Feleke
Fan Add Thomas Gebre
Fanfan Antant Thomas Haile
Fanos Tsegaye Thomas Tessema
Fantaye Chemir Tibeb Abate
Fanuel Griffith Tibebe Samuel
Fanuel Muluneh Tibebu Frew
Fasika Abera Tibebu Hailu
Fasika Asrat Tibebu Mekuria Degu
fasika demissie Tigabu Hirpa
Fasika Temesgen Tigist Jima
Fasil Debsu Tigist Shewarega Hussen
Fasil Fetene Tigist Tizazu
Fasil Kinde Tigistu Abza
Fasil Teshager Tigistu Abza
Fasil Tezera Tigistu Yemane
Fasilo Dew Tihitna Solomon
Fatima Tabit Tilahun Gulilat
Fatuma Besher Tilahun Tefera
Fedhassa Hundessa Tilahun Zewdie
Fekade Yalew Tirsit Tefera
Fekadu Bekele Tiruneh Debena
Fekadu Zeberie Tiruneh Getachew
Feleke Woldemariam Tiruneh Habite
Ferework Fuje Titus Ofei
Ferwoiyne Giday Tofik Kedir
Fetene Gizaw Tofik Siraj
Fetle Tilhuen Tomas Seyoum
Feven Tigistu Tseday Yitayew
Fevene Markos Tsedeke Tesfa
Fifi Birhane Tsegaw Legesse
Fight hatred And racism Tsegaye Ararssa
Fikadu Woldemariam Macho Tsegaye Geremew
Fikeret Semma Tsegaye Gizaw
Fikir Ayalew Tsegaye Mekonnen
FikreLemma Daniel Tsegaye Milkiyas
Fikru Gebremedhin Tsegaye Misikir
Filimon Yohannes Tsegereda Denberu
Firew Nigatu Tsehay Hagos
fisiha wondmneh Tsehay Yinesu
Fisum Yared Tsehaye Kidanemariam
Fitsum Adalo tsemere desta
Fitsum Babaro Tsigereda Tafesse
Fitsum Babaro Tsinat Tegegne
Fitsum Babaro Tsinatkeab Hailu
Fitsum Behailu Tsion Estifanos
Fitsum Deginetu Tsion Sahle
Fitsum Getachew Ujulu Tesso Benti
Fitsum Melaku vladimiro Mascaro
Fitsum Mengesha Walelign Gebreyesus
Fitsum Seyoum Walelign Tedla
Fitsum T Warda Rose
Fitsum Tegegn Wasihun Aragie
Fitsum Tigabu Wasihun Teshager
Freab Demissie Wasse Arega
Freadam Shenkute Wasu Manaeko
Frew Abebe Wendesen Tesema
Frew Gebreab Wendo Gennet
Frezer Dessu Wendossen Zeleke
Frezer Teferi Wengelawit Erku
Frezer Worku Wibrist Gebremariam
GADA Beyene William Aklilu
Gaddissa Shemeles Wobshet Abebe
Gandi Tessema Wogayehu Gebreselassie
Garu Lolo Woldegiorgis Berhanu
Gashaw Tenna Alemu wondesen tesfaye
GAshu Abera Wondimeneh Adinew
Gebreala Gebri Wondimeneh Adinew
Gebrehiwot Mekonnen Wondimianeh Man
Gebreziher Alemseged Wondwesen Meshesha
Gedion Alemu Wondwessen Chaka
Gedion Moges Wondwosen Negash
Gedle Ferede Wondwossen Assefa
Geleela Belete Wondwossen Rezene
Gelila Aklilu Wonfwossen Sisay
Gelila Aklilu Wongel Abebe
Gemechu Olana Woredewold Ferede
Genet Areda Woresh ENyew
Genet Mekuria Work Ged
George Kassa Workineh Ayenew
Germa Alem Workneh B C
Getachew Abegaz Workneh Desta
Getachew Aberra Worku Birhanu
Getachew Asnake worku zewdu
Getachew Berhanie Woube Wondirad
Getachew Demeke Wubayhu Desta
getachew hailu Wubengeda Yilma
Getachew Milajo Wubeshet Tiruneh
Getachew Temare Wubshet Asnake
Getachew Tilahun Wuhib Bayou
Getachew Zewdu Yabo B
Getahun Desalegn Yabtsega Birhanu
Getahun Fekadu Yabtsega Birhanu
Getahun Haile Yacob Niguse
Getahun Kukore Yacob Seny
Getaneh Admasu yahkeen Meysh, Doctor
Getasew A Yakob Woldeyesus
Getaye Simachew Yalemtarik Shimeles
Getenesh Mekuria Yalew Kebede
Getenet Legesse Yared Adamu
Getnet Befekadu Yared Dessalk
Getnet Dereje Yared Dinegdae
Getnet Getaneh Yared Getachew
Getnet Tesfa Yared Getnet
Gezahegn Mekonnen Demissie Yared Hassene
Ghetnet M. Woldegiorgis Yared Kebede
Gina Helfrich Yared Mulugeta
Girma Beshah Yared Mulugeta
Girma Bruck Yared Nigusie
Girma Emissa Yared Wolde
Girma Gizaw Yared Yeshiwas
Girma Kebebew Yaregal Melak
Girma Mezemir Yargal Worku
Girma Moges Yayeh Ayele
Girma Tsegaye Yayneabeba Argaw
Girmachew Bezabih Yegzeru Samson
Girum Haile Wordofa Yehenew Demmelash
Girum Wolde Yehualashet Hillemicheal
Gizachew Ayka Yehualashet Tekle
Gizachew girma Yemane Haile
gizachew hailu Yemariam Kassa
Gizaw Wolde Yemesrach Ameyu
Gobena Merga Yemesrach Fereja
Goitom Yemane Yene Dessalegn
Gole Andrew Yeneakal Regassa
Grum Gebreyesus yesewzer akele
Gutema Lemesa Yeshareg Abebe
Habiba Abdo Yeshareg Zewedie
Habtamu Alemayehu Yeshimebet Belayneh
Habtamu Alemu Yewlsow Ferede
Habtamu Alemu Yhalashet Woldesilassie
Habtamu Getahun Yhenew Addis
Habtamu Hailemariam yhenew Andargie
Habtamu Kasim Yibeltal Bayou
habtamu Ketsela Yibeltal Wagaw
Habtamu Molla Tikye Yidne Wondimu
Habtamu Tafese Yidneckachew Zikargiw
Habtamu Tamir Yidnekachew Ayele
Habtamu Taye Yidnekachew Tilahun
Habtamu Tesfaw Yigermal Demissie
Habtamu Tesfaye Yihenew Birhan
Habtamu TOlossa Yihun Shewalem
Habtamu Worku YIkeber YImesgen
Habtamu Zerihun Yilma Habte
Habte W/Mariam Yime Berta
Habte Waktola Yimer Assen
Habtish Men Yinebir Shimelis
Haddis Tafese Yishagerew Yitaih
Hadera Gebru Yishak Girma
Hadi Yasin Yishak Yared
Hadra Ahmed Yitagesu Belayhun
Haile Andargie Yitagesu Getenet
Haile Asegid Yitea Getahun
Haile Beyene Yitebareke Shamena
Haile Konchi Yn Wt
Haile Tarekegn Yohanes Molla
Hailegabriel Guta Yohanis Getnet
Hailegiorgis Menker Yohannes Abegaz
Hailemariam Bekele Yohannes Admasu
Hailemariam Tedla Yohannes Asfaw
Hailemariam Yehuala Yohannes B.
Hailemichael Ayele Yohannes Bayu
Haileyesus Zewdee Yohannes Bogale
Hailu Alemaw Yohannes Debebe wube
Hailu Dejen Yohannes Eneyew
Hailu Shekur Yohannes Gizaw
Haimanot Tesfaye Yohannes Gocho
Halima Hassen Yohannes Habte
Hamelmal Kaleab Yohannes Mesfin
Hamelmal Negewo Yohannes Minas
Hana Shiferaw Yohannes Tadesse
Hanna G. Tessema yohannes Tariku
Hanna Kassa Yohannes Teku
Hanna Mekonnen Tiezazu YOHANNES TILAHUN
Hanna Tilahun Yohannes Tsige
Hanna Yesuf Yohannes Zerfu
Hannival Getachew Yohannes Zewudie
Harun Aman Yohannis Damie
Hashim Nesru yohanse Tegegne
Hassan Idris Yonas Alemayehu
Hassen Mudesir Yonas Assefa
Hassen Mudesir Yonas Bedada
Hawi K Yonas Belay
Hayat Ali Yonas Deriba
Haylat T Yonas Duressa
Haymanot Astatke Yonas Eshetie
Haymanot Keskes Yonas Fikre
Haymanot Tamrart Yonas Getachew
Haymi Ayal Yonas Gmeskele
Helagenet Tesfaye Yonas Haile
Helagenet Tesfaye yonas m
Helen Girma yonas maru
Helen Parker Yonas Men
Helen Tadese Yonas Seketa
Helen Yosef Hailu Yonas Tesfaye
Helena Kelkai Yonas Wakbulcho
Helina Figo Yonas ZELEKE
Helina Neguse Yonase Mamo
Helinna Ayalew Yonatan Estifanos
Hemen Aklilu Yonathan Ekubemichale
Henock Fantahun Yoni Takie
henok Asefa Yontan Mulualem
Henok Asfaw Yordanos Shiferaw
Henok Assefa Yordanosse Legesse
Henok Bogale Yos Tek
henok debebe Yosef Mohammed
Henok Desta Yosef Tadesse
Henok Gebre Yosef Tesfaye
Henok Getachew Yoseph Abay
Henok Gidebo Yoseph Fiseha
Henok Kefelegn Yoseph Mekonnen
Henok Kibret Yoseph Tessema
Henok Mulugeta Yoseph Zecharias
Henok Nigussie Youhannes Gebre
Henok Tsegaye Ysmashewa Tefera
Henok Walle Yuliya Gudeta
Henok Wolde Z T
Henok.. Zegeye Zack Gizaw
Henos Kassa Zak Abebe
Hilina Belete Zebeaman Mezgebe
Hilina Legesse Zedagim Abebe
Hilina Legesse Zedo Ayele
Hiwot Abebe Zegeye Firdu
Hiwot Haile Zelalem Berihun
Hiwot Mesfin Zelalem Demelash
Hiwot Sintayehu Zelalem Dessie
Hiwot Wolde Adebo Zelalem Endeshaw
Hols Gudo zelalem Hailu
Huzeyf Taha Zelalem Tadesse Meteku
Ibrahim Abdulkerim Zelalem Tamrat
Ibrahim Murad Zelalem Tsegaye
Ibsa Dharraa Zemen Workneh
Ifa senbato Zemene Tewodros
Zemenu Birhan
Zena Gebriel
Zenebe Adnew
Zenebe Ageru Yilma
Zenebe Beyene
Zeol De
Zerihun Endale
Zerihun Sisay
Zerihun Woldesenbet
Zerihun Yohannes
Zeryihun Kassa
zewdachin shang
Zewdu Mengesha
Zinet Yimer Mohammad
አለን እስካለን